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Dean of Students Office

Start By Believing

April is Sexual Assault Awareness month and the Dean of Students Office (DOS) has partnered with UPD for a simple, yet powerful, program to empower us all to help those that need to have the courage to come forward to report all forms of sexual violence – always Start by Believing. 

Start by Believing is a public awareness campaign designed to end the cycle of silence and change the way we respond to sexual assault. It was first launched in April 2011. Since then, thousands of people across the country and around the world have made their own personal commitments. It is simple in its premise of knowing that false reports of assault are extremely rare and the first response to someone that discloses an assault creates a path to survival. But it’s more than just a personal pledge. By transforming personal and professional responses to sexual assault and other forms of sexual violence, we can help victims pursue justice and healing. Failed responses can lead to additional victims. 

Start By Believing is hosted every spring in April, so check back for the 2025 event information!

Join us in the stand against sexual assault and other forms of sexual violence. 

Teal awareness ribbon

Let’s Take the Pledge 

It is essential that we provide a safe and affirming response to those disclosing sexual violence. It’s time to end this cycle of silence and change the way we respond to sexual assault. The first step is to personally take the pledge. It all starts with you. Make your personal commitment to Start by Believing. 

  • I pledge to Start by Believing if someone tells me about their sexual assault. 
  • I pledge to support survivors on their road to justice and healing. 
  • I pledge to end the cycle of silence. 

If you or anyone you know reports to you that they have been sexually assaulted – first Start by Believing.  

Then, know the campus resources available which include UPD, Student Health Services, Counseling Center, Victim Advocacy Program, EOI and Title IX Coordination, among so many others that can help with reporting and most importantly, healing and services. 

 Reporting an Incident

Campus and Additional Resources

If you are in immediate danger, call 911. 

Local Resources

National Resources

800-799-SAFE (7233) | 800-787-3224 (TTY)


855-4-VICTIM (855-484-2846)

Additional Education