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Digital Humanities Institute

Building a Digital Archive of Haitian Folktales within the Haitian Diaspora

“Building a Digital Archive of Haitian Folktales within the Haitian Diaspora” is a community-based project that centers around preserving the oral cultural heritage of Haitian immigrants. The project focuses on collecting folktales from Haitian communities in regions such as Jacksonville, Miami, New York, Boston and Montreal. The project, then, endeavors to link these diasporic communities through the sustenance of oral traditions. The aim is to create an oral archive of Haitian folktales that will be available for  future generations and scholars.


Marie Larose headshotFaculty Project Leader

Dr. Marie Larose is an assistant professor in the Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures and Africana Studies. Her research focuses on 20th and 21st century Francophone literature specifically from France, the Caribbean and Mauritius. Her work applies theories from gender, postcolonial, Black, disability, psychoanalytic, popular culture, and literary critical studies to explore the intricate links between violence and genealogy in the works of female writers, including Marie NDiaye, Kettly Mars, Marie Vieux-Chauvet, Ken Bugul, Marie-Célie Agnant, and Ananda Devi.