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2024-2025 University Catalog
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major: Africana Studies

Degree: Bachelor of Arts (BA) 2024-2025

Osprey Map (Course Sequence Guide)

Foundation (12 credits)

Only two transfer courses will apply towards major requirements. A grade of C or better is required in all major courses. Students will be required to complete all prerequisites needed for individual major courses. Individual courses may be used only once to meet program requirements or electives. Students may cross-count up to 9 credits for a minor or a second major, on approval from that program.

AFS3262 African Diaspora (3 Credits)
AMH3571 (CD)Intro African-Amer History (3 Credits)

SELECT 1 course focused on Africa and African peoples from this list (3 credits):
ANT4352 (FC) Peoples and Cultures of Africa
AFH3450 (CD/FC) South Africa
AFH3100 Ancient Africa to 1850
AFH3252 War, Genocide, and HIV in Modern Africa
CPO3213 Politics and Society in Sub-Saharan Africa
Or, relevant Africa-focused coursework approved by the program director.

SELECT 1 of the following Methods course (3 credits):
ANT4083 Quantitative Methods in Anthropology
ANT4497 Ethnographic Methods
CCJ3700 Research Methods in Criminology and Criminal Justice
ECO3411 Business and Economic Statistics
ENG3816 Digital Methods in Literary Studies
ENG4004 Research Methods in English
GIS3043 Intro to Geographical Information Systems
HIS3051 Craft of the Historian
IDS3053 Introduction to Interdisciplinary Inquiry
PAD4144 Nonprofit Management
PHI3084 Philosophical Methods
POS3733 Research Design for Political Scientists
POS3734 Research Analysis for Political Scientists
REL3102 Religion as Culture
PSY3213 Research Methods in Psychology
SYA3300 Logic of Inquiry
SYA3310 Qualitative Research Methods
Or, relevant methods coursework approved by the program director.

Core Requirements (12 credits)

SELECT 4 courses from the following:
PHM3128 Philosophy of Race and Racism
REL3152 Race and Religion in US
ARH3631 African American Art History
AML3621 (GW)Black American Literature
AMH3673 The Civil Rights Movement
ANT4352 (FC) Peoples and Cultures of Africa
MUH3055 (FC) African American Musical Heritage
SYD3700 Racial & Cultural Minorities
LAS3020 Peoples and Cultures of the Caribbean
Or, additional coursework to be approved by the program director.

Capstone Experience (3 credits)

At the end of their program, students will complete a capstone experience, which may involve an internship, a directed independent study, a relevant study abroad, a TLO, community-based experience, or other project in consultation with the program director.

Electives (9 credits)

Students are encouraged to gain a wide variety of disciplinary skills and perspectives. Special Topics or other courses on Race, Africa, African-American, or African Diaspora themes from any department may be included, after consultation with the program director. Some courses listed here may be offered on a limited basis, please consult with your advisor. Students are encouraged to consider how electives might complement their minor or a double-major.

SELECT 3 courses from the Foundations:
AFH3450 (CD/FC) South Africa
AMH3170 Civil War/Reconstrution
AFH3100 Ancient Africa to 1850
AMH3402 The American South through the 19th Century
AMH3403 The American South from the 20th Century
AFH3252 War, Genocide, and HIV in Modern Africa
ENL4230/LIT5934 Slavery and the Enlightenment
EUH3932 Selected Topics: European History
HIS3490 History of Medicine and Disease
SPN3860 Digital Textual Editing in Spanish
ENC4436 Writing as Social Action
MUH2018 Evolution of Jazz 1
MUH3024 Evolution of Jazz 2
PHP3790 American Philosophy
PHI3601 Ethics
PHI3640 Environmental Ethics
PHM3400 Philosophy of Law
PHM4340 Contemporary Political Philosophy
LAS3020 (FC)Peoples/Cultures Caribbean
FRT3550 Faces of France
FRE3502 French and Francophone Cultures (in French)
FRE4930 Special Topics in French Culture
FOL3953 Adv Foreign Language Abroad
REL3120 Religion in America
REL3101 Religion and Popular Culture
REL3127 Religion and the Courts
REL3148 Religion and Violence
POS3142 Politics and Policy in Urban Government
CPO3213 Politics and Society in Sub-Saharan Africa
CPO4034 Politics of Developing Countries
POS3931 Selected Topics: Political Science
SOP3004 Social Psychology
SOP3515 Fundamentals of Conflict Transformation
SOP3751 Psychology and the Law
SOP3723 Culture and Psychology
SPC4064 Public Speaking for Professionals
ANT3355 The African Diaspora
SYD3410 Urban Sociology
SYD4702 Race, Place and Inequality
SYG2013 Sex, Race, and Social Class
SYP4660 Sociology of Culture
SYP4351 Social Movements and Social Change
SYA4930 Selected Topics: Sociology
CCJ2002 Crime in America
CCJ4662 Minorities and Crime
ARH3453 Post War Art: 1940-1980
ARH3475 Contemporary Art: 1980 - Present
ARH3583 Tribal Arts
ARH3621 American Art I: 1492-1876
ARH3623 American Art II: 1876-1940
FIL4882 Cinema and Culture
EDF2085 Introduction to Diversity for Educators
GEO3553 Cultural Dimensions of Economic Geography
GEA3405 Geography of Latin American and the Caribbean
ECP3613 Urban Economics

Minor Required

A minor is required for this major.* (Credits will vary)

The minor must be selected from the list of approved minors, including those outside the college of the major.
See List of Minors in the Undergraduate Catalog. Minors are generally completed during the last 60 credit hours of your program. Your minor may require prerequisites, so choosing a minor early is beneficial. See your Advisor to declare a minor.

*Double majors are exempt from a minor.

Foreign Language/Foreign Cultures

Foreign Language (8 CHs)/Foreign Culture Requirement (6 CHs): All BA students in the College of Arts and Sciences are required to complete either (i) the Foreign Language option or (ii) the Foreign Culture option, in either case with grades of C or higher.


  • Select one two-course sequence of Spanish, French, Chinese, German, Latin, or American Sign Language.
  • The first course in each of the two-course sequences is typically offered in the fall; the second course in each of the two-course sequences is typically offered in the spring.
  • To determine whether to enroll in the first or the second course of the two-course French or Spanish sequences, incoming students with prior experience in French or Spanish must take a placement exam. Students who place above the beginning level will satisfy the Foreign Language option by earning a "C" or better in the second French or second Spanish course into which they have placed.
  • Students who complete a 3000-level French or Spanish course with a "C" or above have demonstrated the mastery that is required in the two-course French or Spanish sequence and may request retroactive credit for the sequence. The retroactive credit will either be 3 or 6 credits, depending on their placement following the exam.
  • This policy applies to Chinese as well, placement being determined by the professor of the program.

FC Foreign Culture Option

  • Students who successfully completed 2 years of foreign language in high school have the option of taking 6 hours of foreign culture courses instead of 8 hours of college level foreign language.
  • Foreign cultures contain (FC) in the course title.
  • A complete list of foreign culture courses can be found in the Arts & Sciences Advising Office.