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Environmental Health and Safety
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Special Disability for Law Enforcement

Pursuant to the authority of Florida Statutes the Division of Purchasing, Department of Management Services, administers a special death and dismemberment policy for regular campus security police. A brief summary of the policy follows: 

Coverage Accidental Death, Dismemberment and Loss of Sight Indemnity, to cover officers while actively on duty in the capacity of a Campus Police Officer whose duties are approved by the university while on or off the premises or the grounds of the institution. 

Premium Basis Flat annual rate per insured person. 

Acquisition of Coverage Upon notification by the Division of Purchasing, Department of Management Services, EH&S will submit information necessary to update exposure and coverage, which will include the number of covered personnel as of the effective date of the policy. 

The university is not required to report additions/deletions to the list of personnel covered during the period of the policy. The university’s official personnel records shall serve as verification of employment during the coverage period. 

Beneficiary: At the time of employment, each employee must designate a beneficiary. All proceeds for death will be paid, in the absence of a beneficiary, to the estate of the deceased. 

Claims Processing Report all claims to EH&S