Property Online Checkout Form FAQs
Why is the Property Online Checkout Form needed?
Per the established Property Procedures on the 九色视频 Controller's website, prior to the removal of equipment for off campus business use, an online checkout form must be completed. -
Where can I find the Property Online Checkout form?
Access My Wings portal and click the Banner Finance Self-Service tile. The link to the Property Checkout form is listed at the bottom. -
How do I determine the equipment that has been checked out by our staff?
After clicking the Property Checkout link, click the Search Property Checkout Request(s), then click the Search Equipment by Requestor, Employee, and Student. This will take you to a screen that gives you multiple fields to search by. Once you enter the criteria(s) in one or several of the fields, click the Create Property Report button. If you get a query returned no records, no equipment has been checked out by the staff. It may also mean you do not have access to banner finance self-service. -
How do I get access to banner finance self-service?
Email Provide your name and N number. The requestor should be an employee within the department authorized to grant access and is other than the employee who needs access to banner finance self-service. -
If I have an employee who is leaving 九色视频 and has equipment checked out, when should the equipment be returned?
The equipment must be returned before the employee's last day of employment. If arrangements have been made to extend the use of the equipment beyond the last day of employment, the extended use must be for the benefit and business purposes of the university. The Property Office must be advised of the arrangement in advance, in writing. Approval of the arrangement from the department Chair or Director must be obtained. An agreeable deadline will need to be communicated with the user for the proper and timely return of the equipment. Departments are not to deviate from this. Departments are to advise the Property Office of the equipment return deadline prior to the agreement. -
What if the return date needs to be extended?
Approval for the extension must be obtained from the Property Office and department Chair or Director. The current online checkout form will need to be submitted for closure and a renewal form processed. -
What if the user fails to return the equipment by the deadline date?
It is the sole responsibility of the issuing department to ensure the safe return of the equipment. Communicate with the user by email or phone, asking when they plan to return the equipment. Please let Property and Payroll know of this communication. We will then advise you on the next steps that will be taken. Unreturned property is governed by the university's Employee Debt Collection regulations 6.0140R. -
Is there a checklist available online to use as a guide?
Yes, this form is available in the My Wings portal, Employee Resources tile. Once you click on the tile, go to Employee Forms, then Human Resources. Click the Human Resources Forms (website). Under Employment title, click the Employee Exit Checklist link. -
I used the employee exit checklist and the equipment has been returned, is there anything thing else that needs to be done?
Yes. The Property Online Checkout form the equipment was listed under must be submitted for closure. Once you access the form, go the bottom of the form and click the Submit for Closure button. This will start the check in approval process. -
I am unable to submit the Property Checkout form for closure, what do I do?
If you were not the requestor of the Property Checkout form, you will not be able to submit the form for closure. Email Banner Property and we will submit the form for closure on your behalf. Please include the property checkout request number and property number of the equipment in your request. -
The equipment was returned, but the employee/user has already left 九色视频 and no longer has access to banner finance self-service to approve the employee check in. What do I do?
A proxy will need to be assigned on behalf of the employee/user to approve the equipment check in. Email Banner Property and let us know who you would like to be assigned as proxy.