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Environmental Health and Safety

Special Event Planning Checklist

This document has been developed as a management tool for university sponsored campus events.  Through the use of this list, accepted safety, environmental health and risk management standards and techniques can be applied to help insure a successful and accident-free event.


  1. Has the occupancy load/limit been determined for location to be used?
    • Yes
    • No (Contact EH & S for assistance)
    • Not Applicable
  2. Are stages and platforms appropriately guarded and edges and steps highlighted for clear visibility?
    • Yes
    • No (Contact EH & S for assistance)
    • Not Applicable
  3. Is the location adequately illuminated for the time and type of event?
    • Yes
    • No (Contact EH & S for assistance)
    • Not Applicable
  4. Have special lighting arrangements been made for outdoor location, e.g. flashlights, spot lights, security lighting?
    • Yes
    • No (Contact EH & S for assistance)
    • Not Applicable
  5. Does the location have at least two means of egress that are remote from each other?
    • Yes
    • No (Contact EH & S for assistance)
    • Not Applicable
  6. Are all exits clearly visible and marked to identify them as such?
    • Yes
    • No (Contact EH & S for assistance)
    • Not Applicable
  7. Are exits so arranged and maintained as to provide free and unobstructed egress from all occupied areas?  (No exit may be blocked with furniture, concessions, or locked from the inside; rugs, mats, electrical extension cords or other cables may not be placed across exit corridors so that they impede clear access to the exit doors and corridor.)
    • Yes
    • No (Contact EH & S for assistance)
    • Not Applicable
  8. Have stairs/stairwells and handrails been inspected to assure that they are in good condition? (No storage is permitted in stairwells or under stairs at any time)
    • Yes
    • No (Contact EH & S for assistance)
    • Not Applicable
  9. Will tents be used?  (Assembly and maintenance of tents must comply with requirements of NFPA standards 101 & 102)
    • Yes
    • No (Contact EH & S for assistance)
    • Not Applicable
  10. Have walkways leading to and from the event site been inspected for potential slip & fall and trip & fall hazards? (Slip/trip/fall hazards must be corrected or exposure of participants to these hazards must be prevented prior and during the event)
    • Yes
    • No (Contact EH & S for assistance)
    • Not Applicable
  11. Have grassy areas to be used or in close proximity been inspected for holes and other hazards?
    • Yes
    • No (Contact EH & S for assistance)
    • Not Applicable
  12. Have areas in close proximity to event location been inspected for standing water or mosquito breeding areas, during the rainy season?
    • Yes
    • No (Contact EH & S for assistance)
    • Not Applicable


  1. Is food preparation and service in accordance with state health standards (F.A.C. 10D-13.0121)?   (Handouts that outline these standards are available from Student Life or EH & S)
    • Yes
    • No (Contact EH & S for assistance)
    • Not Applicable
  2. Have arrangements been made to keep perishable foods refrigerated until they are to be used?
    • Yes
    • No (Contact EH & S for assistance)
    • Not Applicable
  3. Have arrangements been made to maintain ‘hot foods’ at a minimum of 160 °F,  and cold foods at a maximum of 40 °F?
    • Yes
    • No (Contact EH & S for assistance)
    • Not Applicable
  4. Have arrangements been made for food handlers to wash their hands with soap and water?
    • Yes
    • No (Contact EH & S for assistance)
    • Not Applicable
  5. Are facilities available for potable water?
    • Yes
    • No (Contact EH & S for assistance)
    • Not Applicable
  6. Have arrangements been made for waste management and disposal? (Arrangements for clean-up and waste disposal must be coordinated with the Physical Facilities Department prior to the event; disposal fees may apply campus events)
    • Yes
    • No (Contact EH & S for assistance)
    • Not Applicable
  7. Has the health status of individuals assigned for food preparation been established? (Commercial vendors should furnish proof of health status for  any food servers furnished to 九色视频 by contract)
    • Yes
    • No (Contact EH & S for assistance)
    • Not Applicable
  8. Are barbeque grills setup at least 10 ft. from any building?
    • Yes
    • No (Contact EH & S for assistance)
    • Not Applicable
  9. Is a portable fire extinguisher available within 25 feet of barbeque grills?
    • Yes
    • No (Contact EH & S for assistance)
    • Not Applicable


