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2024-2025 University Catalog
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minor: Film


Minor: Film (15 credits)

A grade of C or better is required in all minor courses. Courses cannot double count in both a major and minor.

SELECT 1 Course:
LIT 3213 The Art of Critical Reading (3 credits)
FIL 3006 Analyzing Films (3 credits)
FIL 3809 Film Terms (3 credits)

SELECT 1 Survey Course:
FIL 3826 Movements in American Film (3 credits)
FIL 4828 Movements in International Cinema (3 credits)

SELECT 3 Courses:

FIL 3809 Film Terms (3 credits)
FIL 3826 Movements in American Film (3 credits)
FIL 3930 Topics in Film (3 credits)
FIL 4822 French Cinema (3 credits)
FIL 4828 Movements in International Cinema (3 credits)
FIL 4848 Transnational Cinema (3 credits)
FIL 4300 Documentary Studies (3 credits)
FIL3006 Analyzing Films (3 credits)
PHI 3880 Philosophy of Film (3 credits)
FIL 4882 (CD) Cinema and Culture (3 credits)
LIT 3213 The Art of Critical Reading (3 credits)
LAH 3736 Modern Latin American History Through Film (3 credits)
FIL 3833 Film Genre (3 credits)
FIL 4836 Film Noir (3 credits)
FIL 3831 Horror Films (3 credits)
FIL 4843 Asian Cinema (3 credits)
FIL 3832 Black Cinema (3 credits)
FIL 4072 American Film in Context: 1950's - 1960's (3 credits)
FIL 4073 American Film in Context: 1970s (3 credits)
FIL 4078 American Film in Context: 1980s (3 credits)
FIL 4935 Advanced Topics in Film (3 credits)
FOT 3932 French Identity in Film (3 credits)
SPW 4934 Spanish American Film (3 credits)

CRW 3610 Screenwriting Workshop (3 credits)
CRW 4924 Advanced Screenwriting (3 credits)
FIL 3363 Documentary Production (3 credits)
FIL 4379 Advanced Documentary Production (3 credits)
FIL 4293 Audio Documentary and Podcasting (3 credits)

FIL 4900 Independent Study in Film (3 credits)
FIL 4945 Internship in Film Production (3 credits)