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Major Prerequisites

Programs of Study for each of the majors can be found on the Osprey Map website.

Course descriptions and the prerequisites for each course can be found in the Undergraduate Catalog.

  • Africana Studies
    No prerequisites required
  • Anthropology
    • ANT 2000 - Introduction to Anthropology 
    • ANT 2423 - Kinship & Family
  • Anthropology
    • ARH 2050 - Art History Survey I
    • ARH 2051 - Art History Survey II
    • ART 1201C -Two-dimensional Design
    • ART 1300C - Drawing I

    Must complete through the intermediate level in a foreign language

  • Behavioral Neuroscience
    • PSY 2012 - Introduction to Psychology
    • BSC 1010C - General Biology I
    • BSC 1011C - General Biology II
    • CHM 2045/L - General Chemistry I w/ Lab
    • CHM 2046/L - General Chemistry II w/ Lab
    • CHM 2210/L - Organic Chemistry I w/ Lab
    • STA 2023 - Elem Statistics
    • MAC 2311 - Calculus I
  • Biochemistry
    • CHM 2045/L - General Chemistry I w/ Lab
    • CHM 2046/L - General Chemistry II w/ Lab
    • CHM 2210/L - Organic Chemistry I w/ Lab
    • CHM 2211/L - Organic Chemistry II w/ Lab
    • BSC 1010C - General Biology I
    • BSC 1011C - General Biology II
    • MAC 2311 - Calculus I
    • MAC 2312 - Calculus II 
    • PHY 1028 - Introduction to Physics
    • PHY 2048C - Calculus Physics I 
    • PHY 2049/L - Calculus Physics II w/ Lab
  • Biology (Coastal Environmental Science, Coastal & Marine Biology, Ecology & Evolution Biology, Molecular/Cell Biology & Biotechnology)
    • BSC 1934 - Majors in the Biological Sciences (recommended)
    • BSC 1010C - General Biology I 
    • BSC 1011C - General Biology II
    • CHM 2045/L - General Chemistry I w/ Lab
    • CHM 2046/L - General Chemistry II w /Lab
    • CHM 2210/L - Organic Chemistry I w/ Lab
    • CHM 2211/L - Organic Chemistry II w/ Lab
    • PHY 1028 - Intro to Physics
    • PHY 2053C - Algebra-based Physics I
    • PHY 2054C - Algebra-based Physics II
    • Coastal Environmental can take either the organic chemistry sequence or the physics sequence
    • MAC 2311 - Calculus I

    Select 1 course: 
    • STA 2023 - Elem Statistics
    • MAC 2312 - Calculus II
  • Biomedical Sciences
    • BSC 1934 - Majors in the Biological Sciences (recommended)
    • BSC 1010C - General Biology I 
    • BSC 1011C - General Biology II
    • CHM 2045/L - General Chemistry I w/ Lab
    • CHM 2046/L - General Chemistry II w /Lab
    • CHM 2210/L - Organic Chemistry I w/ Lab
    • CHM 2211/L - Organic Chemistry II w/ Lab
    • PHY 1028 - Intro to Physics
    • PHY 2053C - Algebra-based Physics I
    • PHY 2054C - Algebra-based Physics II
    • MAC 2311 - Calculus I

    Select 1 course: 
    • STA 2023 - Elem Statistics
    • MAC 2312 - Calculus II
  • Chemistry (General, Pre-Medical, Materials)
    • CHM 2045/L - General Chemistry I w/ Lab
    • CHM 2046/L - General Chemistry II w/ Lab
    • CHM 2210/L - Organic Chemistry I w/ Lab
    • CHM 2211/L - Organic Chemistry II w/ Lab
    • MAC 2311 - Calculus I
    • MAC 2312 - Calculus II 
    • PHY 1028 - Introduction to Physics
    • PHY 2048C - Calculus Physics I 
    • PHY 2049/L - Calculus Physics II w/ Lab
  • Communication (Advertising, Multimedia Journalism, Digital Video Production, Public Relations)
    • MMC 1004 - Media Literacy
    • SPC 2608 - Fundamentals of Speech
    • STA 2023 - Elem Statistics
    Advertising concentration also requires:
    ENC 3250 - Professional Communication
  • Communication Studies
    • MMC 2701 - Communicating Across Cultures (recommended)
    • SPC 2608 - Fundamentals of Speech
    • STA 2023 - Elem Statistics
  • Criminal Justice
    • CCJ 2002 - Crime in America (recommended)
    • STA 2023 - Elem Statistics
  • English
    2 ENC courses at 1000/2000 level

