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Office of Institutional Effectiveness
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Faculty and Staff Resources

Many resources are available to faculty in the form of paid professional development opportunities, writing assessment support, program- and course-level writing instruction materials.


Interdisciplinary Writing Studies Course Creation Program (IDS1932)

Currently, faculty across the university are invited to apply for the annual spring Interdisciplinary Studies writing course (IDS1932) development seminar. In completing this seminar, faculty outside of English are supported to create a writing-intensive course that operates similarly to ENC1143 (and, starting fall 2024, ENC1102), as an introduction to that faculty’s discipline(s) through exposure to and instruction on various genres, styles, and conventions.

Point of contact: David MacKinnon (david.mackinnon@unf.edu)

IDS1932 + First Year Experience Paired Course Development

Similar to the above opportunity, faculty who develop/teach an IDS1932 can seek out a colleague who offers a General Education course to pair themes and/or content to help students more clearly understand how courses can speak together and position students to relate their various courses across their programs of study, starting with their General Education coursework.

Point of contact: Jennie Ziegler (jennie.ziegler@unf.edu)

Writing Program Course Assessment Development

Whether or not faculty want to create their own writing-intensive, disciplinary course, the Writing Program & Center (WPC) offers support to develop resources to support student writing in their courses and academic programs. From creating and refining writing assignments to parsing out writing-related rubrics and assessment strategies, the WPC works with faculty and departments to create materials and pathways to ensure their students have access to genre- and convention-specific resources.

Point of contact: Farrah Muntz (f.muntz@unf.edu)

Writing Center-based course instruction

Similar to creating course materials and resources, the Writing Program & Center (WPC) offers targeted writing center support. WPC faculty and staff meet with faculty to create specific paths to connect students with the writing center and ensure writing consultations focus on course-specific concerns. Moreover, the writing center is able to develop and facilitate classroom visits focused on writing taking place in that classroom, from first-year writing courses to doctoral-level courses.

Point of contact: Holly Adams (holly.adams@unf.edu

Have Questions?

Interested in learning more? Please contact Linda Howell, Director, Writing Program & Center