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Office of Institutional Effectiveness

Student Achievement at 九色视频

Student achievement is at the core of 九色视频’s mission and vision.

We maintain our focus on student achievement by annually setting goals, collecting data, and using results to inform our decision-making to promote student success.  Our commitment to promoting student achievement is demonstrated through our strategic planning goals, and by taking part in the Florida State University System (FL SUS) Accountability and Work Plan reporting process, which measures 九色视频’s performance in the goals set in the .

The 九色视频 Accountability Reports  are annual reports that closely align with the Board of Governors 2025 System Strategic Plan.

As a public institution in the FL SUS, 九色视频 regularly evaluates its goals and success with respect to student achievement using the criteria and associated key metrics identified below.  九色视频 completes an annual, state-mandated review of these goals and outcomes to gauge progress towards 九色视频 and SUS strategic planning goals. 

Figure 1. First Time in College 4 Year Graduation Rates

For the 2018-2022 cohort, the institutional goal is 50% 4- year graduation rate

 First Time in College 4-Year Graduation Rates graph  information below

Line graph showing the four-year graduation rates for First Time In College Students. The y axis shows percentage of students, and the X-axis shows the graduating Cohort from 2013-2017 to 2017-2021. In 2013-2017, 34.7% of students graduated, in 2014-2018, 38.6% of students graduated. In 2015-2019, 44.6% of students graduated. In 2016-2020 and 2017-2021, 48.3% graduated


Figure 2. Academic Progress Rate: Second Year Retention Rate with at Least a 2.0 for Full-time FTIC students

Our Institutional goal for the Academic Progress Rate for the 2021-2022 cohort is 83%.

2nd Year Retention with 2.0+ GPA

Area filed line graph showing second year retention of students with at least a 2.0 GPA. The Y-axis shows percentages of students with a 2.0 or higher GPA and the X- axis shows the Graduating Cohorts from 2016-2017 to 2020-2021. The percentage of students retained in 2016-2017 was 78.2%. The Percentage of students retained in 2017-2018 was 78.6%. Percentage of students retained in 2018-2019 was 80.7%. Percentage of students retained in 2019-2020 was 81.3 and percentage of students retained in 2020-2021 was 73.9%


Figure 3. First Time in College 6-Year Graduation Rates   (Full and Part-Time Students)

Institutional goal for the First Time in College 6-year Graduation Rates for the 2016-2022 cohort is 63% graduation rate.

 First Time in College 6-Year Graduation Rates graph information below

 A line graph depicting the First Time in College Six Year Graduation Rates. The Y-axis represents Percentages of students that completed college in six years and the X-axis depicts the graduating cohort. In the 2011-2017 Cohort, 56% of students graduated in six years. In 2012-2018, 58% of students graduated in six years. In 2013-2019, 61% of students graduated in six years. In 2014-2020, 60% of students graduated in six years.  In 2015 – 2021, 61% of students graduated in six years.


Figure 4. Bachelor’s Degrees and Graduate Degrees Awarded [First Major Only]

The institutional goal for the 2021-2022 cohort undergraduate degrees conferred will be 3,620 and graduate degrees will be 910.

 Bachelor's and Graduate Degrees Awarded (1st Major) graph information below

This is a horizontal bar chart depicting the Degrees (first major) conferred by Graduating Cohorts, broken up by bachelor’s and Graduate Degrees, from Years 2016-2017 to 2020-2021. In academic cohort 2016-2017, 3,206 bachelor’s degrees and 619 Graduate degrees were conferred. In graduating cohort 2017-2018, 3,231 Undergraduate degrees and 691 graduate degrees were conferred. In Graduating Cohort 2019- 2020 3,419 undergraduate degrees and 839 graduate degrees were conferred. In graduating cohort 2020-2021 3,420 undergraduate degrees and 912 graduate degrees were conferred.


Figure 5. Pell Recipients 4-Year Graduation Rates [For Full-Time FTIC Students]

Our institutional goal for the 2018-2022 cohort is 50% 4-year graduation rate for Pell Grant Recipients.

 Pell Grant Recipients 4-Year Graduation Rates (included graph information below)A line graph showing the Pell Grant Recipients 4-year graduation rates. The y-axis shows the percentages of Pell Grant recipients that complete in 4 years. The -axis show the cohorts from 2013-22=2017 to 2017-2021. The Cohort from 2013-2017 has 35% graduation rate. The 2014-2018 cohort had a 38% graduation rate. The 2015-2019 cohort had a 42% gradation rate. The 2016-2020 cohort had a 49% graduation rate and the 2017-2021 cohort had a 50% graduation rate.


Figure 6. Percentage of Degrees Awarded without Excess Hours

Institutional goal for the 2021-2022 cohort is 83% completion without excess hours.

Percent of Degrees Awarded Without Excess Hours graph information below

 A line graph depicting the percentage of degrees awarded without excess hours. The y-axis shows the percentage of students that graduate without excess hours. The X-axis shows the graduating cohorts. The 2016-2017 cohort graduated with 80% of students completing their degree without excess hours. The 2017-2018 cohort graduated with 83% of students completing their degree without excess hours.The 2018-2019 cohort graduated with 81% of students completing their degree without excess hours. The 2019-2020 cohort graduated 84% of students completing their degree without excess hours. The 2020-2021 cohort graduated 85% of students with no excess hours.


Figure 7. Percentage of Degrees Awarded in STEM and Health: Undergraduate and Graduate Degrees

Our Institutional goals for the 2021-22 goals for undergraduate degrees conferred will be 45% and 44% for graduate degrees.

