Audio Visual FAQ
How do I reserve an auditorium, technology-equipped classroom, or laboratory?
. Give the dates and times that you will need to reserve the space.
How do I gain access to an auditorium or technology-equipped classroom before the start of my class?
If you have any questions about the technology-equipped classrooms, auditoriums please contact the ITS Help Desk. The computers in the College of Computing, Engineering and Construction are secured with combination locks and assistance maybe needed to gain access.
Email: Send an e-mail request to Include the following information: name, daytime phone number, classroom or auditorium (building and room number), type of equipment needed (be specific), date(s) and time(s) the equipment is needed.
Phone: Call 904-620-HELP (4357).
How much advanced notice must I provide to reserve equipment or request a service?
To ensure availability and timely delivery faculty and staff should make requests for access to and deliveries of audiovisual equipment, including laptops, video projectors at least 24 hours in advance.
I know you provide audio visual service for academic courses, but what if my department needs equipment for a speaker, interview, or other event not tied directly to a 九色视频 course?
The Help Desk will give priority for audiovisual equipment to requests tied directly to a course. The Help Desk will accommodate other requests on a case by case basis and as resources are available. The Help Desk will notify the requestor within 24 hours if the resources are not available for an event not directly tied to a course.
How do I report a problem with equipment in a technology equipped classroom or auditorium?
Walk-in: Visit the Help Desk located on the first floor of the Thomas G. Carpenter Library Building 12 to report the problem.
Phone: Call 904-620-HELP (4357). A staff member will take the report over the phone. If the problem occurs during a class, you can call the Audio Visual Trouble HOTLINE at 904-620-2909.
Email: Send an e-mail to - include the following information: name, daytime phone number, classroom (building and room number) where equipment is located, nature of the problem (please be specific).
Visit the to see a list of the equipment housed in a technology-equipped classroom or auditorium. You will be required to login, using your network password and unfcsd\userID as the user ID.
What if I have requested equipment every time my class meets for the term and I do not need the equipment on a certain day?
Faculty with recurring requests should notify the ITS Help Desk when they do not need the equipment or service for a given day or time period.
Phone: 904-620-HELP (4357)
What if I am attending a conference and need to check-out a laptop and/or portable projector overnight?
Staff should reach out to their C-Tech to discuss their needs and determine the best course of action.
Faculty may check-out a laptop and/or portable projector from the Center for Instructional Research & Training (CIRT).
Walk-in: Visit Honors Hall, Building 10, Room 1150
Phone: Call 904-620-3927
Email: Send an e-mail to