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Digital Humanities Institute

Minor in Digital Humanities

Students and Faculty at DHI ShowcaseProfessor discussing research for Showcase















For whom is the minor in Digital Humanities?

  1. Students majoring in traditional humanities fields like English, History, and Philosophy who also have an interest in learning how to build websites or code or use digital tools to supplement their scholarship.
  2. Students interested in doing graduate work in specialized Digital Humanities or Information Science or Media Studies programs.
  3. Students who want professional experience using online platforms to bring humanistic materials to wider audiences.
  4. Students majoring in software engineering or computer science who want to reflect on the aesthetics of their projects and the wider cultural contexts that frame their work.
  5. Students who wish to work alongside an exciting and growing group of 九色视频 faculty to conceive and implement long-term digital projects. (To see some current projects, visit Projects.)

Featured Courses: Spring 2024

For every semester, we publish a list of courses that count toward the minor in Digital Humanities. Additional regular or special topics courses may be validated as electives for the minor, by approval. Please email the current DHI Director for more information. 

ANT4620 Language, Culture, and Society

This course examines how individuals create and perform their social identities through and in response to language. As a final project, students will craft a Digital Story in stages to connect an aspect of their identities to a concept from the course.

ANT4931 People and Cultures of South Asia

This course asks students to explore aspects of anthropological study in the region of South Asia. Digital Humanities methods are included in a final project where students are asked to create Digital Story to connect a topic or aspect about South Asia to a concept from class materials in narrative exposition.

ANT4020 Humans, Animals and Culture

Are you fascinated by animal behavior, the human-animal bond, or how people came to domesticate many animals around the world? This course will explore interactions between humans and animals by using an anthropological perspective. We will examine how humans are entwined with other animals through social, economic and ideological systems. Students will research animal roles in different cultures over time. They will analyze and share their findings through digital story maps in ArcGIS.

ENC3250 Professional Communications (Sindelar)

This introductory course on Professional Communications is designed for students across all majors. In this course, students will analyze and compose a variety of texts, including a short augmented reality experience.

ENC4260 Applied Technical Communication

This course teaches the fundamentals of technical communications and how to apply them to special topics. In particular, students will be researching embodied environmental risk and creating a digital product to educate chosen public audiences.

FIL4379 Advanced Documentary Production

Students are expected to have taken Documentary Production in a fall semester, or otherwise have permission from Dr. Jillian Smith. (If this course appeals to you plan on taking the two-course sequence through fall and spring in the futuremeeting days and times will remain the same). This class will lay the foundation for the art of documentary by understanding and practicing documentary style and technique. Practicing a range of documentary styles and narratives will open students to the creative possibilities of documentary film, and thorough technical competency will enable them to be realized.

FOT3931 (FC) Latin American Digital Humanities

This course explores intersections between technology and culture in the study of Latin America today. We analyze digital projects based throughout the region that examine the conflicts, tensions, and transformations that have defined Latin America from 1492 to the present. The language of instruction is English.

SPN2201 Spanish Intermediate II

SPN2201 advances intermediate-level language skills, emphasizing speaking, listening, reading, and writing. Students will develop multimodal literacy by annotating 3D objects and virtual reality environments.

SPN3242 Spanish Conversation

This intermediate-level course focuses on enhancing conversational skills in Spanish through directed topics. Students will analyze texts in Spanish using digital text analysis to discuss vocabulary context and create multimodal digital stories using Scalar.

SPN3300 Composition in Spanish

This course enhances students' writing abilities and comprehension of the complexities of the Spanish language. Through digital humanities tools (statistical analysis of texts), texts are adapted for people with reading difficulties using the Easy-to-Read criteria. 

