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Office of Institutional Effectiveness

Choral Conducting Certificate

Certificate Description   

The choral conducting program prepares students for careers across the full spectrum of the choral field by helping them build and refine the core skills required of a conductor and further develop their individual musical voice. Students in the graduate choral conducting program are immersed in a hands-on, individually focused conducting experience stressing forward-thinking research in technique and pedagogy.

Courses in this program require departmental permission for registration. Undergraduate students must get permission from the Director of the School of Music to register for graduate- level courses.

Student Learning Outcomes 

Students who complete the certificate will be able to: 

  • Implement effective analytical and interpretative skills in music theory, musicology, or performance practice
  • Analyze music scores in a variety of styles for a variety of ensembles (e.g., chamber orchestra, chorus)
  • Design concert programs commensurate with the skill level, size, and composition of a vocal ensemble
  • Apply orchestration techniques to score preparation, rehearsal, and performance 
  • Evaluate repertoire for various types and levels of choirs and prepare a repertoire file
  • Implement appropriate methods for library-based musical research and scholarly writing, and a facility in handling print and technology sources