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Silverfield College of Education and Human Services
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Testing Resources

GK Test Prep Books Available at Thomas G. Carpenter Library

九色视频 students and patrons of the 九色视频 Thomas G. Carpenter Library can check out a variety of GK Test Prep books. Follow the steps below to easily check out these to help you prepare for the test. 

  1. Students will need to bring their Osprey1Card with them as they will need it to enter the building as well as to check out the books.
  2. Students can check out two books at a time.
  3. Students will need to ask for the books by call number.

FTCE General Knowledge Test: Call Number 4600
The Ultimate Step by Step Guide (GK Math): Call Number 4601
FTCE General Knowledge Test English Language Skills and Reading: Call Number 4602

Online Tutorials/Note Cards

 (By typing in the name of exam in search box you can access pre-made flashcards to study and use in review games)

FTCE Elementary Education K-6 Subject Area Exam - 

FTCE Elementary Education K-6 Subject Area Exam - 

Resources for specific exams

  • GOH Academy - Math Video Tutorials ()
  • FTCE 
  • FTCE 
  • FTCE 

Study guides for the FTCE exams can also be borrowed from the local public library or purchased through online or local booksellers.

Information about all Florida Teacher Certification Exams can be accessed through the Florida Department of Education.

Note: Please be mindful of the copyright date and be sure to pick up the latest editions as the exams have changed recently.

Florida Teacher Certification Examinations (FTCE)

General Details

The FTCE is composed of three tests:

  1. General Knowledge Exam (GK) 
    1. The required basic skills exam for teacher certification.You can register online at the FTCE web site. The General Knowledge Exam contains four subtests: Mathematics (45 multiple-choice items), Reading (40 multiple-choice, passage-based items), English Language Skills (40 multiple-choice items), and Essay. Official results will be available within 4-6 weeks.
  2. Professional Education Exam (Test PEd) 
    1. Candidates applying for a Professional Certificate need to take the Professional Education Exam. This multiple-choice exam assesses general knowledge of pedagogy and professional practices and consists of approximately 120 items.
  3. Subject Area Exam (Test SAE)
    1. These are exams for degreed academic and some vocational subject areas. These exams measure content area knowledge and pedagogy, usually in a multiple-choice format. Several exams may require an essay component. Candidates applying for a Professional Certificate and those adding a subject area to a Professional Certificate must pass a subject area exam in the field(s) in which they seek certification.
      For online registration for both the FTCE and the FELE please go to 

There are several testing sites in the Greater Jacksonville Area

  • FSCJ (Downtown Campus)
  • Pearson Testing Center located at 8380 Baymeadows Rd. Suite # 11
  • Pearson Testing Center located at 8659 Baypine Rd.

One would need to register online and pay the appropriate fees to Pearson to take any part of the FTCE.

The most current information from the Florida Department of Education/ Bureau of Educator Certification regarding the Florida Teacher Certification Exam can be found on the 

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