    Select 1 early survey literature course:
    • AML 2010 - American Literature I
    • ENL 2012 - British Literature I
    • LIT 2100 - World Literature I

    Select 1 later survey literature course:
    • AML 2020 - American Literature II
    • ENL 2022 - British Literature II
    • LIT 2110 - World Literature II
  • Fine Art (Photography, Ceramics, Painting & Drawing, Printmaking, Sculpture)
    • ART 1300C - Drawing I
    • ART 2301C - Drawing II
    • ART 1201C - Two-dimensional Design
    • ART 2203C - Three-dimensional Design
    • ARH 2050 - Art History Survey I
    • ARH 2051 - Art History Survey II
    • 2 art media electives
  • French Studies
    • FRE 1120 - Beginning French I
    • FRE 1121 - Beginning French II
    • FRE 2240 - Intermediate French I
    • FRE 2241 - Intermediate French II 
  • Graphic Design
    • ART 1300C - Drawing I
    • ART 2301C - Drawing II
    • ART 1201C - Two-dimensional Design
    • ART 1600C - Digital Imaging Methods
    • ARH 2050 - Art History Survey I
    • ARH 2051 - Art History Survey II 
    • GRA 2190C - Graphic Design Principles
    • GRA 2110C - Graphic Design Creativity & Critique
    • GRA 2160C - Graphic Design Process & Methods
    • GRA 2208C - Type Visualization
    • GRA 2108 - Graphic Design History
  • History
    Select 2 courses:
    • WOH 1012 - World History I (recommended)
    • WOH 1022 - World History II (recommended)
    • AMH 2020 - U.S. History since 1877 (suggested)
    • STA 2023 - Elem Statistics (recommended)
  • Interdisciplinary Studies (Film Studies, Environmental Studies, and other individual programs of study)
    Prerequisites vary based on student's goals.
  • International Studies
    Select 1 course:
    • INR 2002 - Introduction to International Relations
    • CPO 2002 - Introduction to Comparative Politics

    Must complete through the intermediate level of a foreign language
  • Mathematics
    • MAC 2311 - Calculus I
    • MAC 2312 - Calculus II
    • MAC 2313 - Calculus III
    • MAP 2302 - Ordinary Differential Equations
    • 1 lab science for science majors
    • 1 programming course (COP 2220 preferred)
  • Music Jazz Studies
    • MUT 1111 - Theory I
    • MUT 1112 - Theory II
    • MUT 1241 - Theory I, Aural
    • MUT 1242 - Theory II, Aural
    • MVK 1111 - Class Piano I
    • MVK 1112 - Class Piano II
    • MUT 1361 - Jazz Fundamentals I
    • MUT 1362 - Jazz Fundamentals II
    • MUN 2120 - Concert Band
    • MUN 2710 - Jazz Ensemble-Lower Level
    • MUS 1010 - Performance Lab (each term)
    • MUS 1011 - Concert Attendance (each term)
    • applied music course (each term)
  • Music Performance (Piano, Voice, Harp, Strings, Woodwinds/Brass/Percussion, Technology & Production)
    • MUT 1111 - Theory I
    • MUT 1112 - Theory II
    • MUT 1241 - Theory I, Aural
    • MUT 1242 - Theory II, Aural
    • MVK 1111 - Class Piano I
    • MVK 1112 - Class Piano II
    • MUS 1010 - Performance Lab (each term)
    • MUS 1011 - Concert Attendance (each term)
    • applied music course (each term)
    • ensemble course (each term)
    Music Technology & Production concentration also requires:
    • MUS 1630 - Introduction to Digital Audio
    • MUM 1622 - Introduction to Sound Reinforcement
    • MUM 2634 - Digital Audio Production
    • MUM 3340 - Computer MIDI Score
  • Music Education
    • MUE 2040 - Foundations of Music Education
    • MUT 1111 - Theory I
    • MUT 1112 - Theory II
    • MUT 1241 - Theory I, Aural
    • MUT 1242 - Theory II, Aural
    • MVK 1111 - Class Piano I
    • MVK 1112 - Class Piano II
    • MUS 1010 - Performance Lab (each term)
    • MUS 1011 - Concert Attendance (each term)
    • applied music course (each term)
    • ensemble course (each term)
  • Philosophy (General, Law, Politics, and Ethics)
    PHI 2101 - Introduction to Logic

