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Faculty Association

Standing Committees

  • Executive Committee (1-year term)

    Executive Committee (EC)

    The Executive Committee shall serve as an advisory body to the President of the Association; shall review items to be included on the Legislative Calendar of the monthly meetings of the Association, retaining the option of the advising those who submit items about wording, clarity or presentation strategy; shall coordinate the efforts of all standing committees, determining committee purview as necessary.  In addition, the Executive Committee may return an item only once to a standing committee for a rewrite to ensure that legislation put forth by that standing committee is crafted correctly and not in violation and/or conflict with existing policies and procedures.  The Executive Committee shall review and recommend to the Association on all questions concerning membership in the Association; and shall interpret to the Association the University Constitution and Association Bylaws.

    Committee Members
    Name College/Department Term Expires Position Committee
    James Beasley COAS - English 9/24 Chair Faculty Association Vice President
    Michael Binder COAS - Political Science & Public Administration 9/24 Member Faculty Association President
    Kristi Sweeney COEHS - Leadership, Sch Counseling, Sport Management 9/24 Vice Chair Faculty Association Secretary
    - - 9/24 Member Faculty Association Ex-Officio
    Adrienne Lerner COAS - Political Science & Public Administration 9/24 Member Faculty Association Parliamentarian
    Hanadi Hamadi BCH - Health Administration 9/24 Member Representing Academic Programs
    David Jaffee COAS - Sociology, Anthropology and Social Work 9/24 Member Representing Academic Standards
    Linda Howell COAS - English 9/24 Member Representing Adjunct Affairs
    Alexandra Schonning CCEC - Mechanical Engineering 9/24 Member Representing Budget Advisory
    Nilufer Ozdemir CCB - Economics 9/24 Member Representing Campus Technology
    Chris Janson COEHS - Leadership, School Counseling & Sports Management 9/24 Member Representing Faculty Affairs
    Gokan May      CCEC - Advanced Mfg & Materials Innovation 9/24 Member Representing Faculty Enhancement
    Daniela Genova COAS - Mathematics & Statistics 1/25 Member Representing Nominations & Elections
    Candice Tahimic COAS - Biology 9/24 Member Representing Research Council
    Paul Fadil CCB - Management 9/24 Member Representing Strategic Planning Advisory

    Taeho Kim &

    Deirdre Shoemake

    COEHS - Leadership & School Counseling

    BCH Nursing

    9/24 Member Representing Support Services
    Georgette Dumont COAS - Political Science & Public Administration 9/24 Member Representing Faculty Ombuds
  • Academic Programs Committee (2-year term)

     Academic Programs Committee (APC)

     The Academic Programs Committee (APC) shall review curricular proposals for the creation, deletion, or modification of academic programs and courses.  In their review of curricular proposals, members of the committee shall determine (1) whether the degree program or course is academically appropriate in a particular college or department, (2) whether there is overlap, repetition, or redundancy in the creation of new degree programs or courses, and (3) whether all relevant parties have been consulted and had the chance to review the proposal.  Matters of presentation of academic curricula – the 九色视频 Catalog, for instance – are the responsibility of Academic Affairs; matters of compliance with accreditation standards are the responsibility of the relevant department/college and/or Academic Affairs.  Representatives to the APC Committee shall review all proposals in a timely manner and work with departments to formulate final submissions.

     (ATTENTION: Meetings are scheduled on FIRST Thursday of the month from 10 AM to Noon
    [4COAS+8(CCB, CCEC, COEHS, BCH)+1Lib+1At-large]