  • Fall 2023

    COM4561 Strategic Social Media 

    COP2220 Introduction to Visual and Procedural Programming

    COP3503 Programming II

    DIG3176 Introduction to Digital Humanities

    DIG4944 Digital Humanities Internship

    FIL3363 Documentary Production

    FIL4361 Documentary Podcasting

    GIS3403 Introduction to GIS

    GIS4048 Intermediate GIS

    IDC2000 Beauty and Joy of Computing

    MMC Understanding Emerging Media

    SPN3300 Spanish Composition

    SPW3471 Colonial/19th Century Latin American Literature

  • Summer 2023

    COP2220 Introduction to Visual and Procedural Programming

    DIG4152 Digital Editing and Digital Archives

    DIG4944 Digital Humanities Internship

    FOT 3500 Peoples and Cultures of Spain

    GIS 3403 Introduction to GIS

    IDC 2000 Beauty and Joy of Computing

  • Spring 2023

    COM4373 Consequences of Cyberculture

    COP2220 Introduction to Visual and Procedural Programming COP 3503 Introduction to OO Programming

    DIG4944 Digital Humanities Internship

    ENC4415 Rhetoric and the Digital Humanities

    FIL4379 Advanced Documentary Production

    GIS3403 Introduction to GIS

    GIS4048 Intermediate GIS

    IDC2000 Beauty and Joy of Computing

    IDH2931 Aerial Surveillance and Mapping

    SPN3000 Spanish Composition

    SPN3510 Cultures of Spain

    SPN3551 Communication for Heritage Speakers

    SPW3030 Introduction to Literature in Spanish

  • Fall 2022

    AMH3571 Intro to Afr. American History

    ANT4497 Ethnographic Methods

    ART3830 Curatorial Practices

    ART4935 Art and Feminism

    COM4561 Strategic Social Media

    COP2220 Programming I

    COP3503 Programming II

    DIG3176 Introduction to the Digital Humanities

    DIG4944 Digital Humanities Internship

    FIL3363 Documentary Production

    FIL4361 Documentary Podcast

    GIS3043 Introduction to GIS

    GIS4048 Intermediate GIS

    IDC2000 Beauty and Joy of Computing

    SPW3409 Studies in Medieval and Golden Age Spanish Literature

    SPW4194 Pirates in Hisp. Lit./Culture

  • Summer 2022

    COP2220 Programming I

    DIG4944 Digital Humanities Internship

    IDC2000 Beauty and Joy of Computing

    GIS3043 Introduction to GIS

    SPN39913 EXP:SPN Digital/Media Literacy

  • Spring 2022

    AMH4991 Blackness and Archives

    COM4373 Consequences of Cyberculture

    COP2220 Intro to Visual and Procedural Programming

    COP3503 Introduction to OO Programming

    ENC4436 Writing as Social Action

    FIL4379 Advanced Documentary Production

    GEO4990 Aerial Surveillance

    GIS3043 Introduction to GIS

    GIS4048 Intermediate GIS

    IDC2000 Beauty and Joy of Computing

    SPN3300 Spanish Composition

    SPN3351 Communication for Heritage Speakers

  • Fall 2021

    AMH3571 Intro to Afr. American History

    ANT4497 Ethnographic Methods

    ART3930 Gallery Practices

    COM4561 Strategic Social Media

    COP2220 Programming I

    COP3503 Programming II

    DIG3176 Introduction to Digital Humanities

    DIG4944 Digital Humanities Internship

    FIL3363 Documentary Production

    FIL4993 Documentary Podcast

    GEO4990 Aerial Surveillance

    GIS3043 Introduction to GIS

    GIS4048 Intermediate GIS

    IDC2000 Beauty and Joy of Computing

    SPN3300 Spanish Composition

    SPW3471 Colonial/19th Century Lat. Am.

