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Human Resources

Leave Payouts

Annual Leave

Leave payout for annual leave will occur under the following circumstances:

  • A 12-month faculty moves into a nine-month faculty line.
  • A budgeted employee moves into a non-budgeted position.
  • An employee enters into the Deferred Retirement Option Program (DROP) and elect a leave payout.
  • An employee separates from employment with the University with a remaining annual leave balance.*

The maximum annual leave payout amounts are as follows:

  • Faculty and administrative: 352 hours
  • Support staff: 240 hours

*If reemployed by the University within 60 days, any annual leave paid at time of separation may be restored upon repayment.

Compensatory Leave

Leave payout for compensatory leave will occur under the following circumstances:

  • An employee separates from employment with the University with a remaining compensatory leave balance.
  • An employee is transferred to a different department.
  • An employee is promoted into an exempt position.
  • An employee requests compensatory leave payout.
  • An employee's compensatory leave balance is higher than the maximum amount allowed, per the collective bargaining agreement, at the end of the fiscal year.*

*Only the amount in excess of the maximum compensatory leave balance will be paid to the employee.

Sick Leave

Leave payout for sick leave will occur under the following circumstances:

  • An employee who has accrued at least 10 years of service working for the state of Florida separates from employment with the University with a remaining sick leave balance. Only one-fourth of the employee's sick leave balance, up to a maximum of 480 hours may be paid out.