    Committee Members
    Name Department Term Expires Position College
    Hanadi Hamadi Health Administration 9/25 Chair Representing At-large
    David Waddell Biology 9/25 Member Representing College of Arts & Sciences
    Bart Welling English 9/25 Member Representing College of Arts & Sciences
    Michelle DeDeo Mathematics & Statistics 9/24 Member Representing College of Arts & Sciences
    Elizabeth Heuer Art History 9/24 Member Representing College of Arts & Sciences
    Brian Flynn** Management 9/25 Member Representing Coggin College of Business
    Rahul Kale Operations Mgt & Quantitative Methods 9/24 Member Representing Coggin College of Business
    Gokan May Mechanical Engineering 9/24 Member Representing College of Computing, Engineering & Construction
    Ramin Shabanpour Civil Engineering 9/25 Member Representing College of Computing, Engineering & Construction
    Stacy Boote Teaching, Learning & Curriculum 9/24 Member Representing College of Education & Human Services
    Paul Parkison Teaching, Learning & Curriculum 9/25 Member Representing College of Education & Human Services
    Sherry Pinkstaff Physical Therapy 9/25 Member Representing Brooks College of Health
    Jenifer Ross Nutrition & Dietetics 9/24 Member Representing Brooks College of Health
    Lauren Newton Library 9/24 Member Representing the Library
  • Academic Standards Committee (2-year term)

    Academic Standards Committee (ASC)

     The Academic Standards Committee (ASC) shall review and recommend regulations concerning admission and re-admission of students to the University, suspension of students, academic loads, withdrawal from courses and from the University, award of credit, award of academic honors, and maintenance of academic integrity.

    [2COAS+4(CCB, CCEC, COEHS, BCH)+ 2At-large]

    Committee Members
    Name Department Term Expires Position College
    David Jaffee Sociology, Anthropology & Social Work 9/24 Chair Representing College of Arts & Sciences
    Brittany Nettles Nursing 9/25 Member Representing Brooks College of Health
    Corey Causey Chemistry 9/25 Member Representing College of Arts & Sciences
    Rahul Kale Mangement 9/25 Member Representing Coggin College of Business

      Stephen Stagon

    Mechanical Engineering


    Member Representing College of Computing, Engineering, & Construction
    TaeHo Kim Leadership, School Counseling & Sports Management 9/25 Member Representing College of Education & Human Services
       Lauren Newton    Library 9/24 Member Representing At-large
    Marie Smith-East Nursing 9/25 Member Representing At-large
  • Adjunct Affairs Committee (2-year term)

    Adjunct Affairs Committee (AAC)

    The Adjunct Affairs committee (AAC) shall review and recommend policies and practices with regards to the appointment, contractual obligations, evaluation, retention, ethics, affirmative action, academic freedom, and teaching issues of adjunct faculty; their instructional support; their orientation and training; their advancement; and such other matters as they may pertain to the role of adjunct faculty in the instructional effort of the institution.  The Committee shall seek the opinions and recommendations of adjunct faculty.  The Committee shall advise adjunct faculty members on their rights and the appeal process in the event of unresolved differences between adjunct faculty members and the administration.

     [2COAS+4(CCB, CCEC, COEHS, BCH)+ 1Lib+ 1At-large]

    Committee Members
    Name Department Term Expires Position College
    Linda Howell English 9/25 Chair Representing College of Arts & Sciences
    AmirHossein MajidiRad Mechanical Engineering 9/24 Member Representing College of Computing, Engineering & Construction
    Vacant 9/25 Member  Representing Brooks College of Health
    Mikayla Beaudriei


    9/24 Member Representing College of Arts & Sciences
    Michael  Morris Finance and Real Estate 9/25 Member Representing Coggin College of Business
    Raven Robinson Teaching, Learning, & Curriculum 9/24 Member Representing College of Education & Human Services
    Sarah Moukhliss Library 9/24 Member Representing the Library
    Megan Parkinson Teaching, Learning & Curriculum 9/25 Member Representing At-large
  • Budget Advisory Committee (2 year term)

     Budget Advisory Committee (BAC)

     The Budget Advisory Committee (BAC) shall evaluate and recommend policies, procedures and practices concerning the University budget with special emphasis on the academic budget and shall meet regularly with the University Budget Officer.


