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2024-2025 University Catalog
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major: Biology

Degree: Master of Science (MS) 2024-2025


An undergraduate degree in Biology or an undergraduate degree in a related field and 12 credit hours of upper level undergraduate biology courses.

Core Requirements (36 credits)

Requirements for this program are 36 credits: a minimum of 18 credits must be graded coursework. 1 credit of thesis defense. Grades of "B" or better are required in all graduate courses.

Students must apply to graduate by the published deadline during their final semester.

BSC6971 Graduate Thesis Defense (1 Credit)

BOT 5186 Advanced Marine Botany (3 credits)
BOT 5186L Advanced Marine Botany Lab (1 credits)
BCH 6876C Membrane Biology (3 credits)
BSC 5099C Advanced Physiology (4 credits)
BSC 5487 Advanced Biology of Marine Mammals (3 credits)
BSC 5487L Advanced Biology of Marine Mammals Lab
BSC 5905 Directed Independent Study:Biology(1-3 credits)
BSC 5936 ST: Biology (1-3 credits)
BSC 5872 Advanced Biological Pharmacology (3 credits)
BSC 5930 Biology Seminar (1 credits)
BSC 6840 Critical Skills in Science (3 credits)
BSC 6515C Aquatic Toxicology (3 credits)
BSC 6395C Environmental Physiology (3 credits)
BSC 6931 Advanced Readings in Biology (1-3 credits)
BSC 6972 Graduate Thesis Research (1-3 credits)
MCB 5024C Advanced Molecular Biology Techniques (4 credits)
MCB 5023 Pathogenic Bacteriology (3 credits)
MCB 6175C Integrative Microscopy (4 credits)
PCB 5235 Cellular Immunology (3 credits)
PCB 6314C Marine Ecology (3 credits)
PCB 5525 Molecular Genetics (3 credits)
PCB 6675 Advanced Evolution (3 credits)
PCB 5845 Cellular & Molecular Neuroscience (3 credits)
PCB 6236 Advanced Cancer Biology (3 credits)
PCB 6335C Estuarine Ecology (4 credits)
PCB 6446 Ecology of Wetlands (3 credits)
PCB 6447 Community Ecology (3 credits)
PCB 6685 Population Genetics (3 credits)
PCB 6480 Quantitative Ecology (3 credits)
PCB 6307C Freshwater Ecology (4 credits)
ZOO 5235C Advanced Parasitology (4 credits)
ZOO 5455C Advanced Ichthyology (4 credits)
ZOO 5463C Advanced Herpetology (4 credits)
ZOO 5717C Canine Anatomy (4 credits)
ZOO 5754 Advanced Histology (3 credits)
ZOO 5754L Advanced Histology Lab (2 credits)
ZOO 5209C Advanced Coastal Invertebrate Biology (4 credits)
FAS 5355 Advanced Coastal Fisheries Management (3 credits)
FAS 6355L Advanced Coastal Fisheries Management Lab (1 credits)
BSC 5028 Advanced Biology of Aging (3 credits)
MCB 5505 Advanced Virology (3 credits)
BCH 5418 Advanced Molecular Biology and Biochemistry (3 credits)
BCH 5418L Advanced Molecular Biology and Biochemistry Lab (1 credits)
ZOO 5514 Advanced Animal Behavior (3 credits)
ZOO 5514L Advanced Animal Behavior Lab (1 credits)