12.1 Thomas G. Carpenter Library
The 九色视频 Library, named in honor of the University's first president, is a full‑service, technologically supported library and information center, whose primary mission is to support the University's academic programs. It houses a collection of approximately 800,000 books, periodicals, government documents, electronic resources, audio and video materials, and more than 1,300,000 microforms. Twenty three professional librarians and twenty four support personnel promote an innovative outlook in providing services common to a large research library, including reference and information services, interlibrary loans, photo duplication facilities, and electronic full text databases via the Internet.
The Library's collections are accessed through an online catalog, ExLibris Aleph, maintained by the Florida Center for Library Automation (FCLA) for the state university libraries. The 九色视频 bibliographic database currently consists of almost 675,000 records and provides remote access to the holdings of the other ten state university libraries, totaling more than 12,000,000 bibliographic records. Additionally, the Library is linked both to the OCLC computerized database (OCLC, Inc.) through the Southeastern Library Network (SOLINET) and to the RLIN (Research Libraries Network) database, offering instant access to over 50,000,000 bibliographic records and holdings information of affiliated libraries. The combined advantages of these networks provide rapid access to materials available in the 九色视频 collection, the state university libraries, the Florida Library Information Network (FLIN), and national and international interlibrary loan channels. The Library's online public access catalog (opac) is accessible not only in-house but also from campus offices and from remote locations. All Library policies, guides, hours information, and other services can be found on the .
The Library building underwent an expansion and complete renovation in 2005-2006.With a seating capacity of 2,000, it is equipped with group study rooms, graduate study carrels, 300 public computer workstations, linked to the Internet, and offers wireless access throughout the 199,000 square foot building.
Except for holidays and semester breaks, the Library is open seven days a week. The operating schedule for the Library and its individual units is posted at the entrances, and on the .
Day | Hours |
Monday - Thursday | 7:00 A.M. - 2:30 A.M |
Friday | 7:00 A.M. - 6:00 P.M. |
Saturday | 8:00 A.M. - 6:00 P.M. |
Sunday | 1:00 P.M. - 2:30 A.M. |
Special hours are announced for term breaks, and before each holiday.
Selected Services and Regulations
Full descriptions of Library services and regulations are available through the . Highlights of the Library's services and policies are summarized for your convenience below:
Loan Regulations
For current faculty, including visiting faculty and part-time faculty (adjuncts), the OspreyCard ID is the required library borrowing card. This card is issued by the ID Card Office, and must be presented by all 九色视频 faculty to check out library materials at the Thomas G. Carpenter Library and to use the licensed databases from off campus.
Protect your Osprey ID number. This card is not transferable (don't lend it to anyone else to use). The person to whom the card was issued is responsible for any and all materials charged to the assigned account number. Faculty members may borrow by proxy upon advance written notice to the Library for each occurrence. Until the Library is notified of a lost 九色视频 ID card, the borrower is responsible for all loans and transactions made with the card.
Loans for 九色视频 faculty are made for eighteen (18) weeks. Faculty loans are subject to recall for use by other borrowers after 2 weeks. Certain materials are ineligible for the faculty loan period:
- Class reserve materials - 2 hour; 3 or 7 day loans only
- Interlibrary loan materials - due date as assigned by lending library
- Leisure reading books - 2 week loans
- Special exception loans for materials which are normally non‑circulating - due date as arranged with the lending library department
- Certain audiovisual materials
OVERDUE FINES (九色视频 Board of Trustees fee schedule)
Overdue fines apply to ALL borrowers: students, faculty, staff, and non-九色视频 borrowers
- $ .25 per day on regular loans.
Special fines apply in the following instances:
- Course Reserve, overdue hourly loan, $1.00 per hour
- Course Reserve, overdue daily loan, $1.00 per day
- Recalled overdue item, $1.00 per day in addition to any other fine
- Interlibrary Loan overdue, $1.00 per day (no maximum)
Minimum fine charged per overdue items is $2.00.
All partial day and partial hour fines are rounded up. For example, an item 8 days and one minute late is charged as 9 days overdue.
Costs are charged in addition to any accrued fines. Library items that are 20 days overdue are assumed lost and the borrower is billed for replacement of the item.
