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Regulations and Policies

Regulations & Policies

Human Resources


The purpose of this Policy is to provide flexibility to managers and employees in performing University work at an alternate site if it is in the best interest of the University. If this Policy conflicts with the terms of an applicable collective bargaining agreement for an employee subject to that agreement, the conflicting terms of that agreement supersede this Policy to the extent they are inconsistent.


It is the policy of the 九色视频 that managers and employees may have the option of establishing a remote work arrangement at a site other than on the 九色视频 campus on a regular or routine basis. To be eligible for regular or routine remote work, the employee generally must have been a 九色视频 employee for at least 12 months prior to approval to work remotely. If a supervisor believes that special conditions warrant remote work prior to completion of 12 months employment, approval first must be obtained from the Vice President as well as Human Resources.

Department heads, with Vice President approval, are authorized to approve one regularly scheduled work day (up to 12 hours) of remote work per employee per week. Any remote work arrangements above one work day per week must also be approved by Human Resources.

  1. Time and Attendance
    While working remotely, time and attendance will be recorded as if the employee were performing work at the University. Employees will receive overtime and compensatory leave to the same extent as if they were working on campus. An employee must obtain supervisory approval before taking leave in accordance with established office procedures.
    If an employee works overtime without obtaining preapproval for such work, the employee will still be paid for all hours worked but may be subject to discipline and loss of remote work privileges.
  2. Equipment
    The supervisor and the employee must agree upon the equipment to be used for remote work. The University will not be responsible for employee-owned equipment used while working remotely. Equipment provided by the University must be protected against damage and unauthorized use. Employees are responsible for following all Property procedures and Information Technology and computing policies of the University and have no expectation of privacy on any University equipment or services.
  3. Costs
    Employees working remotely are solely responsible for operating costs, home maintenance, or any other incidental costs such as internet and utilities associated with the remote work location. An employee may still claim reimbursement for authorized expenses incurred while conducting official business for the University.
  4. Liability
    The University will not be liable for damages to the employee's property resulting from remote work.
  5. Work Assignments
    An employee working remotely is responsible for fulfilling all aspects of the job while working remotely, including timely completion of work, responsiveness and availability during working hours. Although the employee may generally be permitted to work remotely, the employee will be expected to attend in-person meetings or other on-site events when required by the supervisor or the needs of the job.
  6. Evaluation
    The employee's performance will be evaluated according to the same standards as if the employee were not working remotely in accordance with the evaluation procedures outlined in the University policies. If performance is deficient, the employee may be subject to discipline, up to and including loss of remote working privileges and termination. Generally, employees will not be allowed to work remotely while on a performance improvement plan (PIP).
  7. Records
    An employee working remotely will apply safeguards which are approved by the University to protect records, electronic or otherwise, from unauthorized disclosure or damage. All records, papers and correspondence must be safeguarded for their return to the office, stored electronically via the secured university network, and available for public record purposes.
  8. Termination of the Arrangement
    The written agreement for remote work is not a contract to guarantee employment or remote work for any specific duration. The University may terminate the remote work agreement at any time and for any lawful reason.
  9. Disability Accommodations
    In certain circumstances, remote work may be permitted as a reasonable accommodation for a disability. In such instances, the agreement for the accommodation may conflict with the generally applicable rules outlined in this Policy. The terms of the approved disability accommodation supersede any contrary provision contained in this Policy.

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