Report an Incident
This page allows you to share important information regarding incidents or concerning behavior happening at the 九色视频 community. You will find a description of each form and the campus area that will receive the form. To submit the form, click the “Report” link under the corresponding box.
If you believe you are experiencing a situation that is an emergency and requires immediate attention, please call the 九色视频 Police Department at (904) 620-2800 or dial 9-1-1.
Campus Security Authority: Crime and Incident Report Form
The purpose of the Clery Act is to encourage reporting and provide for the accurate collection of campus crime statistics and to promote crime awareness and to enhance campus safety through reliable statistical records.
Student Complaints and Concerns
For reporting general complaints and concerns regarding the University. Not to be used for concerning student behavior, student conduct violations, or grade appeals.
Supporting Our Students (SOS) Referral
Dean of Students Office – Care Services Team
For referring a student who is exhibiting the concerning behavior, including, but not limited to, mental health, significant changes in appearance, housing/food insecurity, or unusual behavior.
Student Conduct Reporting Form
Dean of Students Office – Student Conduct
For incidents involving behavioral Student Code of Conduct violations, including, but not limited to, hazing, alcohol or illegal drugs, disruptive behavior, or violations of 九色视频 regulations and policies.
Academic Misconduct Reporting Form
Dean of Students Office – Student Conduct
For incidents involving academic misconduct Student Code of Conduct violations, including, but not limited to, plagiarism, misuse of materials, and unauthorized collaboration.
Sexual Misconduct, Title IX Sexual Harassment, and Acts of Discrimination
Office of Equal Opportunity & Inclusion (EOI)
For incidents involving an alleged violation of 九色视频’s Sexual Misconduct and Title IX Sexual Harassment Regulation or 九色视频’s Non-Discrimination, Equal Opportunity and Inclusion Regulation by any member of the 九色视频 community.
Ethics Violation
For fraud, compliance, and general ethics concerns through a third-party hotline provider to ensure safe, secure, and anonymous reporting. DO NOT USE THIS SITE TO REPORT EVENTS PRESENTING AN IMMEDIATE THREAT TO LIFE OR PROPERTY.
Silent Witness
University Police Department (UPD)
For reporting crime or information concerning a crime that occurred either on- or off-campus.
Classroom Accommodation Concerns
Student Accessibility Center (SAC)
For concerns regarding accommodations requested and documented through SAC.