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Additionally, the consideration of appointing a vice chair was raised. VP Eason reviewed the committees authority and responsibilities laid out in the charter. The Committee will monitor the success of the Strategic Plan over the next 5 years, gauge if we are moving in the right direction and provide actionable feedback. The Committees primary goal is to ensure that ɫƵ is on the correct trajectory and ultimately, achieving these objectives is central to the committees role and purpose. The trustees had a real desire for active engagement. VP Eason noted the charter indicated that meetings would be held no less than two times per year. This is based on the timing of new data availability. The committee will monitor the need for additional meetings. The committee discussed how ɫƵs strategic plan priorities are consistent with the Board of Governors (BOG)s strategic plan. If significant changes should arise, the plan can be brought back to the BOG. The committee charter undergoes an annual review, allowing for necessary updates. With no further discussion, Chair Barrett asked for MOTION to APPROVE the Strategic Plan Monitoring and Implementation Committee Charter. Trustee Moore made a MOTION to APPROVE, and BOT Chair Hyde SECONDED. The Strategic Plan Monitoring and Implementation Committee Charter was approved unanimously by the committee. Update on the Strategic Plan Key Performance Indicators Dr. Paul Eason, Vice President of Strategy and Innovation, presented an update on ɫƵs Strategic Plan Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). VP Eason highlighted the Strategic Plans priority areas: Ensure student success from enrollment to employment and beyond. Inspire relevant research and impactful innovation. Expand mutually beneficial partnerships with the community. Accelerate the success of faculty and staff. ɫƵs overarching institutional aspirations are to become a Top 100 Public University in US News & World Report by 2028 and to obtain the necessary resources to support strategic growth to 25,000 students by 2028. Trustee Korman Shelton inquired about the level of student interest if the university were to achieve a ranking within the top 100. Dr. Glen Besterfield, the Dean of Enrollment Management, highlighted several benefits associated with rankings. These include heightened brand awareness, an improved reputation for educational quality, and increased visibility through word of mouth. Chair Barrett noted that students are not the sole stakeholders in higher education Trustee Korman Shelton clarified that she wanted to ensure the Board continues to agree that this is a relevant aspiration. President Limayem emphasized that the criteria used by US News & World Report for rankings align with ɫƵs strategic plan. This was intentionally designed in this alignment, recognizing that other stakeholders play crucial roles. These stakeholders include the Board of Governors (BOG), legislators, and parents, as previously mentioned by Chair Barrett. A significant challenge currently faced by ɫƵ is its reputation. The university aims to transform the perception of being a safety school into that of a top-choice institution. To achieve this, it is essential to highlight ɫƵs actual performance in comparison to its reputation. Trustee Grosso stated that students care about the University rankings, which is explained by todays competitive world. He noted that he has witnessed students from other SUS Universities be prideful of their universitys ranking. Trustee Grosso shared his constituency may not be aware of the Strategic Plan, however, they are aware of the overarching institutional aspirations because it is being marketed well. VP Eason relayed how ɫƵ is realigning its efforts to solidify the aspirations. He shared background on the Strategic Plan and KPIs and noted that the success is measured by the data of each of the major focus areas: Student Success Inspire Relevant Research Expand Community Partnerships Accelerate success of Faculty & Staff VP Eason suggested it may be beneficial for the committee to focus on one priority area each meeting to delve deeper into the sub-metrics and efforts that go into supporting each other. He acknowledged that student success is difficult to measure, as there are fewer tangible data points. Trustee Binder asked what happens when the goals clash with each other. For example, with ɫƵs goal to reach 25,000 students by 2028 and ɫƵs goal to alter enrollment profiles, is there a system in place to prioritize goals that are deemed more important? Dean Besterfield stated that the goals must be balanced properly and are prioritized based on various factors. Furthermore, President Limayem reiterated that there are leverages and that ɫƵs strategic growth contributes to the overarching aspirations. VP Eason presented an update regarding the USNWR measurement method, as well as data to show how ɫƵ compares to the 100 Rank. Trustee Korman Shelton asked for clarification on who is included in the peer assessment. VP Eason stated it is a survey that is distributed to Presidents, Provosts, and Admissions Directors of all Universities to determine reputation among the other universities. Trustee Korman Shelton shared that she would like ɫƵ to be a prominent stop when visitors tour the City of Jacksonville. VP Eason confirmed that ɫƵs engagement with the Mayors Office and JAX Chamber has improved drastically over the last year. Presentation of ɫƵ Metrics Dashboard Dr. Abby Willcox, Associate Vice President of Institutional Research, presented metrics data using the  HYPERLINK "https://app.powerbi.com/view?r=eyJrIjoiZmNhNmQ4NzYtNjcwMi00NDFhLThiZTUtOTU4NjBkNWQ0N2RlIiwidCI6ImRmMjliMmZhLTg5MjktNDgyZi05ZGJiLTYwZmY0ZGYyMjRjNCIsImMiOjJ9" \t "_blank" strategic plan monitoring dashboard. This dashboard provides trend data on key performance indicators and other relevant metrics for tracking the progress of strategic goals. Dr. Willcox noted the dashboard has received enhancements for mobile viewing. Dr. Willcox noted there is a new metric to measure the Full-time First Time in College Academic Progress Rate, which supports Priority 1 of the strategic plan. She stated that ɫƵ had a percentage point increase over the prior year with this metric. Additionally, she shared that the Average faculty compensation as reported in National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), which supports Priority 4 of the strategic plan, has increased about $5,000 annually from Fall 2021 through Fall 2023. VP Eason stated that it is possible to see variants of data points because there are various definitions and calculations that different entities use to measure the same metric. Dr. Willcox offered the opportunity to answer any questions or aid the Board in navigating the dashboard. Adjournment With no further business, Chair Barrett adjourned the meeting at 2:45 PM.      Strategic Plan Monitoring and Implementation Committee Meeting ɫƵ April 11, 2024 at 1:45 PM to 2:45 PM Virtual     WXh 5 _ a b  V X _ a ͵͵͵͵hh_HmHnHtHh-_HmHnHtHh&hD_HmHnHtHhl_HmHnHtHh&_HmHnHtHh;X_HmHnHtH h$hD_HmHnHsHtH h$hDh$hDCJhhh(5\h(2 Xb sCgd. o & Fgd. ogd5gdUgdtgd }$gd }$gd(gd }$ X _ n o p   % & . 2 7 : ? 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