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Professor Gundlach Sharing Scholarship Series

The Sharing Scholarship Series was created by Dr. Greg Gundlach in 2005, and he strove for its continuity since, with the goals of promoting scholarship and scholarly activity and furthering a culture and respect for the role of scholarship in the academic community through interactions with distinguished scholars both inside and outside the College and University. 

Here is a list of some of the prominent guests that the Marketing & Logistics Department hosted over the years:

is the Departmental Editor for Operations Interfaces at the Journal of Operations Management, which is focused on operational problems that arise at the intersection of operations management and other business functions including marketing, accounting, finance, and human resources. Such problems might include a substantial consumer behavior, pricing, retailing, or customer service element, requiring a close connection with the marketing literature. Professor Rabinovich’s research focuses on the interface between end consumers and supply chain management. His work has centered on the role of the Internet in the definition of strategies and performance in supply chain management and service operations and on the implementation of decisions involving information systems and inventory management


Head shot of Dr. Rhiannon smiling, with a white background. , an Associate Professor in Marketing at the Dhillon School of Business at the University of Lethbridge-Calgary, Canada, and a member of the Institute for Consumer and Social Well-Being. Dr. Rhiannon M. Mesler is a member of the Institute for Consumer and Social Well-Being. Her research on prosocial consumer behavior and consumer well-being has been featured in top (FT50) journals including Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Marketing, and Journal of Marketing Research. She was awarded the Vice Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Research and Teaching for her work in developing immersive applied learning experiences.

She presented her paper, “Perceiving Less but Wasting More: The Relationship Between Subjective Scarcity and Consumer Food Waste.” Consumers frequently make future-oriented food decisions, such as selecting groceries or ordering takeaway. Such choices can result in substantial food waste; however, limited attention has been given to why. Across four studies, this research suggests that because subjective scarcity activates a resource acquisition goal, it leads consumers to engage in inaccurate over-acquisition of resources (i.e., food), resulting in greater food waste.


Headshot of June Cotte, smiling with a gray background. is a Professor of Marketing at the Ivey Business School. In 2021 she begins her term as President of theAssociation for Consumer Research, as well as Co-Editor of the Journal of Consumer Research. In addition, she is currently President (and co-founder) of “Designing Your Career in the Marketing Academy,” a program designed for young female marketing scholars.

Professor Cotte's research interests focus on behavioral issues, including why and when people will pay more for ethically produced products, how people perceive time and how that influences their behavior at work and at leisure, family influence on behavior, and consumption issues in gambling. She is on the Editorial Review Boards of the Journal of Marketing and the Journal of Consumer Psychology. Her work has appeared in the Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Consumer Psychology, MIT/Sloan Management Review, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Strategic Marketing, Journal of Services Marketing, and the Journal of Managerial Psychology, as well as in the Wall Street Journal, and other journals and books.

June regularly presents her research at business schools around the world. At Ivey,  she formerly served as Faculty Director of Research, and she has taught courses on Marketing Strategy, Customer Insights in Disruption, Marketing Management, Global Marketing Strategy, Consumer Behavior, Research Methods and Personal Selling and Sales Force Management.


Headshot of kelly martin in a blurred background with office setupHeadshot of maura Scott in outdoor. and are the Co-Editors in Chief of the . This journal aligns closely with Coggin’s efforts to increase positive societal impact through scholarship. The Journal of Public Policy & Marketing is the premier academic and professional journal that chronicles and analyzes the joint impact of marketing and governmental policies and actions on economic performance, consumer welfare, and business decisions. They presented their work on “Marketing Research to Promote Individual and Societal Well-Being.”  

Written for concerned marketing scholars, policymakers, government officials, legal scholars, practicing attorneys, and executives, JPP&M examines the interface between marketing and public policy and the functioning and performance of the nation's economy. The journal is a forum for understanding the nexus of marketing and public policy, with each issue featuring a wide-range of topics, including, but not limited to, ecology, ethics and social responsibility, nutrition and health, regulation and deregulation, security and privacy. 


Headshot of Dr.Diane smiling with a dark gray background.  is the Head of Department of Management, Marketing and Tourism in the University of Canterbury. Her primary research interests lie within the areas of integration and supply chain sustainability. A key focus over the years has been on returns management, which crosses into both streams of research. Specific research topics of interest to Dr. Mollenkopf include returns management and closed-loop supply chains in the circular economy, supply chain integrity and transparency, supply chain sustainability within food supply chains.

As a logistician, her primary publication efforts have targeted Journal of Business Logistics and International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management as these two outlets provide access to an international audience of logistics scholars. She has also targeted other top tier journals such as Journal of Operations Management, Decision Sciences and (currently) Journal of Supply Chain Management. Her research has been well received, and supported by over $600,000 in grants.


Headshot of Dr.Hannah smiling with a bookshelf as a background. is the Inaugural William E. Crenshaw Endowed Chair in Supply Chain Management in Baylor University. She joined Wheaton College in July 2015 from Florida State University. Dr. Stolze is actively conducting integrated supply chain, marketing, and logistics research. Her research focuses on sustainable supply chain management and the intersection of faith and business. Inspired by stewardship and the positive impact a firm can have in the marketplace, she conducts research that looks beyond profit at the long-term sustainability and impact of a firm. Her Ph.D. in logistics and marketing is from the University of Tennessee-Knoxville.



Headshot of Dr.Mark s Rosenbaum with American flag in the background., The Citadel as Professor of Marketing & Captain in the Department of Marketing, Supply Chain Management, and Economics. Former Dean of the College of Business at Hawai’i Pacific University and Dean of the Graham School of Management at Saint Xavier University in Chicago. Dr. Rosenbaum is the co-editor of the Journal of Services Marketing. Rosenbaum’s research is focused on transformative service research. Rosenbaum and his colleagues were the “pioneers” in developing this paradigm. Rosenbaum’s research focuses on improving the human condition via services.
His research delves into the transformative service research (TSR) paradigm to explore current methodological practices and to recommend future practices for investigators studying consumers with vulnerabilities. He discusses five underused research methodologies suitable for investigating vulnerable consumers: participatory action research, grounded theory, storytelling, visual methods, and neuroscience. These approaches help mitigate power imbalances between researchers and vulnerable participants, ensuring ethical and inclusive research practices.