Allowable-Unallowable Travel Expenses
All University Travel must adhere to University policies and procedures and comply with Section 112.061 of the Florida Statutes.
A Travel Authorization must be submitted and approved prior to booking any travel related business. When travel is completed, the Travel Expense Report must be complete, all receipts are to be attached to the transaction along with any additional documentation. Travel must serve as a bona fide Official Business function for the University.
Allowable Items
- Airfare for approved business.
- Auto rental from Avis or Budget. Vehicle rentals are required to be compact, unless a larger vehicle is properly documented.
- Business telephone calls provided detail is on the Travel Expense.
- Gasoline for rental and state owned. Rental or vehicle number is required. Receipts are required.
- Hotel: including any deposits or guarantees to hold room. Single room rates required.
- Meals while in official Class A or Class B travel status for approved 九色视频 travel. Must always be deducted from the Travel Expense.
- Parking while in travel status covered by Travel Authorization/Request.
- Registration fees for conferences. Agenda and registration materials are required.
- Taxies/Cabs.
- Tolls.
Non-Allowable Items
- Airfare changes due to personal conveniences or personal issues. First Class or Business Class airfare *.
- Airfare for students not in official travel status conducting official University business. See below **.
- Auto rental upgrades (not documented).
- Emergency medications for personal health.
- Emergency car repairs to personal vehicles.
- Gasoline or fuel for a personal vehicle or vessel.
- Laundry Service.
- Movies.
- Movie Rentals.
- Movies charged to the hotel bill.
- Hotel cancellation charges due to the traveler’s failure to cancel reservations in a timely manner.
- Hotel room service.
- Hotel mini bars.
- Meals in Class C travel status.
- Meals for others while in official travel status.
- Meals not included in the registration fees or not provided by the conference or meeting, such as a banquet or luncheon that is optional and not requiring attendance.
- Meals paid with the T-Card, unless it is deducted from the Travel Expense.
- Personal convenience items.
- Personal telephone calls.
- Registration cancellation charges due to the traveler’s failure to cancel reservations timely.
- Tuition registration fees for independent course or classes.
*The State of Florida does not allow for first class or business class travel and requires an original receipt for any item reimbursed for common carrier transportation. The State does allow taxies to be reimbursed for up to $25 if a receipt is lost or otherwise not provided or available by the taxi driver. Please keep this in mind when requesting or gathering your receipts to complete your Travel Expense. All card transactions require a receipt, if it is lost the traveler must complete the Missing Receipt Affidavit and submit it completed with the Travel Expense Report.
**For travel considerations, the term “Official Business of the University” is defined as any travel that is necessary for the execution of an official business function of the University. That would not apply to travel for a student traveling in a TLO or study abroad trip or for participation in a conference where the student is the primary beneficiary of the travel activity as a result of their academic endeavors. A student would need to be in the normal conduct of a business activity of the University to have travel expenses reimbursed.
Airline Tickets for group travel for Athletics Teams, SG or Study Abroad trips
For a more detailed explanation regarding travel rules, please refer to the Controller’s Travel and Rental Car Procedures.
These guidelines consider all expense to be for official University business, except as provided and authorized specifically by University policy and procedures as explained in this document or listed on the Controller’s webpage.
- In all cases, where any reimbursement or expenditure is paid directly to or on behalf of an authorized traveler, a Travel Authorization/Request is required.
- A T-Card may be used in reference to items covered in this statement.
- The following will provide some additional information regarding travel for these respective areas but is not intended to be all inclusive of the procedures for the respective areas and if further information is needed please contact the Accounts Payable Supervisor:
- Travel Authorization/Request are required for all coaches with a list of student team members attached.
- Team members must sign for any meal per diem allowances they receive from the coach.
- Pregame meals taken during a regular meal time will be considered as part of the per diem allowance.
- Given that Per Diem allowances for meals is required. Receipts for meal purchases with the T-Card must be deducted from the Travel Expense in consideration of the Per Diem allowances.
Student Government Travel (SG)
- Student groups authorized by SG may allow one individual student to be a trip leader where multiple students are traveling as part of a planned SG approved program.
- Procedures provide for a Travel Authorization/Request to be approved with attached lists of the other student travelers.
- These students are deemed to be traveling on official business of SG in accordance with SG bylaws and must adhere to the University’s policy and procedures regarding travel authorization and reimbursement.
Study Abroad & Transformational Learning Opportunities (TLO’s)
- Expenditures paid on behalf of students who are not traveling on official business of the University, must be paid from fees collected from the student.
- TLO or other Study Abroad trips are generally not considered to be Official University business for students, since these expenses are generally paid on behalf of and for the students benefit with regard to their curriculum program.
- Students may receive financial aid awards to cover program expenses.
- Travel Authorization/Request are required for the study abroad faculty leaders, but not the students. Faculty or staff leaders must have a Travel Authorization/Request approved by the University official responsible for travel and the appropriate division Vice President, if international travel is involved.
- Expenses paid for students generally must be paid from local agency funds held in custody for students.
- Requires a list of students scheduled for the trip for which expenditures are paid.
- Must meet specific requirements for the programs with an approved budget.
- Cash balances and funding must be sufficient to support study abroad trips prior to any expenditure being incurred. Expenses must be paid in accordance with the planned and preapproved budget.
- Cash balances remaining in the TLO or Study Abroad Program fund in excess of all expenses must be returned to the students.
- A T-Card may be used in reference to items covered in this statement. The use of the T-Card is allowable for travel for these programs.