    [7 At-large]

    Committee Members
    Name Department Term Expires Position College
    Alexandra Schonning CCEC - Mechanical Engineering 9/25 Chair Representing At-large
    Vacant   9/25 Member Representing At-large
    Vacant 9/25 Member Representing At-large
    Bryan Knuckley COAS - Chemistry 9/24 Member Representing At-large
    Vacant 9/25 Member Representing At-large
    Marielle Veve Library 9/24 Member Representing At-large
    Joel Beam BCH - Clinical & Applied Movement Sciences 9/24 Member Representing At-large
  • Campus Technology Committee (2-year term)

    Campus Technology Committee (CTC)

     The Campus Technology Committee (CTC) shall review and recommend policies, regulations and practices concerning technology support; classroom, library and computer lab technology; learning and research technologies; academic and career advisement technology; instructional media, telephony and communication services; and any other academic technology services.  It shall provide advice and recommendations to the University’s administration and to Information Technology Services (ITS) concerning IT strategic directions, operating policies, and faculty IT needs.  It shall liaison with the University community to provide a forum for the expression of views and ideas concerning IT services, facilities, and needs.  It shall be advisory to ITS, the Distance Learning Committee, and the Center for Instruction and Research Technology (CIRT). The chairperson of this committee shall serve as one of the faculty representatives on the Faculty Association Executive Committee.  Additionally, the chair or a designee shall serve on the University’s Distance Learning Committee.


    [7 Appointed Ex-Officio - 1-year Term] - Non-VOTE

    Committee Members
    Name Department Term Expires Position Position Type
    Nilufer Ozdemir Economics 9/24 Chair Representing Coggin College of Business
    Jenifer Ross Nutrition & Dietetics 9/25 Member Representing Brooks College of Health
    Candice Tahimic Biology 9/24 Member Representing College of Arts & Sciences
    Kailan Sindelar English 9/25 Member Representing College of Arts & Sciences
    Cigdem Akan Civil Engineering 9/25 Member Representing College of Computing, Engineering & Construction
    Jennifer Kilpatrick Except, Deaf & Interpreter Ed. 9/24 Member Representing College of Education & Human Services
    Courtenay McLeland 九色视频 Library 9/25 Member Representing the Library
    Scott Bennett Information Technology Services N/A Non-Voting Member Chief Information Officer (Non-Vote)
    Gordon Rakita Information Technology Services N/A Non-Voting Member Academic Technology Director


    Dave Wilson Center for Instruction & Research Technology (CIRT) N/A Non-Voting Member Asst Vice President for CIRT (Non-Vote)
    Jeff Durfee Information Technology Services N/A Non-Voting Member Networking, Systems, & Security Director (Non-Vote)
    Chris Petrello Information Technology Services N/A Non-Voting Member User Services Director (Non-Vote)
    Dmitriy Bond Information Technology Services N/A Non-Voting Member Enterprise Systems Director (Non-Vote)
    九色视频 Library N/A Non-Voting Member Director of Library Systems & Technology (Non-Vote)
  • Faculty Affairs Committee (2-year term)

    Faculty Affairs Committee (FAC)

     The Faculty Affairs Committee (FAC) shall review and recommend policies and practices with regards to faculty assignments and released time, faculty evaluation, promotion and tenure, ethics, affirmative action, academic freedom and teaching issues; the organization and/or re-organization of academic units; the use of the Faculty Commons; and such other matters that customarily concern the regular faculty.  The Committee shall approve all proposed recipients of honorary degrees from the University.  The Committee shall also review, upon request, unresolved differences between regular faculty members and the administration and make appropriate recommendations, except in instances that are clear violations of the BOR/UFF Agreement and are addressable through the grievance process.


    (ATTENTION: Meetings are scheduled on SECOND Thursday of the month from Noon to 2 PM)
    [VP + 8 At-large]

    Committee Members
    Name Department Term Expires Position College
    Chris Janson COEHS - Leaderschip, Sch Counseling, Sport Management 9/24 Chair Representing At-large
    James Beasley COAS - English  9/24 Member Faculty Association Vice President
    Sarah LaChance Adams COAS - Philosophy & Religious Studies, Director of the Florida Blue Center for Ethics 9/25 Member Representing At-large
    Ryan Shores BCH - Nurse Anesthesia 9/25 Member Representing At-large
    Stacey Hobbick BCH - Nursing 9/25 Member Representing At-large
    Karthikeyan Umapathy CCEC - School of Computing 9/25 Member Representing At-large
    Robert Zeglin BCH - Public Health 9/24 Member Representing At-large
    Vacant 9/24 Member Representing At-large
    Heather Truelove COAS - Psychology 9/24 Member Representing At-large
  • Faculty Enhancement Committee (2-year term)

    Faculty Enhancement Committee (FEC)

     The Faculty Enhancement Committee (FEC) shall review and recommend policies, procedures and practices concerning activities which enhance and improve a faculty member’s knowledge and skills with regards to his/her duties in teaching, research, and service; and shall be advisory to the Office of Faculty Excellence, meeting regularly with its Director.  The Committee shall consider the enhancement needs of both full-time faculty and adjuncts.

