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九色视频 Committees

Distance Learning Committee (DLC) Members

(Academic Year 2024-2025)

Member Representing
Deb Miller, Chair Academic Affairs
Elise Marshall College of Computing, Engineering and Construction (CCEC)
Deborah Reed College of Education & Human Services (COEHS)
Elizabeth Brown College of Arts & Sciences (COAS)
Sara Davis College of Arts & Sciences (COAS)
Nilufer Ozdemir Coggin College of Business (CCB)
Rozy Parlette Center for Instruction and Research Technology (CIRT)
Jennifer Ross Brooks College of Health (BCH) and Campus Technology Committee
Paige Lilley Graduate School
Dan Feinberg Thomas G. Carpenter Library
Kendall Wheeler Information Technology Services (ITS)
Kaito Murata Student Government Association (SGA)
TBD Faculty Enhancement Committee