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2024-2025 University Catalog
threeColumn catalog

Silverfield College of Education and Human Services Graduate Academic Policies

Academic Integrity

Students are expected to adhere to the highest standards of integrity and professionalism. This expectation includes following the University Academic Integrity Code and the professional code of conduct in the College. Under the Academic Integrity Code, when misconduct is discovered, the instructor may take one or more actions, including recommending the student’s dismissal from the program.

Graduate Transfer Credit

The catalog policies and regulations section provides information and a link to the official policy for Graduate Transfer Credit.

Directed Independent Study

The purpose of a directed independent study is to allow a student to pursue an in-depth study of a topic under the direction of a Silverfield College of Education and Human Services faculty member. Regularly offered courses typically involve classroom interaction and normally are not available as directed independent studies. Interested students should contact their faculty advisory to determine the feasibility of doing a directed independent study. Students must complete a Directed Independent Study contract. The contract must be approved by the faculty advisor and the department chair.

Graduate Academic Standing

The catalog policies and regulations section provides information and a link to the official policy forGraduate Academic Standing.

Graduate Program Course Level

The catalog policies and regulations section provides information and a link to the official policy for Graduate Program Course Level.

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