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Residency Processing

Residency Exception Categories

In some cases, applicants who do not meet the basic residency requirements may be considered as Florida residents for tuition purposes if they fall under one of the following categories. Some categories do not require the 12-month qualifying period. Documentation is required.

If appropriate, please choose one of these categories when filling out the residency declaration and send in the required documentation. The documentation listed below is not necessarily comprehensive of the documentation that will be required to review your residency application. You may visit the web site for additional information.

Contact the Residency Office at residency@unf.edu for more information on these categories.

If you are a graduate student, please contact The Graduate School at graduateschool@unf.edu.

Note: See Residency Definitions for the definition of dependent/independent status.


  • I am a dependent person who has resided for three years with an adult relative other than my parent or legal guardian, and my relative has maintained legal residence in Florida for at least 12 months.
    Required: Copy of three most recent tax returns on which you were claimed as a dependent or other proof of dependency.
  • I am married to a person who has maintained legal residence in Florida for at least 12 months. I have now established legal residence and intend to make Florida my permanent home.
    Required: Copy of marriage certificate and your spouse’s documentation information.
  • I was previously enrolled at a Florida state institution and classified as a Florida "resident for tuition purposes". I abandoned my Florida domicile less than 12 months ago and am now re-establishing Florida legal residence.
    Required: Evidence of previous enrollment as a FL resident
  • I am a full-time instructional or administrative employee employed by a Florida public school, community college or institution of higher education, or I am the employee’s spouse or dependent child.
    Required: Copy of employment verification.
  • I am part of the Latin American/Caribbean scholarship program.
    Required: Copy of scholarship papers.
  • I am a qualified beneficiary under the terms of the Florida Prepaid College Program, S.240.551, F.S.
    Required: Copy of card.
  • I am living on the Isthmus of Panama and have completed 12 consecutive months of college work at the F.S.U. Panama Canal Branch, or I am the student’s spouse or dependent child.
    Required: Copy of marriage certificate or proof of dependency.
  • I am a Southern Regional Education Board’s Academic Common Market graduate student.
    Required: Certification letter from State Coordinator.
  • Iam a full-time employee of a state agency or political subdivision of the state whose student fees are paid by the state agency or political subdivision for the purpose of job-related law enforcement or corrections training.
    Required: Copy of employment verification.
  • I am a McKnight Fellowship recipient.
    Required: Verification from graduate studies. 
  • I am a qualified beneficiary under the terms of the Florida Prepaid College Program (s. 1009.98, Florida Statutes.)
    Required: Copy of Florida Prepaid Recipient card.
  • I was previously enrolled at a Florida state postsecondary institution and classified as a Florida "resident for tuition purposes". I am transferring to another Florida state postsecondary institution within 12 months of the previous enrollment.
    Required: Evidence of previous enrollment as a FL resident
  • Active duty members of the Armed Services of the United States residing or stationed in Florida (and spouse/dependent children) and active drilling members of the Florida National Guard; or military personnel not stationed in Florida whose home of record or state of legal residence certificate, DD Form 2058, is Florida (and spouse/dependent children).
    Required: Copy of most recent Leave and Earnings Statement (LES) or approved DD2058 showing home of record.
  • Active duty members of the Armed Services of the United States and their spouses and dependents attending a Florida College System institution or state university within 50 miles of the military establishment where they are stationed, if such military establishment is within a county contiguous to Florida.
    Required: Copy of military orders.