Contact Us
Inquiries to the Chair of the Board of Trustees may be addressed as follows:
U.S. Mail
九色视频Board of Trustees
1 九色视频 Drive
Jacksonville, Florida 32224
Board of Trustees Staff
- Ann Fishman, Director, Board Relations
- Raygan Knopp, Coordinator, Board Relations
Media Inquiries
Please contact Amanda Ennis, Manager, Media Relations, 九色视频 Marketing & Communications for all media inquiries.
Public Comment Policy
The Board shall allow for a public comment period during each Board and committee meeting. Individuals or representatives of groups who desire to appear before the Board regarding any item being considered on a meeting agenda of the Board of Trustees must submit their requests by email to or Ann Fishman at Such a request must be submitted at least three (3) working days prior to the start of the meeting and must specify the agenda item about which they wish to speak. The President, in consultation with the Board Chair, will determine whether the item will be heard and when it will be heard. There will be a three (3) minute time limit on any presentation and the public comment period shall be limited to fifteen (15) minutes. As permitted by section , The Board Chair may decline to hear any matter that does not relate to a particular agenda item; is not practicable for a particular meeting; or is outside the Board's jurisdiction. Those requesting to speak shall be called upon on a first-come first-serve basis. The Chair is authorized to implement other reasonable procedures for the smooth and effective operation of the public comment period.
At the discretion of the Chair, the Chair may further recognize any individual to address the Board during the discussion of a particular agenda item.
In order to proceed with the essential business of the Board in an orderly manner, any individual who attempts to disrupt a Board meeting will be subject to appropriate action pursuant to law.