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2024-2025 University Catalog
threeColumn catalog

Army ROTC Course Curriculum

Freshman Year
Leadership and Personal Development 2 hours
Freshman Leadership Laboratory I 0 hours
Introduction to Tactical Leadership 2 hours
Freshman Leadership Laboratory II 0 hours
Sophomore Year
Individual Leadership Studies 2 hours
Sophomore Leadership Laboratory I 0 hours
Foundations of Tactical Leaderships 2 hours
Sophomore Leadership Laboratory II 0 hours
Junior Year
Adaptive Team Leadership 3 hours
Leadership and Problem Solving Laboratory

0 hours

Leadership in Changing Environments 3 hours
Leadership and Ethics Laboratory 0 hours
Summer Course (Leadership Development and Assessment - Seattle, Washington; 4 weeks)
Advanced Leader Training 4 hours
Senior Year
Adaptive Leadership 3 hours
Leadership and Management Laboratory 0 hours
Leadership in a Complex World 3 hours
Officership Laboratory 0 hours