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Dean of Students Office

Summary of the Appeal Process

For additional information, please see Appeal Qualifications and Outcomes

Appeal Submitted

A student choosing to request an appeal must do so in writing to the Dean of Students Office (DOS) within five (5) class days of the date on the official decision letter using the .

Appeal Received & Processed and Notice of Appeal Sent to Student

Once the DOS receives the appeal, it is processed and the student will receive a letter letting them know the Office is in receipt of their appeal request.

DOS Reviews Appeal and Assigns Appellate Officer

The DOS reviews the appeal and assigns an appellate officer after checking for a conflict of interest. 

Appellate Officer Notification Letter is Sent to Student 

The student will be contacted within 10 class days of receiving the written request for appeal to schedule their requested appeal hearing. This meeting MUST be scheduled to occur within 1-2 weeks from the date of contact. 

Appeal Review is Scheduled 

The student has five (5) class days to respond to the scheduling request and must contact the appropriate individual (Appellate Officer) as stated in the Appeal Review Confirmation Letter to schedule their appeal hearing. If a student fails to respond, the appeal hearing may be scheduled and proceed without the student. On appeal, the student has the burden to clearly establish one or more of the grounds listed in the Appeals Section of the Student Code of Conduct.

Appeal Review is Held

The Appellate Officer and the student meet to review the appeal case. Please note that this meeting can happen with or without the student's participation. 

Appeal Decision is Made 

After the Appeal Review meeting, the deliberation period begins and the Appellate Officer has 20 class days to make a decision. 

Appeal Decision Letter Sent to Student 

The appeal decision will be communicated to the student within those 20 class days of the appeal hearing unless notification is given that additional time is necessary for consideration of the record on appeal. The appeal decision constitutes the University's final action and therefore cannot be appealed further within the University. Final appellate decisions resulting in a suspension or expulsion of a student will include a notice to the student of their ability to appeal the University's final action to an external judicial forum.

Appeal is Reviewed and Notation to Original Case is Made

Once a decision has been made, the DOS will review the decision and make the appropriate notations on the original case file. 

Total timeline: between 40-50 class days (up to 2.5 months)