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Regulations and Policies

Regulations & Policies

Human Resources


This Regulation outlines the University’s Personnel Program.


The Board of Trustees is responsible for establishing the University’s Personnel Program. It has delegated responsibility for administering and maintaining this Personnel Program to the University President, who in turn may make further delegations to ensure that the Personnel Program is properly implemented.  The University’s Personnel Program is comprised of several regulations, policies, and internal practices. It addresses aspects of compensation, recruitment, benefits, retirement, employee and labor relations, professional development and training, and so forth.

A. The University President may delegate the authority and responsibility to take the following personnel actions within the area for which the designee is responsible:

  1. Appoint all personnel.
  2. Approve the transition of University personnel to the appropriate status (probationary, regular, tenure, etc.) in accordance with applicable CBA, if any.
  3. Approve the domestic travel of University personnel.
  4. Approve disciplinary actions affecting University personnel. All recommendations for demotion, suspension and termination of Support and Administrative employees shall be reviewed by the Office for Human Resources prior to taking such action. All recommendations for demotion, suspension and termination of faculty shall be reviewed by the Office of the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs prior to taking such action.
  5. Approve compensated and uncompensated leaves of absence for all personnel.

B. The University’s Office of Human Resources is delegated authority and responsibility for providing a coordinated system of personnel management and administration for all Administrative and Support employees. It provides oversight and guidance to hiring units for the following functions:

1) Acting appointments.

2) Original appointments and hiring salaries for original appointments.

3) Annual and other salary increases.

4) Salary changes due to promotion, reassignment, and/or demotion.

5) Bonuses, compensation, and incentive plans.

6) Dual employment and/or dual compensation.

7) Addition, deletion, and transfer of authorized positions.

8) Classification and reclassification of positions.

9) Overlap in positions.

10) Disciplinary actions.

11) Terminations and non-reappointments

12) Other HR functions as needed.


For purposes of the Personnel Program, the following definitions apply:
  1. “University employees” or “employees” are those individuals who have been hired by the University, receive financial compensation to perform services for the University, and whose work is directed and controlled by the University.

    The term "employee" excludes volunteers and independent contractors

  2. University employees are categorized into one or more of the following categories:
  1. EXECUTIVE SERVICE: Executive Service employees ordinarily report directly to the University President, unless otherwise specified in writing. Executive Service employees may include the vice presidents and other positions responsible for policymaking at the executive level.

    Employees in Executive Service serve at the will of the University President and have no expectation of appointment beyond a 60 days’ notice period. However, tenured faculty members who serve in positions designated as Executive Service retain their earned tenure as a faculty member.

  2. UNIVERSITY TEACHING FACULTY: An employee is categorized as Faculty if they provide direct instruction, research, public service, student support, and administrative duties that may vary from semester to semester.  Faculty includes any employee on a faculty pay plan as well as adjunct faculty on an Other Personnel Services (OPS) pay plan. Faculty may provide direct instructional services to students or provide direct or indirect support in the instruction of students by establishing curriculum and other requirements involved in teaching students. Instructional services also include classroom activities, research laboratories, co-curricular activities or service activities in which students participate. These employees may be on a tenured/tenured-track line or under contract by the university in a faculty or other academic personnel or personnel support position. Faculty hold a variety of positions such as provost, deans, professors, lecturers, librarians, distinguished professors, eminent scholars, curators, scholars, scientists, engineers, and clinicians.
  3. ADMINISTRATORS: An administrator is an employee who has managerial responsibilities for the operations of departments, teams, units, projects, or programs. Administrators do not have a faculty pay plan designation.
  4. ADMINISTRATIVE AND PROFESSIONAL: Administrative and Professional employees (also known as “A&P”) are employees who perform administrative and management responsibilities or professional duties at the department/unit level, or above, that do not fall within the definition of Administrators.
  5. SUPPORT: An employee is a Support employee if they are in a position that performs paraprofessional, clerical, secretarial, technical, skilled crafts, service, or maintenance duties, including those historically referred to as USPS.
  6. OTHER PERSONNEL SERVICES (OPS): An OPS employee is a temporary employee with no guarantee of continued employment. OPS employees also may not be eligible for certain benefits available to other types of University employees. See, e.g., Florida Statute § 110.131.


A. The University Personnel Program is not a contract or a guarantee of employment and may be subject to change.

B. University employees are required to adhere to the University’s Code of Conduct and Ethics policies, as well as all other University regulations and policies.

C. The provisions of the Personnel Program are subject to all applicable federal, state, and local laws.

D. Pursuant to Florida Statute § 435.05, employees must inform the University immediately if arrested for any of the disqualifying offenses listed in Florida Statute § 435.04(2) while employed by the University.

Authority: BOG Regulation 9.006; BOT Amended and Approved 02/26/24.

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