    [2COAS+4(CCB, CCEC, COEHS, BCH)+ 1Lib + 1At-large]

    Committee Members
    Name Department Term Expires Position Position Type
    Gokan May Mechanical Engineering 9/24 Chair Representing College of Computing, Engineering & Construction
    Vacant 9/25 Member Representing Library
    Kally Malcom-Bjorklund Art & Design 9/24 Member Representing College of Arts & Sciences
    David MacKinnon English 9/25 Vice-Chair Representing College of Arts & Sciences
    Hanieh Sardashti Marketing 9/24 Member & DLC Rep Representing Coggin College of Business
    Matthew Ohlson Taylor Leadership Institute 9/25 Member Representing College of Education & Human Services
    Alireza Jahan-Mihan Nutrition & Dietetics 9/25 Member Representing Brooks College of Health
    Heather Truelove COAS - Psychology 9/24 Vice-Chair Representing At-large
  • Nominations & Elections Committee (2-year term)

     Nominations and Elections Committee (NEC)

     The Nominations and Elections Committee (NEC) shall conduct elections of officers, all Association standing committees, and faculty delegates to other committees; shall adopt and announce procedures for such elections in accordance with these bylaws, shall present an appropriate list of nominees for all vacancies, and shall recommend candidates to fill vacancies which occur outside of the normal election cycle.

    January 2024 - January 2025
    [2COAS+4(CCB, CCEC, COEHS, BCH)+ 1Lib + 2At-large]

    Committee Members
    Name Department Term Expires Position College
    Daniela Genova COAS - Mathematics and Statistics 1/25 Chair Representing At-large

    Cigdem Akan

    CCEC - Civil Engineering 1/26 Member Representing At-large
    Paul Fuglestad Psychology 1/25 Member Representing College of Arts & Sciences
    Trevor Dunn Art & Design 1/26 Member Representing College of Arts & Sciences
    Mina Baliamoune Economics  1/25 Member Representing Coggin College of Business
    Ramin Shabanpour Anbarani Civil Engineering 1/25 Member Representing College of Computing, Engineering, & Construction
    Wanyong Choi Leadership, Sch Counseling, Sport Management 1/26 Member Representing College of Education & Human Services
    Casey Colin Nutrition & Dietetics 1/25 Member Representing Brooks College of Health
    Lauren Odom Instruction Librarian 1/26 Member Representing Library
  • Research Council (2-year term)

    Research Council (RC)

     The Research Council (RC) shall recommend policies to the Association, as necessary and appropriate, with respect to research activities, facilities, personnel, allocation of monies, and intellectual property; shall be advisory to the Vice President/Assistant Vice President for Research and to the Director, Office of Research and Sponsored Programs.  They shall also coordinate the review process for internal grants related to research. 


    (ATTENTION: Committee members may not apply for 九色视频 Summer Scholarship Grants)
    [4 COAS+8 (CCB, CCEC, COEHS, BCH)+ 1 Lib] - VOTED(13 nominated by deans, passed by Executive Comte, & appointed by FA president)+ [3 At-large (elected)] - VOTED+ [VP for Office of Research and Sponsored Programs (ORSP)] - Non-VOTE

    Committee Members
    Name Department Term Expires Position College
    Candice Tahimic Biology 9/24 Chair Representing College of Arts & Sciences (appointed)