    Select 2 courses: (recommended)
    • PHI 2010 - Introduction to Philosophy
    • PHI 2100 - The Art of Reasoning
    • PHI 2630 - Ethical Issues
  • Physics (General, Astrophysics, Pre-Medical, Materials Science, Computing, Electrical, Mechanical, Civil)
    • PHY 1024 - Exploring Majoring in Physics
    • CHM 2045/L - General Chemistry I w/ Lab
    • CHM 2046/L - General Chemistry II w/ Lab
    • MAC 2311 - Calculus I 
    • MAC 2312 - Calculus II
    • MAC 2313 - Calculus III
    • PHY 1028 - Introduction to Physics
    • PHY 2048C - Calculus Physics I
    • PHY 2049/L - Calculus Physics II w/ Lab
  • Political Science
    • POS 2041 - Introduction to American Government
    • STA 2023 - Elem Statistics (recommended)
    Select 1 course: (both recommended)
    • INR 2002 - Introduction to International Relations
    • CPO 2002 - Introduction to Comparative Politics
  • Psychology (General, Child Psychology)
    • PSY 2012 - Introduction to Psychology
    • STA 2023 - Elem Statistics
    • BSC 1005/L - Principles of Biology w/ Lab
    • PSY 3021 - Professional Opportunities in Psychology
    Select 1 course:
    • CLP 2180 - Stress Management
    • DEP 2002 - Child/Adolescent Psychology
    • SOP 2772 - Human Sexual Behavior
  • Religious Studies
    REL 2300 - Comparative Religion
  • Social Work
    • POS 2041 - Introduction to American Government
    • PSY 2012 - Introduction to Psychology
    • SYG 2000 - Introduction to Sociology
    • 1 economics course
    • BSC 1005/L - Principles of Biology w/ Lab
    • STA 2023 - Elem Statistics (recommended) 
  • Sociology
    • SYG 2000 - Introduction to Sociology
    • SYG 2013 - Sex, Race & Class
    • STA 2023 - Elem Statistics
  • Spanish
    • SPN 1120 - Beginning Spanish I
    • SPN 1121 - Beginning Spanish II
    • SPN 2200 - Intermediate Spanish I
    • SPN 2201 - Intermediate Spanish II
  • Statistics
    • MAC 2311 - Calculus I
    • MAC 2312 - Calculus II
    • MAC 2313 - Calculus III
    • STA 2023 - Elem Statistics
    • 2 lab science courses for science majors
    • 1 programming course (COP 2220 preferred)
  • Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Advanced Manufacturing, Electrical Engineering
    • MAC 2311 - Calculus I
    • MAC 2312 - Calculus II
    • MAC 2313 - Calculus III
    • MAP 2302 - Ordinary Differential Equations
    • CHM 2045/L - General Chemistry I w/ Lab (Electrical students do not take Chemistry lab)
    • PHY 2048C - Calculus Physics I 
    • PHY 2049/L - Calculus Physics II w/ Lab
    • EGN 1001C - Introduction to Engineering
    Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering & Advanced Manufacturing also requires:
    COP 2220 - Programming I
    Civil Engineering requires an additional science. Select 1 course:
    • ESC 2000/L - Earth Science w/ Lab
    • GLY 2010 - Physical Geology
    • BSC 1010C - General Biology I
    • BSC 3057 - Introduction to Environmental Studies (spring term only)
  • Computer Science
    • MAC 2311 - Calculus I
    • MAC 2312 - Calculus II
    • PHY 2048C - Calculus Physics I
    • PHY 2049/L - Calculus Physics II w/ Lab
    • COP 2220 - Programming I
    • SPC 4064 - Public Speaking for Professionals (preferred)
    Select 2 courses:
    • AST 2002 - Astronomy
    • CHM 2045 - General Chemistry I
    • ESC 2000 - Earth Science
    • BSC 1010C - General Biology I
  • CIS-Data Science
    • MAC 2311 - Calculus I
    • MAC 2312 - Calculus II
    • COP 2220 - Programming I
    • ENC 2210 - Technical Writing
    • SPC 4064 - Public Speaking for Professionals (preferred)
    Select 1 science sequence from the following:
    • BSC 1010C - General Biology I & BSC 1011C - General Biology II
    • CHM 2045/L - General Chemistry I w/ Lab & CHM 2046/L - General Chemistry II w/ Lab
    • PHY 2048C - Calculus Physics I & PHY 2049/L - Calculus Physics II w/ Lab
  • Information Science, Information Systems, Information Technology
    • MAC 2233 - Calculus for Business
    • STA 2023 - Elem Statistics
    • CGS 1100 - Computer Applications for Business
    • COP 2220 - Programming I
    • SPC 4064 - Public Speaking for Professionals (preferred)
