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On Campus Transition Program

Community Leaders

For OCT students to successfully transition into being independent, contributing members of society, the involvement of community agencies and businesses needs to be present.  Ways for community leaders to make a difference in students’ lives include:

  • Mentoring students in career awareness and development
  • Developing internships program (paid/unpaid)
  • Providing trainings to students in specialized areas of independent living (e.g., cooking, financial management, nutrition, public transportation, job skills, assistive technology, etc.)
  • Sponsoring events, donations, etc.
  • Serving on the OCT Advisory Committee

In addition, OCT provides training on diversity, disability etiquette, and disability law to companies (no fee).

Get Involved

Interested in sponsoring or partnering with the OCT? Would you like to request diversity/ADA training for your company?

For futher information on how you can get involved with The Arc Jacksonville, please contact us at oct@arcjacksonville.org or (904) 620-3890.