 Percent of Degrees Awarded in STEM & Health graph information below

A stacked horizontal bar chart depicting the percentage of degrees awarded in STEM and Health focuses. The Y-axis shows the graduating cohort and the x-axis shows the percentage of degrees awarded for graduate and undergraduate degrees in the cohort. The Cohort for the years 2016-2017 had 36% of degrees awarded in STEM and Health for undergraduate degrees and 38% of degrees in graduate degrees awarded. The Cohort for the years 2017-2018 had 35% of degrees awarded in STEM and Health for undergraduate degrees and 37% of degrees in graduate degrees awarded. The Cohort for the years 2018-2019 had 35% of degrees awarded in STEM and Health for undergraduate degrees and 43% of degrees in graduate degrees awarded. The Cohort for the years 2019-2020 had 36% of degrees awarded in STEM and Health for undergraduate degrees and 38% of degrees in graduate degrees awarded. The Cohort for the years 2020-2021 had 46% of degrees awarded in STEM and Health for undergraduate degrees and 44% of degrees in graduate degrees awarded. 


Figure 8. Percentage of Degrees Awarded with Programs of Strategic Emphasis

The institutional Goal for the 2021-2022 cohort of undergraduates is 61% and for graduates is 60%.

 Percent of Degrees Awarded with Programs of Strategic Emphasis graph information below

A horizontal stacked chart depicting the percentage of degrees awarded with programs of strategic emphasis at the graduate and undergraduate levels. The y-axis depicts the graduating cohort years from 2016-2017 to 2020-2021 and the x-axis is depicting the percentage of degrees awarded. The percentage of degrees awarded with programs of strategic emphasis for the graduating cohort of 2016-2017 was 51.7% for undergraduate degrees and 53.6% for graduate degrees. The percentage of degrees awarded with programs of strategic emphasis for the graduating cohort of 2017-2018 was 54.3 for undergraduate degrees and 52.7% for graduate degrees. The percentage of degrees awarded with programs of strategic emphasis for the graduating cohort of 2018-2019 for undergraduate degrees is 57.4% and 54.4% for graduate degrees. The percentage of degrees awarded with programs of strategic emphasis for the graduating cohort of 2019-2020 was 57% for undergraduate degrees and 51.9% for graduate degrees. The percentage of degrees awarded with programs of strategic emphasis for the graduating cohort of 2020-2021 was 66.5% for undergraduate degrees and 57.8% for graduate degrees.


Figure 9. Percentage of Undergraduate Degrees Awarded to African-American and Hispanic Students

Institutional goal for the 2021-2022 cohort is 22% of degrees to be awarded to African-American and Hispanic Students.

Percentage of Degrees Awarded to African-American and Hispanic Students graph information below

 A vertical bar chart depicting the percentage of Degrees awarded to African-American And Hispanic Students. The Y-axis depicts the percentage of degrees awarded to students that identify as African-American and Hispanic. The x-axis depicts the graduating cohorts from 2016-2017 to 2020-2021. The percentage of students that obtained a degree with this identity in 2016-2017 was 19%. The percentage of students that obtained a degree with this identity in 2017-2018 and 2018-2019 was 20%. The percentage of students that obtained a degree with this identity in 2019-2020 was 21% and in 2020-2021 was 23%. 


Figure 10. Percentage of Bachelor's Graduates Engaged in Internships 

Institutional Goal for the 2021-2022 cohort is 51% of students have engaged in internships before they graduate.

 Percentage of Bachelor's Graduates Engaged in Internships graph information below

A line graph depicting the Percentage of Bachelor’s Graduates Engaged in Internships. The y-axis depicts percentages and the x-axis depicts the graduating cohorts from 2016-2017 to 2020-2021. 50% of students in the 2016-2017 and 2017-2018 cohort participated in internships. 46% of students in the 2018-2019 and 2019-2020 cohorts participated in internships. And 50% of the 2020-2021 cohort participated in internships.


Figure 11: Percentage of Bachelor’s Graduates Enrolled or Employed & Median Wages of Graduates Employed

The Institutional Goal for the 2021-22 cohort is 67% enrolled or employed and a median salary of $41,920.

Percentage of Bachelor's Graduates Enrolled or Employed (+$30,000) & Median Wages of Graduates Employed graph information below

This is a mixed vertical bar chart and line chart depicting the percent of Bachelor’s graduates enrolled or employed ($30,000+) and the Median Wages of Graduates employed. The y axis is percentages of graduates enrolled of employed and the x-axis is graduating cohorts from 2017-2018 to 2019-2020. The Bar graph for 2017-2018 depicts the median wages for the graduating cohort being $40,000 and the line graph shows the percentage of students employed or enrolled for that year being 64.6%. For the 2018-2019 cohort, the median wages is $41,000.00 and the percentage enrolled or employed is 67%. For the 2019-2020 Cohort the median wage is $42,900.00 and the percentage employed is 65.6%.


Figure 12:  Enrollment of First Time in College Degree Seeking Freshman Disaggregated by Gender

Enrollment of First Time In College Degree Seeking Freshman graph information below

A line graph that shows the Enrollment of First Time in College Freshman that are seeking a degree, disaggregated by gender. The y-axis shows the number of students enrolled and the x-axis shows the incoming cohort from 2017-2018 to 2021-2022. The cohort of 2017-2018 had 879 male students and 1,281 female students. The Cohort of 2018-2019 had 961 male students and 1,370 female students. The 2019-2020 cohort had 976 male and 1,482 female students. The 2021-2022 cohort had 985 male students and 1,439 female students.


Student Achievement Measure logo

The Student Achievement Measure (SAM) provides a comprehensive picture of students' progress to earning a college degree. SAM tracks student movement across postsecondary institutions to provide a comprehensive picture of undergraduate student progress and completion within the U.S. higher education system.

 SAM information.