    Information Systems also requires:
    • ECO 2013 - Macroeconomics
    • ECO 2023 - Microeconomics
    • ACG 2021 - Financial Accounting
    • ACG 2071 - Managerial Accounting
  • Building Construction
    • MAC 1147 - Precalculus 
    • MAC 2233 - Calculus for Business
    • STA 2023 - Elem Statistics
    • PHY 2053C - Algebra Physics I
    • BCN 1005C - Introduction to Construction Management
    • BCN 1251 - Construction Drawing
    • BCN 1210C - Construction Materials
    • CGS 1100 - Computer Applications for Business
    • ECO 2013 - Macroeconomics
    • ECO 2023 - Microeconomics
    • ACG 2021 - Financial Accounting
    • ACG 2071 - Managerial Accounting
    Select 1: 
    • PHY 2054C - Algebra Physics II
    • CHM 2045/L - General Chemistry I w/ Lab
  • ASL/English Interpreting (Community Interpreting, Educational Interpreting)
    • ASL 2150 - American Sign Language II
    • ASL 4131 - American Sign Language III
    • ASL 4211 - American Sign Language IV
    • INT 1000 - Introduction to Interpreting
    • ASL 3514 - Deaf Culture
    • INT 3011 - Linguistics for Interpreters
    • INT 2010 - Discourse Analysis
    • INT 2113 - English-ASL Sight Translation
    • INT 2303 - Interpreting Field Experience
    • INT 2204 - Interpreting in Community Settings
  • Deaf Education
    • ASL 2140 - American Sign Language I
    • ASL 2150 - American Sign Language II
    • ASL 4131 - American Sign Language III
    • ASL 4211 - American Sign Language IV
    • EDF 1005 - Introduction to the Teaching Profession
    • EDF 2085 - Introduction to Diversity for Educators (recommended)
  • Early Childhood Education (Early Childhood Development, Prek-Primary Licensure)
    • EDF 1005 - Introduction to the Teaching Profession
    • EDF 2085 - Introduction to Diversity for Educators (recommended)
    • EME 2040 - Introduction to Educational Technology (recommended)
  • Elementary Education (K-6)
    • EDF 1005 - Introduction to the Teaching Profession
    • EDF 2085 - Introduction to Diversity for Educators (recommended)
    • EME 2040 - Introduction to Educational Technology (recommended)
  • English Education (6-12)
    • EDF 1005 - Introduction to the Teaching Profession
    • EDF 2085 - Introduction to Diversity for Teachers (recommended)
    • SPC 2608 - Fundamentals of Speech
    • 1 literature course with an ENL prefix
    • 1 literature course with a LIT or AML prefix
  • Math Education (6-12)
    • EDF 1005 - Introduction to the Teaching Profession
    • EDF 2085 - Introduction to Diversity for Teachers (recommended)
    • EME 2040 - Introduction to Educational Technology (recommended)
    • MAC 2311 - Calculus I
    • MAC 2312 - Calculus II
  • Middle School Education (Math/Science)
    • EDF 1005 - Introduction to the Teaching Profession
    • EDF 2085 - Introduction to Diversity for Educators (recommended)
    • EME 2040 - Introduction to Educational Technology (recommended)
    • MAC 2311 - Calculus I
    • STA 2023 - Elem Statistics
    • ESC 2000 - Discovering Earth Science
    • AST 2002/L - Discovering Astronomy w/ Lab
    • BSC 1010C - General Biology I
    • BSC 1011C - General Biology II
    • CHM 2045/ - General Chemistry I w/ Lab
    • PHY 1028/L - Intro to Physics w/ lab
  • Science Education (Biology 6-12, Chemistry 6-12, Physics 6-12)
    • EDF 1005 - Introduction to the Teaching Profession
    • EDF 2085 - Introduction to Diversity for Educators (recommended)
    • EME 2040 - Introduction to Educational Technology (recommended)
    • MAC 2311 - Calculus I
    Biology concentration also requires: 
    • BSC 1010C - General Biology I
    • BSC 1011C - General Biology II
    • CHM 2045/L - General Chemistry I w/ Lab
    • CHM 2046/L - General Chemistry II w/ Lab
    Chemistry concentration also requires:
    • CHM 2045/L - General Chemistry I w/ Lab
    • CHM 2046/L - General Chemistry II w/ Lab
    • PHY 1028 - Introduction to Physics
    • PHY 2053C - Algebra Physics I
    • PHY 2054C - Algebra Physics II
    • BSC 1010C - General Biology I (recommended)
    • MAC 2312 - Calculus II
    Physics concentration also requires:
