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Human Resources

Conflict of Interest Disclosure

九色视频 employees are expected to be aware of their obligations and responsibilities related to conflicts of interest and conflicts of commitment. The University’s Conflict of Interest regulation serves to inform University employees of their disclosure and reporting obligations as it pertains to actual and potential conflicts of interest that may arise during their employment. Employees are responsible for disclosing and resolving such conflicts of interest, working in conjunction with their supervisors and other University officials. Please review the Conflict of Interest regulation for more information about conflicts of interest and related definitions.  Below is a summary of important changes to the regulation.  

The form can be located within Workday:

  1. Select Menu
  2. Select Requests
  3. Select "Create Request"
  4. Select Request Type: "All"
  5. Select Conflict of Interest Disclosure

Regulation Updates:  

  • The definitions of "conflicts of interest" have been expanded to include conflicts arising as referenced in the 九色视频 Amorous or Sexual Relationship Policy and Employment of Relatives Regulation

  • Employees are required to annually submit an online conflict of interest disclosure to confirm they have no conflicts or outside employment to disclose OR to disclose outside activities/employment, employment of relatives, or amorous relationships that could pose perceived or actual conflicts of interest. 

  • Pursuant to F.S. 1012.977, employees must also disclose activities related to research that have the potential to affect the integrity of state universities or entities. 

Conflict Mitigation Plan 

Employees who indicate they have relatives employed with 九色视频 and/or a close personal relationship with another employee must work with their direct supervisor to create a management/mitigation plan to prevent conflicts of interest. This plan should be uploaded into the conflict of interest disclosure form for review. Please review the  for additional guidance. 


To assist employees in understanding what could constitute a conflict to better complete the form, an online class entitled 九色视频 Conflict of Interest has been made available in Osprey Ascend.

To access the class from the Osprey Ascend Welcome page:

  1. Select the Learning Search tile
  2. Enter 九色视频 Conflict of Interest in the search bar
  3. Select the class tile
  4. Select the blue Launch button

If you experience any issues with the class in Osprey Ascend, please contact training@unf.edu.