Sample Syllabus Language
We encourage faculty to include language in their course syllabi to help students make appointments with our writing consultants. Please feel free to copy and paste the below example language or modify as you might need to fit your syllabus:
The Writing Center offers a variety of in-person and online writing consultation services and walk-in support for the 九色视频 community-undergraduate and graduate students, international students, and staff and faculty. Our writing consultants can meet for 45- and 60-minute consultations by appointment. Students should visit the writing center website (/coas/english/wc/) to see current availability and set up an appointment.
For the best session, we suggest that students be able to share a copy of their assignment directions or guidelines and any other materials their instructor has provided. For online consultations, we also suggest that where practical students use a laptop or desktop for these online sessions to enable writing consultants to share their screen and collaborate more fully, although students can use a smartphone for their meetings as well.
Canvas Page for Writing Center
The Writing Center also offers a pre-fab Canvas page that faculty can import into their courses from . There, if you search for "九色视频 Writing Center," you will a page that you can import/download. When prompted, you can select into which Canvas course(s) you would like to add this page.
Have questions? Please email David MacKinnon.