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Regulations and Policies

Regulations & Policies

Academic Affairs


To establish procedures for evaluating the academic chairs/directors (for the purposes of this policy, academic chairs and academic directors will be referred to as "chairs") and associate deans.


A performance planning and review of each academic chair and associate dean will be conducted annually. Additionally, a comprehensive review of the academic chair's performance over the term of his/her appointment will be conducted in the late fall of the penultimate year of the chair's appointment should he or she wish to be retained. Please refer to the Comprehensive Review of Chairs policy.


The Chair/Associate Dean's Annual Review:

  1. Shall include a concise statement of his/her goals and significant accomplishments for the previous fiscal/academic year as well as his/her goals for the next fiscal/academic year.
  2. Shall address his/her activities vis-à-vis the annual assignment: administration, teaching, research, and service.
  3. The due date for the chair/associate dean's annual report will be determined within each college.

The Dean's response to the Annual Review:

  1. Shall use these data to prepare an evaluation of the chair's/associate dean's performance.
  2. May include input from select and appropriate members of the college faculty and staff on the chair/associate dean's performance.
  3. Shall include a meeting between the dean and the chair/associate dean to review the evaluation. The chair/associate dean shall have two weeks from the written evaluation to respond to the dean's evaluation.

The annual review shall be retained in the administrator's evaluation file in the dean's office.

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