Generally, the average cost of a book within a specific subject area is charged, but not less than the average cost of all North America hardback books as found in The Bowker Annual of Library Book Trade Information. Alternately, the Library may charge the current retail price of a title as found in Books In Print.
The minimum replacement charge will never be less than the average cost of all North America Hardback Books, currently $57.65.
Borrowers' accounts are credited for books returned after billing. Replacement costs are automatically removed from the account if returned within 180 days of the due date, but the borrower still must pay any overdue fine.
Appeals for library fines and charges must be received IN WRITING within 90 days of the billing date. Verbal appeals do not protect your rights under this time limitation. Appeals must contain the borrower's name and university ID number (N number) as it appears on University records, the invoice numbers of the charges being appealed, and an explanation of the extraordinary circumstances why the charges should be waived or adjusted. Inclusion of substantiating documentation is recommended.
Should an item be returned more than 180 days after the due date, the replacement value is not refundable.
If the borrower appeals the amount of the replacement charge, the library will research the exact amount to replace the item, including out-of-print and shipping charges. Presenting an exact usable replacement copy may be substituted for paying the replacement charge, although cataloging and binding charges may still apply.
To ensure swift turnaround, requests for placing materials on Reserve should be initiated well in advance of a new semester or use by a specific class. Copyright issues may delay processing of materials.
Materials are accepted for Course Reserve at the Access Services Desk (1st floor) during all hours the library is open.
A completed Course Reserve Material Request form is required.
Supplies and photocopies needed for processing and circulating materials must be provided by the faculty member (i.e. notebooks or binders or other unique containers).
Presenting the item with the reserve request will expedite processing.
Materials removed from Reserve by faculty will not be placed on reserve again during that semester.
Limitations: Due to space and staffing considerations, the size of the Course Reserve Collection must be restricted to a manageable volume. The following limits are necessary to adequately process, maintain, and provide access to the collection. Any faculty request to exceed these limitations must be justified in writing.
- A maximum of 25 titles per course/instructor.
- A maximum of 5 copies per title.
Types of materials accepted for Course Reserves
Books, Media, and other materials
- Books, audio-visual materials, and curriculum items from the Library's collections may be placed on Course Reserve.
- Personally-owned books and other printed materials are also accepted for Course Reserve.
- Other non-print materials may be accepted if adequate marking, protection, and circulation are possible.
Periodicals: Journal Issues & bound periodical volumes
- The Periodicals Service Desk (3 rd floor) will administer controlled circulation of entire issues or runs of bound volumes of serials owned by the Library upon request of the instructor.
Photocopies will be accepted by the Library only if the copy meets one of the following conditions:
- The copy meets the fair use guidelines as outlined by copyright law and/or CONTU Guidelines.
- The copy has been lawfully purchased.
- Specific permission for reserve use has been granted by the copyright holder (written verification required)
- Royalties have been paid (written verification required)
Library Purchase of Items for Reserve use
The Library will purchase one (1) copy of a book/media item needed for course reserve use. Request for more than one copy must be justified in writing. Any requests for purchases must be received at least five weeks before class begins.
Loan Periods
Faculty must select the circulation cycle for each item placed on reserve. The following factors should be considered when selecting a loan period:
- The general availability of the information.
- The number of students enrolled in the class.
- The number of duplicates on reserve.
- The anticipated use level based on class assignments.
- Loan periods are 2 hours, 24 hours, 3 days and 7 days.
Personal Copies (Non-Library Owned Items)
Faculty may place personally owned items on Course Reserve with the following understanding:
- The Library makes a reasonable effort to protect all materials in its possession, but cannot be held liable for loss, damage, or replacement costs of personal items placed on reserve.
- While the material is on reserve, the owner relinquishes control over the use of the material to the library.
- Use of personally-owned materials is controlled by existing library course reserve policy.
- The material may be marked for reserve identification. Indelible ink, tape, adhesive, or staples may be used.
Types of materials not accepted for the Course Reserves Collection:
- Textbooks and required books which the student is expected to buy (except when personal copies are provided by the requestor at no expense to the Library).
