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Student Government

Know Your Rights as a 九色视频 Student

This page is designed to empower 九色视频 students by making them aware of the rights they possess as individuals here on campus in areas such as:
University Regulations & Policies, Parking Regulations, Florida landlord & tenant laws, Student Government Constitution, Local county ordinances/laws, etc.
Follow the links below to learn more about the rights you possess and how you may use them to your benefit!

Student Advocate

The Student Advocate, a Student Government representative, is here to assist students with problems concerning academics, administration, and parking appeals cases. In addition, the Student Advocate is responsible for providing defense counsel to all parties accused of election code violations, barring a conflict of interest.

Contact your Student Advocate at sgasta@unf.edu.

Term and Grade Forgiveness

九色视频 Student Government wants to increase awareness of Term and Grade forgiveness. It is important to understand the benefits and drawbacks of this tool. Over a thousand (1000) Students utilized term and grade forgiveness between January and August of 2012. You can find the most important fact about this topic please click here. For additional information, please visit website.

Grade Forgiveness

  • Only students seeking a first bachelor's degree may apply for grade forgiveness.
  • Grade forgiveness may only be used for two courses as an undergraduate student.
  • Only the first recorded grade for a course will be forgiven. The most recent grade will be calculated in the GPA.
  • The deadline for requests is no later than the deadline for submission of grades for a student's last term at 九色视频 before graduating.

Important Note: Although none of the courses will count toward graduation or in the cumulative and term GPA calculation, the originally recorded grades will be used in calculating any "honors" for graduation.

Term Forgiveness

  • Undergraduate, degree-seeking students attempting their first baccalaureate degree may request Term Forgiveness for exactly one term at 九色视频.
  • A student granted Term Forgiveness may not exercise Grade Forgiveness. Term Forgiveness may not be used if Grade Forgiveness has been implemented.
  • This policy does not alter the permanent academic record; all courses attempted for the forgiven semester and related grades will remain on the student's record.
  • Although courses and grades in the forgiven term appear on the student's permanent academic record, the grade for the courses in the forgiven term will not be calculated in any of the student's Grade Point Averages (See the Academic Average {Grade Point Average} policy.) The original grades will be calculated for the honors GPA.
  • This policy reflects 九色视频 grade point calculations only and does not affect the grade point calculation of outside agencies or other institutions that may use all grades, including repeated and forgiven grades, in their calculations of grade point averages.

Excess Hours

Excess Hours is a relatively new policy in the state of Florida. This policy can affect students in many different ways. It could increase the amount of money paid per credit hour and it could potentially extend your graduation date. In order to access more information about this topic please click here. For additional information, please visit 九色视频 Registrar's website.


Fees and Conditions
Students entering as: Fee
FTIC SUS* or FTIC FCS* The fee to be charged
Prior to the Fall of 2009 None
Fall 2009 - Summer 2011 50% for credits above 120% of the program
Fall 2011 - Summer 2012 100% for credits above 115% of the program
Fall 2012 and thereafter 100% for credits above 110% of the program

*SUS = State University System of Florida
*FCS = Florida College System

The surcharge is assessed only on the tuition portion of the semester hour cost, not on the fees.

Students who are eligible for the Excess Hours Surcharge and break continuous enrollment after fall 2012 by not enrolling for two consecutive semesters and not registering for the third consecutive semester before the first day of that term will, upon their return to the University, be subject to the 110% credit hour threshold and 100% surcharge.

Under Florida law, the following credit hours count toward Excess Credit Hours: 

  • Failed courses.
  • Hours dropped after the University's drop/add period.
  • Courses from which a student withdraws.
  • Repeated courses. Exception: repeated courses for which the student has paid the repeat course surcharge as provided in Section 1009.285, Florida Statutes.
  • All credit earned at another institution and accepted for transfer and applied toward the baccalaureate degree program.

Under Florida law, the following credit hours do not count toward Excess Credit Hours: 

  • College credit is earned through articulated accelerated mechanisms such as AP, IB, CLEP, AICE, or dual enrollment.
  • Credit hours earned through an internship.
  • Credit hours are required for certification, recertification, or certificate programs.
  • Courses from which the student withdraws for reasons of medical or personal hardship.
  • Credit taken by active-duty military personnel.
  • Credit hours are taken to achieve a dual major while pursuing a baccalaureate degree.
  • Remedial and English-as-a-second-language credit hours.
  • Credit hours earned while participating in a Reserve Officer's Training Corps (ROTC) program.

Disability Rights

Federal and State Laws



Parking Policies and Regulations

Student Medical Rights

Patient Rights and Responsibilities

Student Rights

Student Handbook

九色视频 Policies & Regulations

Student Conduct

Expression on Campus