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History Faculty

The Department of History has earned a reputation as a community of true scholar teachers. In the last ten years, 九色视频 history faculty have published twenty-five books, 59 peer-reviewed journal articles and 35 book chapters. They have won national and international book awards and grants, including NEH, Fulbright, and Ford foundation grants.

Full-time Faculty

Name Position Email Phone Room Number
Dr. David Sheffler Department Chair & Associate Professor david.sheffler@unf.edu (904) 620-1856 9/2502
Dr. Felicia Bevel Assistant Professor felicia.bevel@unf.edu 9/2508
Dr. Denise I. Bossy Associate Professor denise.bossy@unf.edu 9/2504
Dr. Alison J. Bruey Professor alison.bruey@unf.edu 9/2423
Dr. Charles E. Closmann Associate Professor cclosman@unf.edu 9/2520
Dr. Philip Kaplan Associate Professor pkaplan@unf.edu 9/2510
Dr. Chau Kelly Associate Professor & Graduate Program Director chau.kelly@unf.edu (904) 620-5234 9/2512
Dr. Jillian McClure Instructor jillian.mcclure@unf.edu 9/2518
Arina Mikhalevskaya Visiting Assistant Professor arina.mikhalevskaya@yale.edu 9/
Dr. Justin Rogers Assistant Professor justin.rogers@unf.edu 9/2520
Dr. E. Kyle Romero Assistant Professor e.kyle.romero@unf.edu 9/2514

Affiliate Faculty

Name Position Email Phone Room Number
Dr. Karen Cousins Assistant Vice President, Office of the Provost and Affiliate Professor karen.cousins@unf.edu (904) 620-1023 1/2522

Emeritus Faculty

Name Position Email Phone Room Number
Dr. Dale Clifford Associate Professor clifford@unf.edu
Dr. David T. Courtwright Professor dcourtwr@unf.edu
Dr. James B. Crooks Professor jamesbcrooks@comcast.net
Dr. Theophilus C. Prousis Professor tprousis@unf.edu
Dr. Daniel L. Schafer Professor dschafer@unf.edu

Part-Time Faculty

Name Position Email Phone Room Number
Dr. David Justice Adjunct Professor d.justice@unf.edu
Heidi Manzone Adjunct Professor hmanzone@unf.edu 9/2509
Melissa Matthews Adjunct Professor mmatthews@unf.edu
Patrick Nolan Adjunct Professor p.nolan@unf.edu 9/2515
Amarilys Sanchez Adjunct Professor N01065425@unf.edu 9/2511
Jay Smith Adjunct Professor n00163232@unf.edu 9/2517
Justin Stuart Adjunct Professor n00882160@unf.edu
Brian Turner Adjunct Professor brian.turner@unf.edu 9/2516

Graduate Teaching Assistants

Name Position Email Phone Room Number
Stephanie Baskin Teaching Assistant n01109325@unf.edu 9/2414
Savanna Courtney-Durrant Teaching Assistant n01429911@unf.edu 9/2414

Office Staff

Name Position Email Phone Room Number
Marianne Roberts Office Manager mroberts@unf.edu (904) 620-2880 9/2503