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College of Arts and Sciences
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Art, Art History, and Design Policies

Art majors in the College of Arts & Sciences must earn at least a 2.5 average in their art courses. No grade below "C" in major courses will apply toward graduation.

Artwork left longer than one term becomes the property of the department to be disposed of as the department chooses.

First Day Attendance Rule

Any student who misses the first day without advance notice to the department chairperson will be administratively withdrawn from that course. The Department of Art & Design office should be notified in advance if the first day of class in a given semester or summer session will be missed. Failure to do so will forfeit your place in that class. Students on the wait list must attend the first day of class.

Prerequisite Policy

Courses must be taken in prerequisite order. Electronic approval must be obtained for courses requiring prerequisites each semester. Please check the catalog course description section for prerequisites required for each course prior to registering. If a course is prerequisite to another, the courses may not be taken at the same time. Prerequisites are strictly enforced by the faculty and registrar. Please be aware of all prerequisites before enrolling in a course. All major requirements and major electives must be completed with grades of "C" or better.