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Coggin College of Business
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  1. Duan, Y., Hofer, C., & Aloysius, J. A. (2021). Consumers care and firms should too: On the benefits of disclosing supplier monitoring activities. Journal of Operations Management, 67(3), 360-381.
  2. Kougkoulos, I., Cakir, M. S., Kunz, N., Boyd, D. S., Trautrims, A., Hatzinikolaou, K., & Gold, S. (2021). A multi‐method approach to prioritize locations of labor exploitation for ground‐based interventions. Production and Operations Management, 30(12), 4396-4411.
  3. Swanson, D., & Santamaria, L. (2021). Pandemic supply chain research: A structured literature review and bibliometric network analysis. Logistics, 5(1), 7.
  4. Swanson, D., & Suzuki, Y. (2021). The diamond anniversary: Sixty years of transportation, logistics, and supply chain research. Transportation Journal, 60(1), 1-19.
  1. Anjomshoae, A., Banomyong, R., Mohammed, F., & Kunz, N. (2022). A systematic review of humanitarian supply chains performance measurement literature from 2007 to 2021. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 72, 102852.
  2. Duan, Y., Aloysius, J. A., & Mollenkopf, D. A. (2022). Communicating supply chain sustainability: transparency and framing effects. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 52(1), 68-87.
  3. Swanson, D., Jin, Y. “, & Ashenbaum, B. (2022). How much did that cost? A call for improved transportation cost transparency. Transportation Journal, 61(4), 315-330.
  1. Anjomshoae, A., Banomyong, R., Hossein Azadnia, A., Kunz, N., & Blome, C. (2023). Sustainable humanitarian supply chains: a systematic literature review and research propositions. Production Planning & Control, , 1-21.
  2. Beltagui, A., Gold, S., Kunz, N., & Reiner, G. (2023). Rethinking operations and supply chain management in light of the 3D printing revolution. International Journal of Production Economics, 255, 108677.
  3. Gajdić, D., Kotzab, H., & Petljak, K. (2023). Collaboration, trust and performance in agri-food supply chains: a bibliometric analysis. British Food Journal, 125(2), 752-778.
  4. Goel, L., Russell, D., Williamson, S., & Zhang, J. Z. (2023). Information systems security resilience as a dynamic capability. Journal of Enterprise Information Management, 36(4), 906-924.
  5. Jin, Y. “, Swanson, D., & Ashenbaum, B. (2023). Collaboration in publication: can we practice what we preach? Transportation Journal, 62(1), 1-15.
  6. Kotzab, H., Bäumler, I., & Gerken, P. (2023a). The big picture on supply chain integration–insights from a bibliometric analysis. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 28(1), 25-54.
  7. Kotzab, H., Brusset, X., & Petljak, K. (2023b). Guest editorial: The new age of retailing: rethink, reconnect, revive. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 51(9/10), 1061-1064.
  8. Kunz, N., Chesney, T., Trautrims, A., & Gold, S. (2023). Adoption and transferability of joint interventions to fight modern slavery in food supply chains. International Journal of Production Economics, 258, 108809.
  9. Seifert, L., Kunz, N., & Gold, S. (2023). Sustainable innovations for humanitarian operations in refugee camps. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 43(10), 1554-1586.
  10. Shahzad, A., bin Zakaria, M. S. A., Kotzab, H., Makki, M. A. M., Hussain, A., & Fischer, J. (2023). Adoption of fourth industrial revolution 4.0 among Malaysian small and medium enterprises (SMEs). Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 10(1), 1-14.
  11. Swanson, D., & Jin, Y. “. (2023). The Noble Quest: Navigating Toward Sustainable Transportation. Transportation Journal, 62(3), 249-268.
  12. Zhu, Q., Duan, Y., & Sarkis, J. (2023). Supply chain carbon transparency to consumers via blockchain: does the truth hurt? The International Journal of Logistics Management.


  1. Kembro, J., Kunz, N., Frennesson, L., & Vega, D. (2024). Revisiting the definition of humanitarian logistics. Journal of Business Logistics, 45(2), e12376.
  2. Kotzab, H., Hüseyinoğlu, I. Ö Y., Şen, I., & Mena, C. (2024). Exploring home delivery service attributes: Sustainability versus delivery expectations during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 78, 103769.
  3. Katerbau, T., Schneider, L., Steenbock, L., Kotzab, H., Fischer, J. (2024). Assessing the COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution in Germany. In: Freitag, M., Kinra, A., Kotzab, H., Megow, N. (eds) Dynamics in Logistics. LDIC 2024. Lecture Notes in Logistics. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-56826-8_4
  4. Martin, S., Kotzab, H. (2024). Conceptualizing Humanitarian Logistics and Supply Chain Management. In: Freitag, M., Kinra, A., Kotzab, H., Megow, N. (eds) Dynamics in Logistics. LDIC 2024. Lecture Notes in Logistics. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-56826-8_5