    Lev Gasparov

    Dean, College of Arts & Sciences 9/25 Member Representing At-Large
    Debbie Wang Psychology 9/25 Member Representing College of Arts & Sciences (appointed)
    Josh Gellers Political Science & Public Administration 9/25 Member Representing College of Arts & Sciences (appointed)
    Rachel Frieder** Management 9/25 Member Representing Coggin College of Business (appointed)
    Hanieh Sardashti Marketing 9/25 Member Representing Coggin College of Business (appointed)
    Cigdem Akan Civil Engineering 9/25 Member Representing College of Computing, Engineering & Construction (appointed)
    Meghan Parkison Teaching, Learning & Curriculum 9/25 Member Representing College of Education & Human Services (appointed)
    Alireza Jahan-Mihan Nutrition & Dietetics 9/25 Member Representing Brooks College of Health (appointed)
    Deborah Williams Library 9/25 Member Representing Library (appointed)
    Jennifer Wesley Criminology & Criminal Justice 9/25 Member Representing College of Arts & Sciences (appointed)
    Indika Kahanda School of Computing 9/24 Secretary Representing College of Computing, Engineering & Construction (appointed)
    Amanda Pascale Leadership, School Counseling & Sports Management 9/24 Member Representing College of Education & Human Services (appointed)
    Hanadi Hamadi Health Administration 9/24 Member Representing Brooks College of Health (appointed)
    Mandi Barringer COAS - Sociology, Anthropology & Social Work 9/25 Member Representing At-large (Elected- restricted not more than two from the same college)
    Kim Cheek COEHS - Teaching, Learning & Curriculum 9/25 Member Representing At-large
    John Kantner Office of Research & Sponsored Programs (ORSP) Non-Vote Non-Voting Member AVP for ORSP
  • Strategic Planning Advisory Committee (2-year term)

     Strategic Planning Advisory Committee (SPAC)

     The Strategic Planning Advisory Committee (SPAC) shall review and recommend the University’s Strategic Plan, to include its vision and mission statement, the University’s annual institutional priorities, and academic plan.  The Committee shall review and recommend strategies and activities which will further the achievement of the University’s mission, institutional priorities, and academic plan.  The Committee shall also review and recommend policies to guide the development of the Campus Facilities Master Plan and the Land Use Plan, and review and make recommendations on all changes to the Campus Facilities Master Plan and Land Use Plan.


    2COAS+4(CCB, CCEC, COEHS, BCH)+ 1Lib + 1At-large]

    Committee Members
    Name Department Term Expires Position College
    Paul Fadil Management 9/24 Chair Representing Coggin College of Business
    Chitra Balasubramanian Clinical & Applied Movement Sciences 9/25 Member Representing Brooks College of Health
    Maria Atilano Library 9/25 Member Representing Library
    Mark Ari English 9/24 Member Representing College of Arts & Sciences
    Bryan Knuckley Chemistry 9/25 Member Representing College of Arts & Sciences
    Alexandra Schonning Mechanical Engineering 9/24 Member Representing College of Computing, Engineering & Construction
    Vacant 9/24 Member Representing College of Education & Human Services
    Alicia Sitren COAS - Criminology & Criminal Justice 9/25 Member Representing At-Large
  • Support Services Committee (2-year term)

    Support Services Committee (SSC)

     The Support Services Committee (SSC) shall act as a liaison or conduit between the 九色视频 faculty and those departments that offer support to them; review and make needed recommendations regarding the practices and regulations concerning campus support services; seek regular input from leaders in Auxiliary Services (e.g., parking, bookstore, ID cards, food services); Center for Instruction, Research & Technology; Library; Academic Center for Excellence; Human Resources (benefits); Physical Facilities; and other support departments.


    [2COAS+4(CCB, CCEC, COEHS, BCH)+ 1Lib + 1At-large]

    Committee Members
    Name Department Term Expires Position College
    Taeho Kim Leadership, School Counseling 9/24 Co-Chair Representing College of Education & Human Services
    Deirdre Shoemake BCH - Nursing 9/25 Co-Chair  Representing At-large
    Dan Richard Psychology 9/24 Member Representing College of Arts & Sciences

    Jutima Simsiriwong

    Mechanical Engineering 9/24 Member Representing College of Computing, Engineering & Construction
    Angela Mann Psychology 9/25 Member Representing College of Arts & Sciences
    Rachel Frieder Management 9/25 Member Representing Coggin College of Business
    Lindsay Toth Clinical & Applied Movement Sciences 9/25 Member Representing Brooks College of Health
    Sarah Moukliss** 九色视频 Library 9/25 Member Representing Library

*Appointed by FA President

Previous Standing Committees 
