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Brooks College of Health
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Immunization Compliance

All immunization compliance documentation must be electronically submitted through your student . Your student  is connected to the Florida Shots state immunization registry so your immunizations may already be on file. If you have not been cleared (red dot next to Immunizations tab), you will need to: 1) enter your immunization dates; and 2) upload supporting documents validating those dates in the student

Immunization Requirements

MMR Vaccine 

All students born after 1956 must show proof of immunity to MMR (measles, mumps, rubella), either by giving proof of:

  • 2 MMR Immunizations, given on or after the 1st birthday,
  • 2 single doses of Measles and 1 dose of Rubella given after 1968, or
  • a positive result of a Measles and Rubella Titer.

Hepatitis B Vaccine  

Centers for Disease Control (CDC) recommends this vaccine series.  Effective July 1, 2008, all new matriculating students within the Florida State University System must provide documentation of vaccination against hepatitis B or provide a signed waiver.* 

Meningococcal Meningitis Vaccine

The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) recommends this vaccine for students living in campus residence halls.  Effective July 1, 2008, all new matriculating students within the Florida State University System must provide documentation of vaccination against meningococcal meningitis or provide a signed waiver.* Brand names of meningococcal meningitis vaccines include Menactra (MCV4), Menveo (MCV4), Menomune (MPSV4), Trumenba (Meningococcal Group B Vaccine), and Bexsero (Meningococcal Group B Vaccine). 

*All new matriculating students 18 or older who decide against vaccination for either meningococcal meningitis or hepatitis B must submit a signed waiver in the Patient Portal in accordance with Florida Board of Regulation Code 6.001(9) and 6.007. All new matriculating minor students must provide signed parental consent to opt out of vaccination from either of these diseases. 

How to Submit Immunizations

Go to your student Patient Portal found on your myWings account.

  1. Login to myWings and click on the Student tab found in the left-hand sidebar of the homepage.
  2. The Student tab brings you to the Student Resources page. On the far right is the tile that will take you to the Patient Portal.

Your Electronic Health Record (EHR) student Patient Portal, located on your MyWings account, is connected to the Florida Shots state immunization registry, and your immunizations may already be on file.

Please go to your Patient Portal to see if your immunization status is compliant. If you have not been cleared (red dot next to Immunizations tab), you will need to enter your immunization dates and upload supporting documents through the Patient Portal.

You can complete the electronic waivers on the for Meningitis and/or Hepatitis B. Please click"Forms" on the left menu and select Meningitis Waiver or Hepatitis B Waiver under Immunization Forms.

Instructions for Uploading Documents

  1. Log into your student  account.
  2. Select the tab.
  3. If your status is already compliant (no red dot next to Immunizations tab), please take no action.
  4. If not already compliant (red dot next to Immunizations tab), please enter your dates and upload any supporting documents using the tab. 

Patient Portal Immunizations and Document Upload Tabs

Please email complianceservices@medicat.com for questions or concerns in the process.  DO NOT send immunization documentation via email. It must be uploaded to your .

For lifetime learning students (born in 1956 or before):

  1. Log into your student  account.
  2. Select the Forms tab and complete the waivers for Hepatitis B and Meningitis.

Contact Medical Compliance

J. Brooks Brown Addition
Building 39A, Room 2100

Monday - Friday
8 a.m. to 5p.m.

(904) 620-2175

(904) 620-2901or
(904) 620-2902
