Graduate Council
- graduate admissions requirements and policies,
- graduate completion requirements,
- graduate curriculum standards,
- graduate instruction standards, and
- graduate faculty standards.
As the principal review and recommending body for graduate programs, policies enacted by the Graduate Council and approved by the Graduate Dean are subject to the final review and approval of the Vice President for Academic Affairs and the President.
The Dean of the Graduate School serves as Chair of the Graduate Council. In cooperation with the colleges, the Council is responsible for setting graduate standards, providing for the continuous monitoring of standards, developing new policies and procedures as they are needed, reviewing existing policies, and providing assurance of university-wide compliance with all graduate standards.
If you would like to view the meeting minutes or handouts, please contact the Graduate School.
Graduate Council Members
Member | College | Department/School | Program(s) Represented |
Dr. Chris Joyce | BCH | Clinical & Applied Movement Sciences | MS: Athletic Training; MSH: Kinesiology/Lifestyle Medicine |
Dr. Rob Haley | BCH | Health Administration | MHA/EHMA: Health Administration; MS: Health Informatics |
Dr. Marie Smith-East | BCH | Nursing | DNP: Anesthesiology, Nursing; MSN: Nursing |
Dr. Jen Ross | BCH | Nutrition & Dietetics | DCN: Clinical Nutrition; MS: Nutrition & Dietetics |
Dr. Sherry Pinkstaff | BCH | Physical Therapy | DPT: Physical Therapy |
Dr. Elissa Barr | BCH | Public Health | MPH: Public Health; MS: Clinical Mental Health Counseling |
Dr. David Jaeger | CCB | Accounting & Finance | MACC: Accountancy |
Dr. Christopher (Brian) Flynn | CCB | Management | MBA: Business Administration; MS: Business Analytics, MS: Management |
Dr. Dawn Russell | CCB | Marketing & Logistics | MS: Logistics & Supply Chain Management |
Dr. Sandeep Reddivari | CCEC | Computing | MS: Computing & Information Sciences |
Dr. Dan Koo | CCEC | Construction Management | MS: Construction Management |
Dr. Osama Jadaan | CCEC | Engineering | MSCE: Civil Engineering; MSEE: Electrical: MS: Materials Science & Engineering; MSME: Mechanical Engineering |
Dr. Matthew Gilg | COAS | Biology | MA/MS: Biology |
Dr. Stephynie Perkins | COAS | Communication | MS: Communication Management |
Dr. Brenda Vose | COAS | Criminology & Criminal Justice | MS: Criminal Justice |
Dr. Betsy Nies | COAS | English | MA: English |
Dr. Chau Johnsen Kelly | COAS | History | MA: History |
Dr. Elena Buzaianu | COAS | Mathematics & Statistics | MS: Mathematical Sciences |
Dr. Erin Bodnar | COAS | Music | MM: Music Education, Music Performance |
Dr. Daniel Santavicca | COAS | Physics | MS: Materials Science and Engineering |
Dr. Josh Gellers | COAS | Political Science and Public Administration | MPA: Public Administration, MA: International Affairs |
Dr. Dan Richard | COAS | Psychology | MS: Psychological Science |
Dr. Cristy Cummings | COAS | Sociology, Anthropology, and Social Work | MSW: Social Work |
Dr. David Hoppey | COEHS | Exceptional, Deaf and Interpreter Education, and Leadership, School Counseling and Sport Management | MS: ASL/English Interpreting, Ed Tech, Training & Development, Higher Ed Admin; MED: Counselor Education, Educational Leadership, Special Ed |
Dr. Diane Yendol-Hoppey | COEHS | Teaching, Learning, and Curriculum | EdD: Curriculum & Instruction, Educational Leadership; MED: Curriculum & Instruction, Elementary Ed; MAT: Elementary Ed, Exceptional Student Ed, Secondary Ed |
Ex-Officio Members | Department | Title |
Dr. Michele Moore | The Graduate School | Dean & Graduate Council Chair |
Paige Lilley | The Graduate School | Director |
Karina Miller | The Graduate Student Organization | President |
Dr. Michael Binder | The Faculty Association | President |
Jennifer Murray | Thomas G. Carpenter Library | Interim Dean |
Graduate Council Bylaws
Article I
The name of this standing committee shall be The Graduate Council of the 九色视频. It serves as the faculty’s representative body for governance of the Graduate School at the 九色视频.
Article II
Purpose: Section I
The Graduate Council is vested with the responsibility of formulating, reviewing, disseminating, and monitoring the implementation of policies and procedures concerning graduate education at the 九色视频, including but not limited to:
- graduate admissions requirements and policies,
- graduate completion requirements,
- graduate curriculum standards,
- graduate instruction standards, and
- graduate faculty standards.
