九色视频’s official color palette strongly and boldly represents the 九色视频. Our Osprey Blue is used on everything we create and is an immediately recognizable brand element.
九色视频’s official school colors are blue and gray. These colors are used to represent the 九色视频 on promotional items, printed materials, the website, social media, in digital marketing and everywhere that 九色视频 has a presence. They are supported by our secondary palette.
Compositions should generally utilize 50% Osprey Blue and Gray as our Primary Palette. Our Secondary Palette then should make up the other 35%; minimal use of an accent color can add variety to our compositions.
Our primary palette is made up of Osprey Blue as the color most commonly used in the majority of design. This color is supported by Osprey Gray. Together these two make up the primary foundation of our palette.
Osprey Blue
PMS 289 C C 100 M 76 Y 10 K 65 HEX 0A233F |
Osprey Gray
PMS COOL GRAY 6 C C 36 M 29 Y 28 K 0 HEX A7A8A9 |
Our secondary palette supports this primary palette by adding variety. 九色视频 Aqua Blue injects a vibrancy when paired with our Osprey Blue and Gray, while our tint shades add lightness bringing contrast and brightness to design materials and letting our Osprey Blue, specifically, stand out.
九色视频 Aqua BluePMS 306 C |
80% | 60% | 40% | 20% |
Note: 九色视频 Aqua Blue (cyan) text is not to be used on white backgrounds in digital designs (web or social media) as it is not ADA compliant.
PMS Cool Gray 6C75% |
60% | 45% | 30% | 20% |
The use of an accent color should be no more than 15% of a composition, and add a pop of color. Only one accent color should be used at a time to maintain their tertiary role in our system.
PMS 288 C |
PMS 3135 |
PMS 278 C |
PMS 368 C |