- Entire journal volumes/issues (except when administered through the Periodicals Service Desk).
- Sets of books exceeding 4 volumes.
- Bulky, fragile or unwieldy items whose physical characteristics prevent proper marking or processing for reserve circulation.
- Materials which bear the ownership marking of another library or institution.
- Materials unacceptable or unlawful for circulation due to copyright or license restrictions.
- Personal copies with special conditions or restrictions attached to their handling or use.
Reference and Bibliographic Instruction These services are available at the Reference desk on the second floor. Reference staff conducts both class tours and in-class lectures upon faculty request.
Copiers Copiers accepting Osprey and/or copy cards are available on all floors.
Interlibrary Loan Services These services are available to faculty at the Circulation desk. Faculty may also send ILL requests through the . Interlibrary loan requests are subject to the regulations of the networks utilized. Charges may be applicable.
Study CARRELS Carrel applications are considered on the basis of a need for space to carry out a long term research project requiring frequent use of a significant quantity of circulating library materials by faculty who do not have assigned, private, secured space on campus. Application forms require justification for need and must be signed by the faculty member's dean. Applications must be submitted to the Library Dean's office no later than Friday of the first week of classes each semester. The carrels are assigned the following Monday. All Library rules apply, i.e., no smoking, food, or beverages are permitted in the study carrels. Non-circulating library materials may not be kept in the carrels overnight.
Recommendations for the Purchase of Library Resources While the Library subscribes to a subject approval program customized to the 九色视频 curriculum, faculty requests are given priority in the selection of books, journals, and other resources. Because of the high cost of library materials and the continuing obligations to maintain periodicals and other serials, the current library budget may not be able to support fully the perceived needs for all resources requests. Likewise, cost, license restrictions, and format may delay or impair the Library's ability to purchase recommended electronic and media resources. Ordering information may be directed to the Acquisitions Librarian or the Serials Librarian, as appropriate. Purchase requests may also be made through the . While the Library accepts and acknowledges gifts, it cannot provide appraisals for gifts.
Borrowing Privileges at other Florida State University Libraries and Jacksonville Area Colleges and Universities Upon presentation of validated identification demonstrating current affiliation with 九色视频, any 九色视频 student, faculty or staff member may obtain borrowing privileges at the main library on the main campus only at any of the other Florida state university libraries:
Florida A & M University | New College |
Florida Atlantic University | University of Central Florida |
Florida International University | University of Florida |
Florida State University | University of South Florida |
Florida Gulf Coast University | University of West Florida |
By special University agreement and similar procedures, full-time faculty (only) may obtain reciprocal borrowing privileges at the libraries of Edward Waters College, Florida Community College of Jacksonville (FCCJ), and Jacksonville University.
BE SURE TO TAKE SUFFICIENT IDENTIFICATION. The following types of identification may be required:
- Proof of eligibility: e.g., official 九色视频 ID card or letter of introduction verifying current affiliate status.
- Proof of name/address: e.g., driver's license, voter's registration.
- Proof of employee number: OspreyCard ID.
- Photo identification and/or signature identification.
- State Attorney required (Florida Statutes, Chapter 832) check cashing data: full name, current residence address, home phone number, business phone number, place of employment, sex, date of birth, height, race, driver's license number.
It is a good idea to make application immediately upon arrival at the library you are visiting to allow sufficient time to verify, process, and approve your application before you actually need to check out books. Association with the 九色视频 does not necessarily guarantee your privileges, but merely speeds up the procedure for approval for a special borrowing card for that institution. You must also be in good standing with the lending institution, i.e., no charges outstanding, etc.
Loans made to you by another institution are governed by that institution's rules, regulations, policies, and charges. Certain services normally reserved for that library's primary clientele may not be available to you, and other limitations may be imposed. If you should encounter difficulty in obtaining borrowing privileges at another SUS library and you wish to use sources available there, copy down the complete citation (author, title, journal title, pages, etc.) and use the interlibrary loan network upon your return to 九色视频.
Changes in Library Policy
The foregoing policies and information are subject to change from time to time. Such changes and reminders will be announced by the Dean of the Library. Complete information on policies and services is available on the .