To that end, the Council has the authority to initiate new policies and changes to existing policies related to graduate education, and to review and approve new policies and revisions of existing policies initiated by other units, subject to Purpose: Section II below.
Purpose: Section II
Graduate Council policies, including all policy and procedural information published in the Graduate Catalog and other university documents, are subject to review and approval by the College Deans, the Dean of the Graduate School, the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, and the President. They may also be subject to review and approval by the Faculty Association.
Article III
Membership: Section I
The Graduate Council is composed of voting and non-voting members. The membership is determined as follows:
- Voting members.
- All voting members must be Research Graduate Faculty. Each department or school responsible for the management of one or more graduate programs shall be represented by one member. The Dean of the Graduate School shall automatically serve. Voting members may select designees to attend and vote in their absence.
- Non-voting members.
- The Faculty Association President, the Dean of the Library, the Associate Vice President for Enrollment Services, and the Director of the Graduate School, or their designees, will serve as ex-officio, non-voting members of the Council. The President of the Graduate Student Organization, or her/his appointed delegate, will serve as the graduate student representative. Program Directors otherwise not appointed by their department to serve as voting members are encouraged to attend as non-voting members of the Graduate Council.
- The Dean of the Graduate School.
- Will serve as chairperson of the Council.
- Voting members.
Membership: Section II
The following guidelines prescribe the designation of Council members. A list of departments offering graduate programs may be found in Appendix A.
- Existing program representatives.
- Each department or school responsible for the management of one or more graduate programs will, according to that department’s policies and procedures, designate a representative for the Graduate Council. New representatives for existing graduate programs will take office at the first regularly scheduled after their appointment as program director.
- New department representatives.
- As new graduate programs are approved, the Council membership may grow in accordance with the bylaws. Such growth will not require revisions to the bylaws so long as the changes affect only the membership. Appendix A will be revised as necessary, the revision date noted on that page. New programs within departments or schools already represented on the Council shall be represented by the existing Council member. Departments or schools otherwise not represented will designate a representative to serve on the Council. New representatives may take office at the next regularly scheduled meeting.
- Student representative.
- The Chairperson of the Graduate Student Organization or her/his appointed delegate, in accordance to that organization’s constitution, will represent the graduate student body on the Graduate Council.
- Existing program representatives.
Article IV
Conduct of Business: Section I
The Council will meet monthly during the academic year. Special meetings may be called by the Chairperson or by a majority of the membership. -
Conduct of Business: Section II
The minutes of each council meeting shall be made available to council members, college deans, and graduate program directors. -
Conduct of Business: Section III
For any meeting a simple majority of the voting members of the Council shall constitute a quorum. -
Conduct of Business: Section IV
The Chair will report activities of the Graduate Council to the Faculty Association at such times as requested by the Faculty Association President. The Chair shall ensure that minutes of meetings are posted on the Graduate Council Web page in a timely manner. -
Conduct of Business: Section V
The rules contained in the current edition of Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised shall be the parliamentary authority for the Council when applicable and when not inconsistent with these bylaws or any special rules of order the Council may adopt.
Section V
The Council shall have the Chairperson form or cause to be formed such special committees as it needs. Each special committee shall have a charge which includes its organization, responsibilities, term of existence, and method of meeting and reporting.
Section VI
Amendment of Bylaws
These bylaws may be amended at any regular meeting of the Council by two-thirds of the votes cast, provided that the amendment has been submitted in writing to the membership at the previous regular meeting.
Appendix A
Brooks College of Health
Department of Clinical & Applied Movement Sciences
Department of Health Administration
Department of Nutrition & Dietetics
Department of Physical Therapy
Department of Public Health
School of Nursing -
Coggin College of Business
Department of Accounting and Finance
Department of Economics & Geography
Department of Management
Department of Marketing & Logistic -
College of Arts & Sciences
Department of Biology
Department of Chemistry
Department of Criminology & Criminal Justice
Department of English
Department of History
Department of Mathematics & Statistics
Department of Music
Department of Physics
Department of Political Science & Public Administration
Department of Psychology
Department of Sociology, Anthropology, and Social Work
School of Communication -
College of Computing, Engineering & Construction
Department of Construction Management
School of Computing
School of Engineering -
Silverfield College of Education & Human Services
Department of Leadership, School Counseling & Sport Management
Department of Exceptional, Deaf & Interpreter Education
Department of Teaching, Learning, & Curriculum -
History: Authorization by majority vote of the Graduate Council
Originally adopted April 14, 1998
Revised and adopted October 11, 2002
Revised and adopted January 23, 2004
Revised and adopted November 23, 2004
Revised and adopted May 23, 2006
Revised and adopted April 29, 2015
Revised and adopted October 10, 2019
Revised and adopted October 14, 2021