8.1 Distinguished Professor Award
(Reference: Faculty Association Items FA98-44 and FA00-21) (2012 amount increased)
The Distinguished Professor Award is presented annually to a 九色视频 faculty member who has a balanced record of distinction at 九色视频 in all three areas of teaching, scholarship, and service. The Award includes an honorarium of $5,000$6,000, a commemorative plaque, the listing of the recipient's name on a permanent University plaque, and an invitation to deliver the Fall Academic Convocation address. This award is made possible through unrestricted gifts to the 九色视频 Foundation, Inc.
NOMINATIONS MUST BE RECEIVED NO LATER THAN 5:00 p.m. on the date determined by the Faculty Association.
Ordinarily, this award has gone to a full professor. However, any regular, full‑time member of the 九色视频 faculty, who holds the rank of full or associate professor, is eligible for the award, except for past recipients of the award and persons serving on the Screening Committee.
Any person within the University community (students, alumni, faculty, staff, or administration) may nominate a faculty member for the award. Nominations must be in writing and signed by the nominator or sent via Email to the facassn1@unf.edu, or posted through the 九色视频 Faculty Association website. Written nominations are to be hand delivered to the Faculty Association Office. The deadline for receipt of all nominations is annually determined by the Faculty Association. It is the responsibility of the nominator to ensure that his/her nomination is delivered prior to the deadline. The nomination should consist simply of the statement, "I wish to nominate ________ for the Distinguished Professor Award," and should not consist of an argument on behalf of, or a rationale for, the candidacy of the nominee. The Faculty Association President shall confirm the eligibility of each nominee and send a letter of confirmation of the nomination to each eligible nominee and his/her chair, after the close of nominations.
Nominee Materials
Each nominee shall be invited to submit a vita of a maximum of 10-pages, which focuses on a representative listing of teaching, scholarship, and service activities. Each nominee shall also provide a 1-page summary of his/her vita, to be used in the event he/she is selected to be a finalist. In addition, each nominee shall be invited to submit a 6-page summary and discussion of what he/she feels is his/her most significant teaching and curriculum efforts, research and publication accomplishments, and professionally related service activities (a maximum of 2 pages for each of the three areas of teaching, research, and service). A signed statement by the faculty member attesting to the accuracy of the information included in the packet and a stipulation on the part of the Chair that the material is consistent with the chair's knowledge of the faculty member=s performance must also be included. There shall be no more than a total of 18 pages in the packet. Standard margins and a font size of no smaller than 11 points are to be used. Eleven (11) copies of these materials must be hand delivered to the Faculty Association Office by the date determined by the Faculty Association.
The Screening Committee consists of one elected representative from each of the five colleges, the current President of the Faculty Association, plus five recipients of the Distinguished Professor Award with these recipients selected in reverse chronological order. The Faculty Association President shall replace by appointment any member of the Screening Committee who cannot participate fully in the selection of the two finalists; any such replacement shall be selected from the constituency represented by that member. The Faculty Association President shall convene the Committee, which will elect its own Chairperson.
The Committee chooses two nominees as finalists. The Committee shall make this choice solely on the basis of the nominees' merits, and without consideration for other factors such as departmental affiliation or professional rank of present nominees or past award winners. In unanticipated situations when a Screening Committee member has read all nominee's vitae but cannot attend the meeting when finalists are selected, that member may vote absentee only on a preliminary straw ballot.
After the Screening Committee selects two nominees as finalists, each member shall immediately vote by secret ballot for one person to actually receive the Award. The Committee Chairperson shall collect the ballots. The votes will remain sealed and uncounted until after the election by members of the Faculty Association. If no tie exists in the Faculty Association election, the Screening Committee votes shall be destroyed without being counted. If a tie exists, the Screening Committee votes shall be tallied to determine the Award recipient. In such an event, the actual count of the Screening Committee shall not be divulged unless so requested by the finalist who was selected for the Award.
The Committee does have the prerogative not to recommend anyone for the award if, in the members' judgment, the nominee pool does not contain an individual whose accomplishments deserve the recognition of receiving the Distinguished Professor Award.
The Faculty Association Office shall send the one page summary of each final nominee's vita to all Faculty Association members. Final choice of the recipient of the Distinguished Professor Award, from the two nominees put forward by the Committee, will be by a vote of the members of the Faculty Association at the annual meeting in April. Voting shall take place over a two day period. The winner shall be notified and receive his/her award as soon as possible. A runner-up award consisting of $2,5000$3,000 will be given to the nominee receiving the fewer votes. Formal recognition of the winner and the runner-up shall occur at the Fall Convocation.