    • AST 2002/L - Basic Astronomy w/ Lab
    • CHM 2045/L - General Chemistry w/ Lab
    • PHY 1028 - Introduction to Physics 
    • PHY 2048C - Calculus Physics I
    • PHY 2049/L - Calculus Physics II w/ Lab
    • MAC 2312 - Calculus II
    • MAC 2313 - Calculus III
  • Social Studies Education (6-12)
    • EDF 1005 - Introduction to the Teaching Profession
    • EDF 2085 - Introduction to Diversity for Educators (recommended)
    • EME 2040 - Introduction to Educational Technology (recommended)
    • AMH 2010 - US History to 1877
    • AMH 2020 - US History since 1877
    • POS 2041 - Introduction to American Government
    Select 1 course: (multiple courses recommended)
    • ECO 2023 - Microeconomics (recommended)
    • WOH 1012 - World History I (recommended)
    • WOH 1022 - World History II (recommended)
    • ANT 2000 - Introduction to Anthropology
    • GEO 2420 - Cultural Geography
    • PSY 2012 - Introduction to Psychology
    • SYG 2000 - Introduction to Sociology
  • Special Education (Disability Services, Exceptional Student Education)
    • EDF 1005 - Introduction to the Teaching Profession
    • EDF 2085 - Introduction to Diversity for Educators (recommended)
    • EME 2040 - Introduction to Educational Technology (recommended)
  • Learning Design & Technology
    • EME 1000 - Learning Design & Technology 
    • EME 2040 - Educational Technology
    • SPC 2608 - Fundamentals of Speech
    • STA 2023 - Elementary Statistics
  • Sport Management (General, Marketing)
    • SPM 2000 - Introduction to Sport Management
    • ECO 2013 - Macroeconomics
    • MAC 1105 - College Algebra
    • STA 2023 - Elem Statistics
    • ACG 2021 - Financial Accounting 
  • Pre-Health - Prelicensure Nursing, HS-Kinesiology
    Prelicensure Nursing requires:
    • BSC 1010C - General Biology I 
    • CHM 1025/L - Introduction to Chemistry w/ Lab
    • BSC 2085C - Anatomy & Physiology I
    • BSC 2086C - Anatomy & Physiology II
    • MCB 2010C - Microbiology
    • HUN 2201 - Basic Principles of Human Nutrition
    • STA 2023 - Elem Statistics
    • PSY 2012 - Introduction to Psychology
    • DEP 3054 - Lifespan Developmental Psychology
    HS-Kinesiology requires:
    • BSC 1010C - General Biology I
    • CHM 2045/L - General Chemistry I w/ Lab
    • BSC 2085C - Anatomy & Physiology I
    • BSC 2086C - Anatomy & Physiology II
    • HUN 2201 - Basic Principles of Human Nutrition
    • HSC 2619 - Introduction to Exercise Science (recommended - offered during the spring & summer semesters)
    • MAC 1105 - College Algebra
    • STA 2023 - Elem Statistics
    • PSY 2012 - Introduction to Psychology
    • SPC 2608 - Fundamentals of Speech
  • Healthcare Management
    • MAC 1105 - College Algebra
    • STA 2023 - Elem Statistics
    • CGS 1100 - Computer Applications for Business
    • ECO 2023 - Microeconomics
    • ACG 2021 - Financial Accounting
    • ACG 2071 - Managerial Accounting
    • HSA 2530 - The Language of Healthcare
  • Health Science (Public Health, Interdisciplinary Health Studies)
    Public Health concentration requires:
    • BSC 1010C - General Biology I
    • CHM 1025/L - Introduction to Chemistry w/ Lab
    • BSC 2085C - Anatomy & Physiology I
    • BSC 2086C - Anatomy & Physiology II
    • MCB 2010C - Microbiology 
    • MAC 1105 - College Algebra
    • STA 2023 - Elem Statistics
    • PSY 2012 - Introduction to Psychology
    • HSC 2100 - Personal & Public Health
    Interdisciplinary Health Studies concentration requires students select 1 course: (both recommended)
    • HSC 2000 - Healthcare Careers
    • HSC 2100 - Personal & Public Health
  • Nutrition & Dietetics (Dietetics, Community Nutrition & Food)
    • BSC 1010C - General Biology I
    • CHM 2045/L - General Chemistry I w/ Lab
    • BSC 2085C - Anatomy & Physiology I
    • BSC 2086C - Anatomy & Physiology II
    • MCB 2010C - Microbiology
    • FSS 1202/L - Food Fundamentals I w/ Lab
    • HUN 2201 - Basic Principles of Human Nutrition
    • MAC 1105 - College Algebra
    • STA 2023 - Elem Statistics
    • POS 2041 - Introduction to American Government