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Regulations and Policies

Regulations & Policies

Academic Affairs - Enrollment Services


To provide guidelines and procedures to ensure that student Education Records are maintained in a confidential and secure manner by the University, its faculty and staff and others who may come in contact with such records.


Protecting the personal information of our students from unauthorized disclosure and use is of the utmost importance to the University. Those who come into contact with such personal information must be aware of their obligations, as set forth in this policy.

  1. Legal Requirements

    The University shall maintain Education Records in a confidential manner pursuant to and consistent with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 197 4, as amended ("FERPA"). FERPA provides students with a right of access to their Education Record, permits students to request that such record be amended under certain circumstances, and generally prohibits the non-consensual release of such record.


    This policy applies to all students who are or who have been in attendance at the University.                                                                                                                                                                                                                 The University informs students of their rights under FERPA by annual publication of this University policy (i) via the University Catalog, (ii) via email, and (iii) via the website of the Office of Records and Registration.
  2. Student's Right to Inspect and Review Their Education Record.

    A student may request to inspect and review their Education Record by contacting the Office of Records and Registration to request a Student Request to Inspect and Review form. The form is also available from either One-Stop Student Services or the University Registrar. Upon receipt of the completed form, the University will respond to the request within 45 days; however arrangements for inspection of the Education Record will be made as expeditiously as possible.
    To ensure the integrity of the Education Record, the inspection and review by the student must take place in the presence of an authorized University employee. The Education Record may not be changed, altered or deleted during the inspection and review.
    A student may obtain a copy of all or a portion of their Education Record upon payment of a copying charge, as prescribed by Florida law.
    A student may waive their right to access confidential letters and confidential statements of recommendation. However, employees or agents of the University may not require a student to waive such right to access as a condition to receiving a University service or benefit. Even if a student waives such right to access, the student may, upon request, receive the names of any individual that provided a confidential letter or confidential statement of recommendation.

  3. Student's Right to Request an Amendment to Their Education Record                                                            If a Student believes that their Education Record contains information that is inaccurate, misleading or in violation of their privacy rights, the Student may request that their Education Record be amended. Such a request, made in writing to the University Registrar, should clearly identify the part of the Education Record that the student would like to be amended and should describe with specificity the reason or reasons that the Education Record is inaccurate, misleading or in violation of their privacy rights. The University Registrar will decide whether to amend the Education Record, as requested, and will notify the student in writing of the decision, within a reasonable time after receipt of the request. If the University Registrar decides not to amend the record, as requested, the notification will also advise the student of their right to a hearing and provide additional information regarding the hearing procedures.

  4. Student's Right to Consent Prior to Disclosure 

    A Student may authorize the University to the release their Education Record to a third-party by contacting the Office of Records and Registration or One-stop Student Services to request a Student Information Release Authorization form. The University may not disclose Personally Identifiable Information from a student's Education Record without their prior written consent, except in specific FERPA allowable situations, including but not limited to the following: A) The University may disclose Education Records without consent to a School Official with a Legitimate Educational Interest; 8) the University may disclose Education Records without consent to an official of another school in which a student seeks or intends to enroll or is already enrolled so long as the disclosure is for purposes related to the student's enrollment or transfer; and C) a student's Directory Information may be released freely unless the student files the appropriate Non-Disclosure Request form to prevent that student's directory information from being released. The Non-Disclosure Request form is available to all students in the student portal.

  5. Student's Right to File Complaint 

    Any student who believes that their rights under FERPA have been violated may file a complaint with the Family Policy Compliance Office at the following address: Family Policy Compliance Office, United States Department of Education, 400 Maryland Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20202.

  6. Purging Education Records 

    Unless otherwise stated in applicable federal or state law, rule, regulation or guidance, and as provided in the Florida state retention schedule, all academic departments and individual instructors shall retain electronic and hard copy Education Records that are in their possession or control for five years plus one term and then purge those records. The University will purge Education Records for term-based courses from the Learning Management System after five years plus one term.


    Formerly 6C9-3.015

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