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CCTL White Paper Series

Brief descriptions of the sponsored research in the Crowley Center of Transportation and Logistics

Dag Näslund and Joakim Kembro

Lessons from the supply chain crisis: Reasons and potential solutions to improve future SC resilience


Näslund and Kembro seek to understand the supply chain crisis, more specifically the reasons the supply chain has broken down during the COVID 19 pandemic. Additionally, by understanding the current state, it will help identify gaps in existing assumptions and potential solutions to improve future supply chain resilience.

Their expecting findings are 1) to understand the effect that government actions and consumer demand changes have had on the supply chain crisis, and 2) to understand how poor supply chain resilience and opportunistic behavior of companies have influenced the crisis, and 3) the crisis may lead to shifts in focus, approach and behavior of companies, resulting in a “pendulum shift” in several SC areas, from strategy to process management and information handling.

To learn more, read about Lessons from the supply chain crisis.

Sharon Cobb

The Geography of Talent and potential development


Cobb’s goal is to use spatial analysis to discover patterns of advanced manufacturing and related advanced service activities in Northeast Florida and to analyze the resulting Economic Development Strategies for the region.

Cobb’s expecting findings are to see the Advanced Manufacturing sector broaden and deepen. Furthermore, she expects to see synergies between Advanced Manufacturing firms and Advanced Service firms increase as economic development of the region become more sophisticated and demonstrate the efficiencies and savings of Agglomeration Economies and the creation of local ‘buzz’.

To learn more, read about The Geography of Talent and potential development.

Nathan Kunz

Autonomous trucking, an opportunity to improve the sustainability of the logistics industry


Dr. Kunz is involved in two initiatives with Crowley. In the first one, he is responsible for the education and research efforts in a large government proposal. In this role, he coordinates a network of academic partners across the world. In the second project, Dr. Kunz is part of a Crowley innovation team which studies the possible deployment of a new technology in the field of transportation. In both projects, Dr. Kunz contributes to Crowley’s efforts with his research and expertise on humanitarian logistics and sustainability.