    SPW460 Don Quixote: Hero or Fool

  • Spring 2021

    COM3003 Principles of Communication Studies

    COM4561 Strategic Social Media

    DIG4944 Digital Humanities Internship

    ENC4415 Rhetoric and the Digital Humanities

    FIL4379 Advanced Documentary Production

    GIS3043 Introduction to GIS

    GIS4048 Intermediate GIS

    IDC2000 Beauty and Joy of Computing

    SPN3300 Spanish Composition

    SPN3510 Cultures of Spain

    SPW3030 Introduction to Literature in Spanish

  • Fall 2020

    ART3930 Gallery Practices

    COM4561 Strategic Social Media

    COP2220 Programming I

    COP3503 Programming II

    DIG3176 Introduction to the Digital Humanities

    DIG4944 Digital Humanities Internship

    FIL3363 Documentary Production

    FIL4993 Documentary Podcast

    GIS3043 Introduction to GIS

    GIS4048 Intermediate GIS

    IDC2000 Beauty and Joy of Computing

    SPN3100 Spanish Literature from the Middle Ages to the 18th Century

    SPN3524 Latin American Cultures

  • Summer 2020

    DIG4944 Digital Humanities Internship

    DIG3152 Introduction to Electronic Textual Editing

  • Spring 2020

    COM3003 Principles of Communication Studies 

    COM4561 Strategic Social Media 

    DIG4944 Digital Humanities Internship

    ENC4415 Rhetoric and the Digital Humanities

    FIL4379 Advanced Documentary Production

    GIS3043 Introduction to GIS

    GIS4048 Intermediate GIS

    IDC2000 Beauty and Joy of Computing

    SPN3300 Spanish Composition

    SPN3351 Comm for Heritage Speakers 

    SPW3498 Studies in Contemporary Latin American Literature

  • Fall 2019

    COM3003 Principles of Communication Studies

    COM4561 Strategic Social Media       

    COP2010 Intro to Visual and Procedural Programming

    COP2551 Introduction to OO Programming

    DIG4944 Digital Humanities Internship

    FIL3363 Documentary Production 

    GIS3043 Introduction to GIS

    GIS4048 Intermediate GIS

    IDC2000 Beauty and Joy of Computing

    SPW3471 Colonial/19th C. Lat Am Lit 

  • Summer 2019

    COP2551 Introduction to OO Programming

    DIG4944 Digital Humanities Internship

    GIS3043 Introduction to GIS

    GEO4930 Spatial Dynamics of the Camino

    SPN3860 Dig Textual Editing in Spanish

  • Spring 2019

    COP2010 Introduction to Visual and Procedural Programming

    COP2551 Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming

    DIG4944 Digital Humanities Internship

    ENC4415 Rhetoric in the Digital Humanities

    ENG3816 Digital Methods in Literary Studies

    FIL4379 Advanced Documentary Production

    GIS3043 Introduction to Geographic Information Systems

    GIS4048 Intermediate Geographic Information Systems

    GEO4938 Spatial Analysis for International Studies (online)

    IDC2000 Beauty and Joy of Computing

    SPN3351 Communication and Communities for Heritage Speakers of Spanish

  • Fall 2018

    COM3003 Principles of Communication

    COM4561 Strategic Social Media

    COP2010 Introduction to Visual and Procedural Programming

    COP2551 Introduction to Geographic Information Systems

    DIG4944 Digital Humanities Internship

    ENC3375 Introduction to Fandom Studies

    ENG3816 Digital Methods in Literary Studies

    FIL3363 Documentary Production

    GIS3043 Introduction to Geographic Information Systems

    GIS4048 Intermediate Geographic Information Systems

    SPN3300 Spanish Composition

    SPW3100 Spanish Literature to the 18th Century

  • Summer 2018

    COP2551 Introduction to OO Programming

    GIS3043 Introduction to Geographic Information Systems

    DIG4944 Digital Humanities Internship

  • Spring 2018

    COM4930 Strategic Social Media

    COP2010 Intro to Visual and Procedural Programming

    COP2551 Intro to Object Oriented Programming

    ENC4415 Rhetoric in the Digital Humanities

    FIL4379 Advanced Documentary Production

    GIS3043 Intro to Geographic Information Systems

    GIS4048 Intermediate Geographic Information Systems

    IDC2000 Beauty and Joy of Computing

    DIG4944 Digital Humanities Internship

  • Fall 2017

    COP2010 Intro to Visual and Procedural Programming

    COP2551 Intro to Object Oriented Programming

    COM4930 Strategic Social Media

    ENC3375 Fandom and Authorship

    ENG3816 Digital Methods for Literary Study

    ENC4930 Social Media and Online Activism

    FIL3363 Documentary Production

    GIS3043 Intro to Geographic Information Systems


    GIS4048 Intermediate Geographic Information Systems

    IDC2000 Beauty and Joy of Computing