  1. Does this event require coordination with the Physical Facilities Department? (Representative events that might required coordination include bonfires, facility setup, area clean-up, or special equipment requirements)
    • Yes
    • No (Contact EH & S for assistance)
    • Not Applicable
  2. Is setup planned such that aisle ways and doorways are free of cords, protrusions and other obstructions that could cause tripping, struck-by injuries?
    • Yes
    • No (Contact EH & S for assistance)
    • Not Applicable
  3. Have arrangements been made for emergency lighting? (Outdoor activities may meet this requirement with using large battery operated flashlights)
    • Yes
    • No (Contact EH & S for assistance)
    • Not Applicable
  4. Have responsibilities for execution of emergency evacuation procedures been addressed?
    • Yes
    • No (Contact EH & S for assistance)
    • Not Applicable
  5. Have appropriate accommodations been made for emergency evacuation for persons with disabilities?
    • Yes
    • No (Contact EH & S for assistance)
    • Not Applicable
  6. Is event setup planned such that access to alarm activation and warning devices are kept clear and accessible?
    • Yes
    • No (Contact EH & S for assistance)
    • Not Applicable
  7. Have security arrangements been confirmed with the University Police Department?
    • Yes
    • No (Contact EH & S for assistance)
    • Not Applicable
  8. In addition to 7 above, have procedures been established for effective crowd control?
    • Yes
    • No (Contact EH & S for assistance)
    • Not Applicable
  9. Have arrangements been made to setup barricades to clearly delineate areas for pedestrian and   vehicular traffic?
    • Yes
    • No (Contact EH & S for assistance)
    • Not Applicable
  10. When required, have arrangements been made to maintain radio communication between the event organizers and event staff?
    • Yes
    • No (Contact EH & S for assistance)
    • Not Applicable
  11. Will event staff be clearly identifiable so that guests may request help or information?
    • Yes
    • No (Contact EH & S for assistance)
    • Not Applicable
  12. Have responsible individuals been identified to conduct roving inspections during event?  (Aware of general and specific crowd control, suspicious activity, hazards)
    • Yes
    • No (Contact EH & S for assistance)
    • Not Applicable
  13. Are procedures in place to enforce the state statute which prohibits smoking in public buildings?
    • Yes
    • No (Contact EH & S for assistance)
    • Not Applicable
  14. Will any Special Equipment, High Risk Activity or Animals be involved in the event?
    • Yes
    • No (Contact EH & S for assistance)
    • Not Applicable
  15. Have ADA accommodations been made to assist persons with disabilities to fully participate in the event as planned?  (Mobility Impairments, Sight Impairments, Speech Impairments, Hearing Impairments, Others)
    • Yes
    • No (Contact EH & S for assistance)
    • Not Applicable


  1. Have all combustible decorative materials that will be used in building been treated with flame retardant?
    • Yes
    • No (Contact EH & S for assistance)
    • Not Applicable
  2. Will there be a firework display at the event?
    • Yes
    • No (Contact EH & S for assistance)
    • Not Applicable
  3. Do you plan to have a bonfire at the event?
    • Yes
    • No (Contact EH & S for assistance)
    • Not Applicable
  4. Do you plan to have a barbeque at the event?
    • Yes
    • No (Contact EH & S for assistance)
    • Not Applicable
  5. Is the use of all “open flames” inside the building prohibited for this event? (Burning candles and all other forms of open flames are prohibited inside buildings)
    • Yes
    • No (Contact EH & S for assistance)
    • Not Applicable
  6. Will a post-event area inspection be conducted to insure that no fire or other hazards are left on site? (e.g. lit cigarette butts or other burning/smoldering material)
    • Yes
    • No (Contact EH & S for assistance)
    • Not Applicable
  7. Has a request for the use of pyrotechnic devices been submitted to EH & S for this event? (See the 九色视频 Pyrotechnic Plan for guidance)
    • Yes
    • No (Contact EH & S for assistance)
    • Not Applicable


  1. Have all contracts with performers, vendors, suppliers, donors, etc. been reviewed and signed by approved University authority?
    • Yes
    • No (Contact EH & S for assistance)
    • Not Applicable
  2. Does the event form include the standard 九色视频 performer contract?
    • Yes
    • No (Contact EH & S for assistance)
    • Not Applicable
  3. Have participants involved in high-risk activities been asked to complete a liability waiver?
    • Yes
    • No (Contact EH & S for assistance)
    • Not Applicable
  4. Has each vendor used in this event provided a Certificate of Liability that includes a written endorsement listing 九色视频 as an additional insured?
    • Yes
    • No (Contact EH & S for assistance)
    • Not Applicable