NG Grade Policy
What is an NG Grade?
An NG Grade is automatically given to a maximum of four lower-level 九色视频 course grades of "F" or "D.” The NG grade will appear on your transcript and improve your 九色视频 GPA.
NG grades are only assigned to courses that you take during or after Summer B 2023 with letter grades or pass/fail grading. It’s important to note that instructors cannot assign an NG grade and NG grades cannot replace a grade of FA- Unforgivable F. You cannot use Grade Forgiveness on an NG grade, but you can use an NG grade to forgive a previous grade.
How does it help me?
The NG grading policy is meant to help you bounce back from any challenges you might face while adjusting to university-level academics. If you receive an NG grade, it will show on your 九色视频 transcript and improve your 九色视频 GPA.
Can I request not to have an NG grade?
Yes, you have the option to submit a Student Petition of Academic Policy to keep the original "D" grade for a course. However, doing so won't make you eligible for additional NG grades. The petition must be submitted before the last day of your graduating term.
What does an NG grade not impact?
While NG grades can improve your GPA, the original "F" or "D" grades you received in your courses will still affect your academic standing, financial aid eligibility, and Latin Honors and Deans List designations since these are calculated based on your original grades in your classes.
How will NG grades be assigned?
NG grades will be assigned to eligible courses according to the following hierarchy:
- highest credit hour value course
- grade of F before grade of D
- 2000-level before 1000-level
- if all things are equal, a course carrying a General Education attribute before those without
What is a lower-level course?
Lower-level courses are those with course numbers that start with 1 or 2 (ex. ENC1XXX). These are the courses where NG grades can be applied.