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Career Services

Computing, Engineering, and Construction

We Are Here To Help!

The College of Computing, Engineering, and Construction (CCEC) Career Services is dedicated to helping students and alumni prepare for a successful career in their respective field. Our Mission is to provide personalized career exploration, preparation and development to nurture students’ career goals.

Resume and Cover Letter Critiques

Whether you are beginning to craft your resume or are curious how to word that last sentence of your cover letter, we can assist you in putting your best foot forward.

Employer of the Day

Held in Fall and Spring Semester, Employers come to campus and interact with students, telling them about their organization opportunities available at their organization.

Career & Internship Assistance

Looking for an internship or co-op? Check your Handshake account regularly to see the latest positions for CCEC Students and Alumni. Additionally, if you are trying to figure out how to apply for an internship or are curious about what organization is currently hiring CCEC students and alumni, we would be happy to assist you.

Group of students dressed for a career fair behind the Handshake logo

Handshake wordmark logo

Handshake is the best platform to maximize your access to industry professionals and employers looking to hire you.

Full & Part-time jobs, Internships, and Co-Ops

Learn more about Handshake
