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Regulations and Policies

Regulations & Policies

Information Technology Services


The purpose is to establish policy and define procedures for the distribution of electronic mail to large segments of the University community. The objectives are to minimize the proliferation of large volume emails, to minimize the effect that large volume emails have on University technology resources, and to maintain compliance with the University's policy on Network Acceptable Use.


Faculty, staff, and students are prohibited from sending email to all distribution lists with the all-xxx designation (current and future) including all-users, all-faculty, all-adjuncts, all-A&P, all-USPS, all-OPS, and all-students. The following are exempt from this policy and are permitted to send large volume emails to these distribution lists subject to limitations:

  • The President and Provost or their designees.
  • The presidents of the constituent associations and their designees, limited to distribution to their associations' membership.
  • The chair of the Crisis Management Committee and her/his designees, limited to distribution of emergency notifications.
  • The Assistant Vice President for Public Relations and her/his designees.
  • The Office of Institutional Research for the sole purpose of distributing notification of campus surveys.
  • The Office of Enrollment Services and the Controller's Office for the purpose of communicating enrollment, financial aid, and/or financial information to students.

All other large volume email must be distributed via approved methods such as Osprey Update for Faculty and Staff and Osprey Update for Students per the procedures outlined in those publications.

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