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2024-2025 University Catalog
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major: Health Science

Degree: Bachelor of Science in Health (BSH) Concentration: Public Health 2024-2025

Osprey Map (Course Sequence Guide)

Prerequisites (25 credits)

Must be completed with a grade of "C" or higher
PSY2012 Introduction to Psychology (3 Credits)
Acceptable Substitute: PSYX012
MAC1105 (GM) College Algebra (3 Credits)
Acceptable Substitute: MACX105
STATISTICS Elementary Statistics Course
Recommend STA 2014 or STA 2023
Acceptable Substitute: STAXXXX 
CHEMISTRY General Chemistry I with Lab
Prerequisite: MAC1105, CHM1025 or qualifying score on chemistry placement assessment
MCB2010C Microbiology (4 Credits)
Prerequisites: BSC1010C and CHM1025/1025L or CHM2045/2045L.
Acceptable Substitute: MCB X010C, MCBX013C or any Microbiology with lab
BSC2085C Human Anatomy and Physiology I (4 Credits)
Prerequisite: BSC1010C
Acceptable Substitute:BSC X085C, BSCX093C or any Human Anatomy and Physiology I course
BSC2086C Human Anatomy & Physiology II (4 Credits)
Prerequisite: BSC2085C
Acceptable Substitute:BSC X086C, BSCX094C or any Human Anatomy and Physiology II course

Requisites (3 credits)

Must be completed with a grade of "C" or higher
HSC2100 Personal and Public Health (3 Credits)

Major Requirements (36 credits)

Must be completed with a grade of "C" or higher. All General Education, Gordon Rule, Foreign Language, Civic Literacy, Prerequisites, Requisite, and Major requirements must be completed prior to internship (HSC4814). Only elective courses may be completed with internship (HSC 4814).

HSC3304 Public Health Strategies (3 Credits)
HSC3500 Epidemiology (3 Credits)
Prerequisite: STA2014 or STA2023
HSC3555 Human Diseases (3 Credits)
Prerequisite: BSC2085C and BSC2086C
HSC4210 Environmental Health (3 Credits)
HSC4624 Global Health (3 Credits)
PHC4468 Hlth Disparities & Data Analy (3 Credits)
HSA4111 U.S. Health Care System (3 Credits)
HSC4730 Public Health Research (3 Credits)
Prerequisite: STA2014 or STA2023
HSC3032 Foundations of Public Health (3 Credits)
Prerequisites: Completion of 50 credit hours and Corequisite: HSC4730 (must be taken before or with HSC3032)
HSC3713 Plan and Eval Health Programs (3 Credits)
Prerequisites: Successful completion of all program prerequisites (PSY2012, MAC1105, STA2014 or 2023, CHM2045/2045L, MCB2010C, BSC2085C, BSC2086C), HSC3032, and HSC4730.
HSC4800 Professional Prep in Pub Healt (3 Credits)
Prerequisites: HSC3032, HSC4730 and Corequisite: HSC3713 (must be taken before or with HSC4800).
HSC4800 must be completed the semester prior to HSC4814.
HSC4814 Pub Hlth Practical Experience (1-9 Credits)
Prerequisites: Completion of all required program courses and program prerequisites
Must be completed in the last academic semester of enrollment
Students may take up to 3 elective courses with internship

Major Electives (12 credits)

Must be completed with a grade of "C" or higher.

SELECT 4 courses from the list
HSC4133 Sexual and Reproductive Health Promotion (3 credits)
HSC4134 Mental and Emotional Health Promotion (3 credits)
HSC4150 Substance Abuse and Violence Prevention (3 credits)
HSC4238 Promoting Physical Activity & Healthy Eating (3 credits)
HSC4736 Introduction to Clinical Trials (3 credits)
HSC4670 Global Sexuality and Reproductive Health (3 credits)
HSC4674 Global Health: Water, Sanitation & Hygiene (3 credits)
HSC4931 Global Immigrant & Refugee Health (3 credits)

Free Electives (9 credits)

Must be completed with a grade of "C" or higher. Select 9 hours. Free electives can be any prefix and any level (1000-4000). Hours previously used to meet any program requirements can not be applied to this elective area. Students must have a minimum of 120 total credits to graduate.
ELECTIVES Select 9 hrs (1000-4000) level