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Silverfield College of Education and Human Services
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Elementary STEM Education Graduate Certificate

A 15-credit certificate in elementary STEM education designed for elementary teachers throughout Northeast Florida. The purpose of the certificate is to enable elementary teachers to effectively integrate all the STEM disciplines as well as computational thinking. A unique feature of the certificate is the inclusion of creativity and innovation. This is important because quality STEM education can help foster creativity and innovation, both of which are important 21st century skills. Of note, this certificate can be used as a concentration in an M.Ed. program in elementary education.

Quality STEM instruction at the elementary level leverages children’s natural curiosity about the world. There is evidence that students who are interested in STEM prior to middle school are more likely to major in a STEM field in college. This certificate will equip elementary school teachers with the content and pedagogical knowledge and skills to use a project-based learning approach to engage their students in authentic STEM lessons. 

Graduate School Program Overview

Elementary STEM Education Course Catalog