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2024-2025 University Catalog
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minor: Digital Humanities


Minor: Digital Humanities (15 credits)

At least 9 hours must be earned at the 3000 or 4000 level. All courses must be passed with a grade of C or higher.

COM4561 Strategic Social Media (3 credits)
COP2220 Programming I (3 credits)
COP3503 Programming II (3 credits)
DIG3176 Introduction to Digital Humanities (3 credits)
DIG4152 Digital Editing and Digital Archives (3 credits)
DIG3930 Special Topics in Digital Humanities (3 credits)
DIG4588 Digital Humanities Studio (3 credits)
DIG4944 Digital Humanities Internship (3 credits) - Repeatable up to 6 credits
DIG4931 Advanced Topics in Digital Humanities (3 credits)
ENC3375 Introduction to Fandom Studies (3 credits)
ENC4436 Writing as Social Action (3 credits)
ENC4415 Rhetoric in the Digital Humanities (3 credits)
ENG3816 Digital Methods in Literary Studies (3 credits)
FIL3363 Documentary Production (3 credits)
FIL4361 Audio Documentary and Podcasting (3 credits)
GIS3043 Introduction to Geographic Information Systems (3 credits)
GIS4048 Intermediate Geographic Information Systems (3 credits)
Prerequisite: GIS3043
IDC2000 Beauty and Joy of Computing (3 credits)
SPN3351 Communication and Communities for Heritage Speakers (3 credits)
SPW3471 Studies in Colonial and 19th Century Latin American Literature (3 credits)
SPN3860 Digital Textual Editing in Spanish (3 credits)
Prerequisite: SPN3242 and SPN330 or SPN3350, or by permission of instructor

Additional regular or special topics courses may be used to fulfill this requirement, by approval of the coordinator of the Digital Humanities minor.